How to Beat Okumura in Persona 5 Royal

How to Beat Okumura in Persona 5 Royal

As a seasoned gamer who has battled countless bosses across various dimensions and realms, I can confidently say that Persona 5 Royal’s Okumura is one of the most challenging encounters I’ve faced yet. The sheer complexity and intricacy of this fight demand meticulous planning and precise execution, making it a true testament to my gaming prowess.

Persona 5 Royal is a well-liked role-playing video game where you encounter tough boss fights. One particularly challenging opponent is Okumura; defeating him needs strategic thinking and precise moves. Lots of players have faced difficulties in this stage, struggling to figure out how to break through Okumura’s strong defenses.

To overcome Okumura in Persona 5 Royal, it’s crucial to employ a mix of smart approaches such as maximizing your team’s skills, identifying and leveraging enemy vulnerabilities, and using resources prudently. Here are some top techniques to help you vanquish Okumura and advance deeper into the game.

Start by Building a Strong Team

To ensure success when downloading games such as Persona 5 Royal, it’s advisable to assemble a robust team from the beginning. This will require you to prepare a team with suitable build configurations.

In the battle against Okumura, he tends to enhance his robots frequently. To counter this, you’ll require a Phantom Thief equipped with a special spell known as Dekaja. This spell doesn’t cause harm, but it eliminates buffs from your adversaries. Additionally, it would be beneficial to learn another spell called Dekunda, which removes buffs from all your team members.

A panther character gains access to these spells once it hits level 16 within the game. The spells’ knowledge can be acquired by visiting the Confessional located in Kanda.

The Characters You Want On Your Team

As a die-hard fan, I’ve found that not every character in Persona 5 Royal is best suited for battling Okumura. If you’re aiming to swiftly defeat this boss, here are the characters you’d want on your team:

  • Noir: For Mediarama, Magaru, and Rakukaja
  • Morgana: To get the Mapsio and Amrita Drop
  • Panther: To use the Dekaja spell

Get the Right Items

Alongside healing supplies and magic spells, you’ll also require revival items. This is essential since during Okumura’s attack, he causes hunger to affect not only you but your allies as well.

The items you need are: 

  • Yokisoba pan: You can find this item at the Shujin Academy store, and it costs ¥150. It will heal you with 50HP. 
  • Torimeshi Ration: You can find this item in the vending machine at Untouchable. It costs ¥800 and Cures Hunger for one ally.
  • Baptismal Water: Find this at Kanda. It will cost you ¥1000 and will remove all buffs on enemies. 
  • Kundaclear-R: Find this item at Takemi Clinic for ¥1600. It works by removing all stat debuffs for one ally. 
  • Hunger Gem: You can find this item at Shibuya Mall for ¥80,000. This item works by nullifying hunger.
  • Alert Capsule: Find this item at the Takemi Clinic for ¥800. It will cure various attacks, such as dizziness and sleepiness, for one teammate. 

Coming to the Boss Fight 

With the necessary builds and spells in hand for Persona 5, it’s now time to engage Okumura in battle. This fight is expected to last approximately 30 minutes. To ensure a victory over Okumura, you and your team should aim to eliminate all the robots on the field. It’s crucial that none of them escape, as Okumura has the ability to spawn additional robots if any manage to get away.

The First Wave of Robots 

Initially in the battle, Okumura summons a cluster of MDL-WKR Corporobos at level 43. At this point, Okumura selects one Phantom Thief for these Corporobos to target. In your turn, employ fire and wind attacks against them.

Second Wave – Cognitive Haru

Once you’ve eliminated all the robots, Okumura will call upon Dual-Move Cognitive Haru. Prepare to counter the approaching robots with a combination of Ice and Psy attacks.

Third Wave of Robots

For the third wave of robots, you’ll find that they resist most attacks except Nuke or Electricity. Use Makoto’s Mafrei to kill them. You can also use Haru’s Triple Down to inflict gun damage. 

Fourth Wave of Robots 

For the fourth generation of robots, employ attacks like Bless, Whirlwind, or Firearm to cause substantial harm.

Fifth and Sixth Wave of Robots

In this particular wave, the robots prove to be a bit challenging due to their resistance to attacks. However, you can still harm them by using either ‘Curse’ or ‘Psy’ spells since they are vulnerable to these two magic types. Make sure to utilize your blocking skill during the sixth wave of these robots.

The Final Wave

In the last round, Okumura is going to bring out his character, Cognitive Haru. When Cognitive Haru assaults, make sure to use your defense move. Once you’ve defeated all the robots, Okumura will become vulnerable and can be taken down with just a couple of attacks.

Final Thoughts

Certainly, overcoming Okumura in Persona 5 Royal requires patience and a carefully planned approach. Follow the advice provided in this guide to conquer this boss swiftly and celebrate a hard-earned triumph alongside your squad!

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2024-08-08 19:18