How To Beat The Rathalos In Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, you’re transported to the Forbidden Realms, an area where various ecosystems thrive with numerous monsters, all existing in a delicate harmony. This ruthless environment can be easily disrupted by even the smallest of actions, an experience you will personally witness once you complete the main storyline.

In the thrilling comeback of the Apex of the Skies, Rathalos graces Wilds with an even fiercer presence than before! Known as the quintessential monster in the entire series, this battle promises to be nothing short of spectacular. Here’s everything you should know about it!

Rathalos – Strengths And Weaknesses

Weak Points
  • Head (Breakable)
  • Wings (Breakable twice)
  • Legs
  • Tail (Severable)
Resistant Points
  • Neck
  • Torso
Elemental/Ailment Weakness
  • Thunder
  • Dragon
Elemental/Ailment Resistance Immune to Fire-type Damage.
Best Weapon Damage
  • Slashing
  • Bludgeoning

As a gamer, I can tell you that Rathalos, this formidable foe, isn’t any stronger against Slashing or Bludgeoning damage. Any weapon tagged under those categories should do just fine in taking him down. When it comes to elemental attacks, keep in mind that Rathalos is weak to Thunder and Dragon damage. That means weapons from monsters like Rey Dau or Guardian Arkveld will deal some serious blows!

On the battlefield, focus on striking its body parts: the head, torso (or trunk), limbs (arms and legs), and tail. If possible, choose weapons that can target its upper extremities such as wings, but if your arsenal lacks such options, attacking its lower limbs is a reliable strategy.

Best Equipment To Fight Rathalos

Best Recommended Weapons
  • Tonitrus Clairblade (Rey Dau – Long Sword)
  • Kuara Clairsword (Rey Dau – Sword And Shield)
  • G. Resounding Galahad (Guardian Arkveld – Hunting Horn)
Best Recommended Armor
  • Ajarakan
  • Rathian

When selecting the recommended weapons, we always suggest using their top-tier upgrades, but it’s important to note that any stage or level of these weapons’ lineups will still be effective.

You can effectively utilize either the Tonitrus Clairblade, the Kuara Clairsword, or the G. Resounding Galahad in combat. These weapons offer a significant impact not only on standard damage but also on elemental damage, making them versatile and efficient choices for battle.

From a defensive standpoint, the Ajarakan and Rathian armor sets offer suitable Fire Resistance, along with impressive abilities such as Divine Blessing, Partbreaker, or Resentment.

Rathalos – Fight Breakdown And Moves

Just like Rathian, Rathalos is a colossal beast, meaning any movement it makes or bite it takes can inflict significant pain. Therefore, it’s essential to stay alert and ready to dodge its actions. Unlike Rathian, which predominantly uses Poison damage, Rathalos favors the Fire element more intensely, so be sure to pay close attention to its attacks.

This entity has the ability to effortlessly unleash fireballs, launch waves of fire from high above, and cause massive fiery blasts that inflict significant damage at a distance. To avoid these long-range attacks, it’s crucial to maintain a safe distance. However, it may occasionally descend to claw at you; be nimble in dodging those claws, as they can also contaminate you with poison.

Essentially, maintain a proximity, observe its actions carefully, and ensure not to get scorched. With these precautions, you will successfully handle it in due time.

Rathalos – Drops And Materials

Rathalos can only be fought in High-Rank difficulty, and it can drop the following materials:

High Rank Drops
Rathalos Wing+
Rathalos Scale+
Rathalos Carapace
Rathalos Tail
Inferno Sac
Rath Medulla
Rathalos Certificate S
Rathalos Ruby

Hunting Objectives

Repeatedly tracking down this beast will grant you various titles to adorn your Hunter’s Portfolio.

Objective Reward Title
Hunt 20 times Rathalos
Hunt 30 times Sky
Hunt 40 times Prince
Hunt 50 times King

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2025-03-01 01:36