How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

As a seasoned adventurer with countless battles under my belt, I can confidently say that taking down the elusive Yellow Wind Sage is no walk in the park. His stealthy attacks and powerful magic will surely test even the most agile of warriors.

In the game ‘Black Myth: Wukong’, during your exploration of Yellow Wind Ridge, a certain figure is often mentioned: the Yellow Wind Sage. This character is frequently referred to in enemy tales and conversations as you progress through this level, suggesting a formidable sage with mastery over the wind and causing fear among their followers. True to form, when you reach the massive whirlwind at the core of Yellow Wind Ridge, the sage proves to be just as powerful and threatening as described.

In Chapter 2 of the game “Black Myth: Wukong,” the Yellow Wind Sage serves as your ultimate test. His moveset poses a threat from any range, making him a formidable opponent. To emerge victorious against this ominous crafter of sandstorms, it’s essential to seize every advantage available. So, let’s discuss some strategies.

Preparations – Suggested Spells and Finding the Wind Tamer

How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

Here are a few strategies to lessen the challenge in confronting the Yellow Wind Sage, with the Wind Tamer being the most effective method. This tool enhances your resistance to damage and helps dispel the Samadhi Wind that the Sage calls forth. To find the Wind Tamer, you must first finish the quest of the Yellow-Robed Squire and then enter the Secret: Kingdom of Sahali. Once you’ve vanquished the boss within, you will be rewarded with the Wind Tamer.

As a gamer, I find myself torn between choosing Red Tides and Azure Dust Transformations. The Red Tides can inflict significant damage with its Burning Sage ability, making it an attractive choice. However, the added tankiness of Azure Dust, coupled with the potential to knock the sage flat upon landing a heavy attack or spell, is hard to ignore.

Boss Moveset

Phase 1

How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

When you first approach the boss, he tends to perform a series of slashes with his staff, sending out blades of wind toward you. With good timing, you can perfect dodge through these wind blades as they get close, though dodging to the side as they get close or hopping over the horizontal blades will also work. The Yellow Wind Sage usually fires two wind blades with consecutive staff swings, then vaults into the air as he fires the third blade. He can also fire a single blade before transitioning to an overhead slam that sends glowing spikes shooting out of the ground in a line. Luckily, this slam can be avoided by dodging to the left or right as the staff comes down. After the staff hits the ground, you’ll have a short opening to attack the Yellow Wind Sage while he recovers.

When you’re up close, the Yellow Wind Sage uses several melee combos. His most commonly used combo is a single horizontal swing, followed by a back-and-forth double swing, and then an overhead slam that sends out spikes in a line ahead of him. Much like when he uses the overhead slam after firing a wind blade, you can dodge to the side and counterattack while he recovers from the final slam. Stay mobile and dodge the combo until he performs the slam, giving you the perfect opening to counterattack. He will also perform a two-step attack where he stabs his staff into the ground, then jumps and performs a stomping attack. Dodge as he stabs down and again as he stomps, then get in a few hits if you’re feeling confident.

How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

An alternative way for the Yellow Wind Sage to engage in a close-quarters battle is a sequence involving his staff. First, he retracts it behind him, causing the base to illuminate. Next, he swings it forward followed by a leap forward and concludes with a broad sweep. This move can be evaded by moving to his side and ensuring you aren’t in front of him for safety.

As I squared off against The Yellow Wind Sage, I quickly realized that this battle wasn’t going to be straightforward. In the initial stages, he’d throw me off balance by occasionally swapping up his combo sequences. One moment he’d skip the second part of his usual melee combo and follow up with an overhead slam instead. It was crucial for me to stay vigilant, waiting for clear openings in his attacks – like right after the overhead slam or following the third wind blade. Another opportunity to strike would present itself after he used Rock Solid to parry my attack, or if I managed to knock him over with a heavy blow.

Phase 2

How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

Once his health diminishes by about one-third, the Yellow Wind Sage will begin generating powerful gusts around himself, bragging about his Samadhi Wind and spinning his staff above. If you possess the Wind Tamer, use it immediately to stun him and dissipate the wind, creating a fantastic opportunity for you to launch heavy assaults (this is also an excellent moment to employ Pluck of Many). If you lack the Wind Tamer, you’ll need to retreat until the whirlwind around him subsides. Its area of effect is quite expansive, so retreat as far as possible.

In this stage, he will begin to vanish and strike from hidden locations. When he suddenly reappears charging at you with his hand radiating light, swiftly move aside to dodge the shower of spikes he summons, then evade once more as he follows up with a pair of broad, sweeping attacks. If he re-emerges while leaping towards you, quickly slide to one side to dodge his downward strike and repeat the action as he reverses direction. If he appears flying towards you with one foot lifted, it means he’s about to execute a stomp attack, so move left or right to avoid it and retaliate once the attack lands.

Following this segment of the battle, he may incorporate these attacks into his standard melee combinations as well. Therefore, it is important to remain vigilant and keep an eye out for them during any part of the fight, not just when he disappears.

He gains a new melee combo in this phase too, where he raises his hand glowing with light, before punching down into the ground and then slamming his staff down on the same spot. This is an easy one to dodge due to the wind-up, so just keep an eye on him and roll to either side as he performs each slam. He can also perform a staff swing before swinging a glowing hand upward, conjuring a line of spikes similar to the ones produced by his slam attacks. Dodge towards and around him so he isn’t facing you when he summons the spikes.

How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

During this stage, the swift and agile Yellow Wind Sage has an annoying move where he rushes towards you and executes a swift kick. If you fail to evade the kick, he’ll hurl you upwards, initiating a prolonged and unavoidable combo attack that often depletes a large portion of your health, possibly even draining it all. Keep an eye out for him charging towards you to perform the kick; swiftly maneuver away from him using any available means since this move is a grab and bypasses defenses like Rock Solid and Resolute Counterflow.

Phase 3

How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

When Yellow Wind Sage’s health drops by about one third, he’ll unleash stronger spells. As he thrusts his staff into the ground and starts waving his arms, a gradual whirlwind forms, tracking you across the battlefield. This wind vortex deals damage and sends you flying if it touches you. Since it moves slowly, you can dodge it by moving away from it while keeping an eye on its location to avoid getting too close. It’s also worth noting that using Wind Tamer will dissipate the whirlwind, so use this ability when it’s available and seize the brief stun to attack the boss.

Keep an eye out for another potential threat: the summoning of Fuban, a massive beetle creature, who will execute a powerful body slam. The camera will adjust to give you a view of Fuban approaching the arena. To dodge successfully, move to the side as it gets near you. Alternatively, if you’re unsure about your timing, you can step back and move to the side to avoid being in the impact zone.

How to Beat the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong

Apart from the two distinct incidents, Phase 3 essentially follows the pattern of Phase 2. Continue applying pressure and inflict harm whenever the Sage provides an opportunity to do so.

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2024-08-25 19:33