How to Disable the Power to the Turret in Star Wars Outlaws

How to Disable the Power to the Turret in Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned Star Wars Outlaws player with countless hours under my belt, I must say that the environmental puzzles in this game are truly a testament to its depth and creativity. The Droidsmith mission is no exception, particularly the tricky turret disabling puzzle that left me scratching my head for a moment or two.

In the game titled Star Wars Outlaws, you’ll encounter various missions filled with challenging environmental puzzles. For instance, directing Nix to switch off an elusive power source hidden within a narrow tunnel or scaling a subtly indicated wall to uncover a concealed location can leave you pondering. A notable instance occurs in the mission called “The Droidsmith,” where Kay must deactivate the power supply of a lethal laser turret, requiring careful thought and strategy to complete successfully.

“Kay Vess’s initial major assignment, ‘The Droidsmith’, becomes accessible upon her arrival at Akiva. Although there’s no set rule about the order of planet visits, it’s entirely up to the player when they decide to visit Akiva. Therefore, ‘The Droidsmith’ mission can occur at various stages during gameplay. In this mission, Kay will confront a highly dangerous laser turret that she must deactivate before progressing. This guide will walk you through the steps Kay can take to complete her objective and reach the Droidsmith.”

How to Disable the Power to the Turret in Star Wars Outlaws

How to Disable the Power to the Turret in Star Wars Outlaws

Reaching the Turret:

In the story titled “The Droidsmith,” characters Kay and Nix find themselves requiring either combat or stealth to penetrate an immense Imperial compound on Akiva. Their objective: locating Gedeek, the craftsman of droids who gives the mission its name. While Kay is familiar with Gedeek, their last encounter was a job that went awry several cycles ago. Towards the end of their mission, Kay will come across an expansive testing area that appears to be designed for a modified Viper droid. Upon entering this chamber, the droid, identified as a ‘turret’ on the HUD, will commence firing at Kay. The only way it will cease fire is if Kay finds cover and becomes invisible from its line of sight.

Disabling the Power to the Turret – Step 1:

  • When Kay first rolls into the room, you’ll want to head behind cover immediately.
  • Make sure to take note of the room directly across the chamber that is blocked by the red barrier. This is your first goal.
  • Use cover to cross the chamber, stopping just outside the red barrier.

Step 2:

How to Disable the Power to the Turret in Star Wars Outlaws
  • From outside the barrier, press up on the D-pad to use Nix vision.
  • Look for the highlighted cable that runs from the barrier to a power box.
  • If the box already has a prompt for Nix, send him to turn the power off. If there is no prompt, either move closer, or hold down L1/LB to highlight everything Nix can interact with. A prompt should appear above the box. Tap L1/LB to send Nix.

Step 3:

  • With the red barrier down, head into the corridor and take the turbolift up to the next level.
  • At the top of the lift, you’ll find a small chamber that has a gray podium with a lever. Pull the lever and a hanging box will move across the large chamber and stop where you are located.
  • When the box comes to a stop, move as close to the box as you can without losing the prompt that will let you send Nix to pull the lever. When you’ve reached the limit, send Nix to pull the lever, then run on and jump onto the side of the box.
  • Hold onto the box as it moves across the larger chamber. Where you are should be safe from the turret.

Step 4:

  • The box will stop in a new chamber. Drop off the box and look around for a terminal near the window that overlooks the large chamber.
  • Use Star Wars Outlaws slicing mechanic to hack into the computer. Once you’re successfully in the terminal, disable the turret.
  • This will stop the turret dead in its tracks, and allow you to finish the final steps of “The Droidsmith.”

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2024-08-31 12:53