How to complete Kaycee’s Mod in Inscryption

How to complete Kaycee's Mod in Inscryption

Quick Links

  • Building Your Run
  • The Prospector
  • The Angler
  • The Trapper & Trader
  • Final Boss Leshy

As someone who has spent countless hours delving into the eerie world of Inscryption, I can confidently say that the final boss battle against Leshy is a true testament to the game’s intricate design and challenging nature. Having faced the Prospector, the Angler, and the Trader multiple times, I have come to appreciate their unique mechanics and strategies.

Inscryption is a chilling game where cards serve as the narrative tool to unveil the bleak history of its dismal universe. Kaycee’s Mod, a complimentary expansion from the creators, offers a replayable roguelike version of the initial chapter in Inscryption. Hidden beneath the terror and genuine tales of the primary game lies an original card game that boasts captivating replayability, complex puzzles, and difficulty that rewards skillful progress.

Inscription functions as both a puzzle-style game and a card game. Your adversary must abide by the same set of rules, but with an additional row showing anticipated moves to help strategize turns. The balance of the game is determined by “Justice Scales,” which consist of a total of ten hit points that are shared between you and your opponent.

To emerge victorious in a match, inflicting five units of damage from the midpoint of the scale is essential. The greater the amount of damage you sustain, the more damage you’ll need to dish out to secure victory. Here, we’ll explore the four map zones and bosses within Kaycee’s Mod, offering some tactical advice to help give players an edge.

Essentially, Kaycee’s Mod centers around unveiling cards by playing games and acquiring fresh starter decks, along with adjustable difficulty settings to advance. It’s best to start with the base game to grasp the range of cards, subtle rule differences, and reward structure. This will help you plan and strategize effectively.

As a gamer, I navigate my journey through the game’s world like a chess piece, making strategic decisions at each juncture, encountering diverse challenges and fine-tuning my deck along the way. My ultimate goal is to confront the area boss. In Kaycee’s Mod, the order of these bosses is randomly shuffled, so it’s crucial for me to keep an eye on the map as I progress, adjusting my strategy accordingly. The map is filled with icons, each one representing a unique feature or challenge that I must understand and adapt to in order to conquer the game.

Question CardChoose a card out of three random choices
Animal CardChoose a random card based on its animal type
Blood CardChoose a random card based on its cost
BonfireChoose a card from your deck to upgrade its strength or defense
Sacrifice StoneSacrifice a card to apply its sigils to another card
BackpackChoose three items, if you already have three, add a Rat Pack to your deck
BeartrapThe Trapper will trade teeth earned from battles for Pelts
Trading PostThe Trader will trade Pelts for cards based on Pelt Quality
Wood CarvingChoose a totem piece out of three random choices
CaveChoose one of three trials for a powerful card
MushroomCombine two identical cards to merge their stats and sigils
X CardRemove a card from your deck for an increase in starting bones
Painting CanvasCopy a card with a chance to be stronger, weaker, or the same
PickaxeChoose one of three boulders for a chance at a Gold Pelt or a random card
SkullA standard combat scenario
Intricate SkullA totem combat scenario with increased difficulty

Building Your Run

How to complete Kaycee's Mod in Inscryption

When launching Kaycee’s Mod, you will initially select your starting deck and allocate challenge points to progressively unlock additional decks and cards, much like the game Balatro. Your chosen starting decks determine the initial composition of your cards, influencing the interactions between them. There are a total of eight starter decks available.

  • Vanilla Deck: Stoat, Bullfrog, and Wolf
  • High Cost Deck: Black Goat, Moose Buck, and Mole
  • Ant Deck: Ant Queen, Flying Ant, and Skunk
  • Mantis God Deck: Mantis God, Ring Worm, and Ring Worm
  • Waterborne Deck: Kingfisher, Kingfisher, and Great Kraken
  • Bone Deck: Raccoon, Dire Wolf Pup, and Coyote
  • Zero Cost Deck: Rabbit, Tadpole, and Geck
  • Curious Egg Deck: Curious Egg, Curious Egg, and Curious Egg

The challenge points function as adjustable levels of difficulty for your game, which you can use to unlock fresh decks. They work much like the “heat” system found in Hades; each level has a specific value related to its difficulty, and reaching a certain minimum total is needed to advance.

The minimum point values steadily increase as you win, scaling the difficulty with your increased strengths. These challenges vary from starting with fewer items to having extra damage for each combat.

In accordance with what’s been mentioned earlier, the sequence and order of the bosses is random and unforeseeable. This guide will therefore follow the arrangement you come across the bosses in the original game. While some of these bosses alter the cards they employ to match your deck, the fundamental strategies remain consistent.

The Prospector

How to complete Kaycee's Mod in Inscryption

In terms of mechanical complexity, the Prospector fight among the boss battles in Kaycee’s Mod is the most straightforward, but this simplicity doesn’t equate to an easy encounter.

The scenario consistently unfolds in a similar fashion, featuring a Pack Mule positioned closely either with a Coyote or a Wolf nearby. Each turn, the Pack Mule will relocate to an adjacent space if there’s enough room to do so. To successfully overcome the Prospector, it’s crucial to eliminate the Pack Mule prior to engaging in the second phase of combat. Cards with deathtouch can efficiently handle this initial stage of the encounter.

The Pack Mule will give you extra cards which prepare you for phase two.

During this phase, the Prospector will clear one side of yours, swapping all cards with rocks (or boulders) that will obstruct your play area. It’s essential to keep your most powerful card reserved, as it plays a vital role in ensuring your continued existence in the game.

Ultimately, your adversaries will demolish the Strongholds, creating additional battlefields for you to strike back, and those extra cards should help tip the scales in your favor for the win.

The Angler

How to complete Kaycee's Mod in Inscryption

The Angler can be a frustrating boss fight if you don’t know what to expect.

It’s extremely difficult for opponents to challenge his Kingfisher cards, keeping a persistent damage output and providing an opportunity for him to strike on his next turn. Furthermore, he will swoop his hook over the latest card you’ve played, snatching whatever it holds at the end of his turn.

You can maximize this situation by playing squirrel cards at the end, which allows you to give an unwanted card to your opponent and replace any card they currently have with one of yours.

The key to getting through both stages involves utilizing flying cards for swift damage during the initial stage and completely avoiding the second stage altogether. In the second stage, the Angler sets up Bait Buckets in front of all your cards.

Attacking them will summon a Great White card, quickly becoming extremely dangerous.

Flying cards will attack over the Bait Buckets, making the final phase trivial.

The Trapper & Trader

How to complete Kaycee's Mod in Inscryption

The Trapper fight is tricky no matter when you reach it.

In this game setup, the tabletop will be filled with Strange Frog playing cards and a single Leaping Trap card. When the Strange Frogs are defeated, they transform into additional Leaping Traps. These traps eliminate the opponent’s card upon their destruction, earning you Wolf Pelts as compensation. This strategy is crucial for winning the battle.

In this phase, you should gradually weaken the Trapper and gather Pelts, all while strengthening your position for the upcoming stage. This part of the battle is particularly challenging since it requires sacrificing some creatures to obtain Pelts, but successfully doing so will significantly ease the second phase.

How to complete Kaycee's Mod in Inscryption

After overcoming the Trapper, his mask transforms into the Trader’s visage, and they present you with several trading options involving cards in exchange for Pelts. Keep in mind that if you collect all four cards in the first row, the Trader will be left unprotected for one turn, as any remaining cards continue to fight on his behalf.

Using the cards traded and your remaining cards makes dealing five damage very achievable.

Before engaging with the boss, any pelts you have stored in your inventory can be traded during the battle. However, any pelts obtained or spent during the fight won’t transfer to the next location.

Final Boss Leshy

How to complete Kaycee's Mod in Inscryption

As a seasoned gamer, I’ve come to realize that Leshy is unlike any other boss I encounter. Instead of being an intermediary challenge, Leshy stands as the final hurdle in my gaming runs. Unlike the usual two-phase battles, Leshy has three distinct phases, making him a formidable and intriguing adversary.

In this stage, the masks will rotate based on past battles, incorporating mechanisms from those encounters. For instance, Leshy will exclusively utilize uncommon cards, beginning with a Mole Man. The masks follow a consistent sequence, and here’s how their abilities work:

  • The Prospector: He will kill all your cards and replace them with Gold Nuggets.
  • The Angler: He will hook your most recent card to his side.
  • The Trader: He will give you a Pelt and offers two cards. He will keep what you don’t.

In the upcoming battles, strategies that proved effective in past fights might still apply to these mechanics; however, playing your most potent cards at the right moment is crucial. If a card is vital for victory, prioritize shielding it from traps and sweeping attacks, unless a swift win is possible, in which case, go all out immediately.

In due time, you’ll progress to the second stage, during which Leshy will employ cards representing deceased players. Moreover, Leshy will position Stumps before ground-bound cards and Snowy Firs as obstacles for airborne ones.

As long as you leave the first phase with momentum, this phase shouldn’t be too difficult.

Using cards that have a split strike feature will simplify this stage since you can take advantage of barriers to launch surprise, unhindered assaults.

How to complete Kaycee's Mod in Inscryption

The decisive stage commences as Leshy captures a picture of the moon behind him and lays down the Moon card. This move gives him control over every row on his side, making it more like a marathon than a sprint. The Moon card is also impenetrable against all types of attacks and boasts 40 points of health.

Every turn, the Moon seems to be chipping away at my cards, dealing a single damage each time, gradually whittling down my collection. At this stage, I anticipate having powerful attack cards in hand, making it more about endurance than outright offense – essentially, a test of who can last longer.

In this stage, waterlogged cards are quite resilient, but keep in mind that you can’t retaliate with damage until the Moon is obliterated. However, you can only sustain five points of damage before being eliminated.

When the Moon disappears, Leshy will be taken aback and amazed, leaving him vulnerable for unhindered attacks until you emerge victorious. In triumph, you’ll unlock a fresh starting deck, additional restrictive modifiers, and exciting new cards to explore in your upcoming journey through this ominous roguelike experience.

As a passionate card game enthusiast, I must confess that this battle seems intentionally challenging, even when utilizing top-tier decks. Introducing debilitating modifiers can only amplify the complexity of the contest.

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2024-09-13 20:39