How to counter Sleeper Agent in Black Ops 6

How to counter Sleeper Agent in Black Ops 6

As a seasoned Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that the Sleeper Agent ability has been causing quite a stir in the recent beta. However, fear not, for there are a few cunning strategies to counter this formidable Field Upgrade.

In the beta of Black Ops 6, the Sleeper Agent’s ability has been particularly strong, leaving players searching for effective counters. However, fret not, as there are several strategies to neutralize this formidable Field Upgrade.

Undercover Operative will seamlessly blend you into the opposing team’s ranks. Your identity tag will show up as friendly, and you’ll even assume the visual appearance of an enemy member. In the hustle and bustle of maps like Babylon, you can rack up impressive kill counts, with unsuspecting players walking right past you.

Hey fellow gamers! Tired of getting ambushed by sneaky Sleeper Agents? Here’s how I handle them:

Sleeper Agent counters in BO6

Use Vigilance Perk

Instead of being susceptible to the influence of a Sleeper Agent, activating the Vigilance Perk in the third slot offers complete immunity to its control, making any agent attempting to use it appear as an ordinary adversary.

This Perk is quite situational so if you’d rather have another equipped, here are a few more ways to counter Sleeper Agents.

How to counter Sleeper Agent in Black Ops 6


Keep an eye on the minimap

In the game, it’s possible for undercover enemies, known as Sleeper Agents, to blend in with your team members. Unlike your allies, these agents won’t show up on your mini-map as friends. If you spot someone in front of you who isn’t appearing on your mini-map, there’s a good chance they are actually an enemy using the Field Upgrade. So, be cautious and take aim when this happens.

Additionally, they might receive signals from drones or the sound of unmuted gunfire becomes noticeable, so stay alert for those occurrences as well.

Watch for aim assist

In disguise, the Sleeper Agent doesn’t disarm aim assistance, meaning when one passes by you, you may notice a subtle decrease in your shooting speed. I managed to spot and swiftly eliminate several Sleeper Agents using this tactic – before either of us realized it was happening.

There’s a major caveat here though: mouse and keyboard players don’t get aim assist and can’t take advantage of this counter.

How to counter Sleeper Agent in Black Ops 6


Play in a party

Instead of assembling a group specifically to thwart Sleeper Agent, I’d advise against that strategy. However, if you find yourself in a gathering, it offers an edge when dealing with those utilizing the Field Upgrade. The members of your party will appear as distinct colors compared to others, so having two or three companions means they are ‘trusted’ teammates who can’t be the Sleeper Agent.

As a gamer, when I’m in the game and playing as a full-stack character, I make it so the Sleeper Agent’s unique ability is nullified because my entire team appears distinct from them.

Additionally, you could secure optimal controller configurations, audio settings, and PC adjustments to give yourself a significant edge against other players.

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2024-09-09 14:36