How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2

How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2


  • Nigel’s frantic search for his friend Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2 remains unsolvable after 8 years of hunting.
  • Clues suggest Nigel’s fabricated tale of Gavin’s success and whereabouts might be a way to cope with his own trauma.
  • The mystery of Gavin’s existence in the game leaves players questioning if he was real or just a figment of Nigel’s imagination.

As a seasoned explorer of the American frontier, I’ve encountered my fair share of mysteries and enigmatic characters during my journey westward. Yet none have piqued my curiosity quite like the elusive Gavin, a friend from back home in England, who according to Nigel, came with him to this wild new land.

In 2024, marking six years since its release, Red Dead Redemption 2 invites us to ponder one of its enduring enigmas: the elusive case of Gavin. During your journey across America’s expanses, you might encounter a frenzied yet courteous Englishman in search of his long-lost friend, Gavin. However, this quest remains unsolved, leaving players with only fragmented clues and speculative theories regarding the fate of Gavid.

Members of the “Red Dead Redemption 2” gaming community have been working diligently to solve the mystery surrounding the existence and location of the elusive character, Gavin. Is it possible for players to encounter Gavin in the game, or is he merely a creative invention? Let’s delve deeper into the enigma that is Gavin in “Red Dead Redemption 2“.

Meet Nigel

Gavin’s Self-Proclaimed Best Friend in 1899

How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2

Nigel is an unexpected encounter in “Red Dead Redemption 2,” and players can come across him by exploring the game’s towns and open fields. Noteworthy places where you can find him include the Rhodes Saloon, Roanoke Ridge, and Saint Denis, starting from Chapter 2. Nigel’s distinctive English accent and loud conversations make it difficult to overlook him as he searches for his friend Gavin, addressing an unseen audience. Some intriguing hints about Gavin’s identity are shared by Nigel himself, providing players with valuable clues.

  • He’s a big guy
  • Cockney accent from London
  • He left Nigel
  • He’s missing
  • He’s a funny bloke

As a gamer, I’d rephrase it like this: When Nigel described Gavin’s profile in RDR2, I didn’t get much help from him in identifying who this person is. Unlike the other characters I’ve encountered in the game, Gavin doesn’t have a distinct Cockney accent or an oversized frame that sets him apart. However, Nigel’s appearance offers some clues – he’s dressed formally and looks clean-shaven, suggesting that Gavin might not have been missing for too long.

Meeting Nigel in 1907

The Hunt For Gavin Continues 8 Years Later

How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2

During John Marston’s journey through the American wilderness, he may unexpectedly encounter Nigel. In the Epilogue, Nigel can be found in various places such as Blackwater, Tall Trees, MacFarlane’s Ranch, and to the east of Armadillo. His appearance has significantly deteriorated since eight years ago; his clothes are tattered and dirty, and he is covered in grime and perspiration. His mustache has grown wildly, and the deep circles under his eyes suggest a man who hasn’t washed or rested while searching for his companion.

An intriguing disclosure emerges from Nigel’s conversation with John following an eight-year long pursuit: “I can’t recall Gavin’s face. I’m in hot pursuit, yet clueless about his identity. I’ve invested my life… I squandered my life on this chase. I chased but saw nothing. Nothing at all. The name is Gavin…” Nigel has reached a dead end and is stuck in a vicious cycle, much like a dog endlessly chasing its own tail. Unyielding to the fact that he no longer recognizes who Gavin is, Nigel continues his relentless search for this elusive figure. The letter found on him sheds further light on the enigma of Gavin’s identity.

The Importance of Nigel’s Letter From Tom

Looting Nigel Provides A Curious Clue

How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2

After plundering Nigel’s hideout, players will stumble upon a letter written by a man called Tom. The content of the letter is provided below for players to read thoroughly. Subsequent conversations may delve into the significance and hints contained within the letter.

Dear Nigel,

It was a delight to receive your message. I can hardly believe it, my friend! Two of my childhood buddies – you and Gavin – have become prosperous cowboys in America. That’s simply astonishing news. Keep up the good work, my friend. You both truly deserve success. Given where you came from, little Maidenhead, Berkshire, this achievement is all the more impressive. I might even consider making the move over there myself.

After achieving great success and now residing in grand mansions with wealth and servants, I’m reminded of when your aspirations were as simple as trying to pass as Londoners among the Scottish lads by the barracks. Amazingly, Gavin failed to mention any of this in his letter, but considering his reserved nature, it’s likely that you wrote after him. Regardless, I wholeheartedly support both of your ventures – from cowboys to millionaires. We truly miss you.

After your father’s passing, your mother has been particularly proud of you. Even Gavin’s mom expressed her satisfaction. She often voiced her doubts about your abilities but ended up smiling, implying that she knew you would come to your senses or make sense of things eventually. Long live Berkshire.

Your pal, Tom

I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with gossips in my time, but the encounter I had with Brian Gold took the cake. I bumped into him at the bustling marketplace, his face creased with a sly smirk as he tried to peddle some outlandish rumors about you. I shook my head, dismissing his falsehoods, little did I know that those very words would come back to haunt us both. Now, I can’t help but wonder if Brian is still reveling in his moment of mischief, his laughter echoing hollowly behind the veil of his deceit.

Is Gavin Suffering From Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Gavin Could Have Trauma Related To The Loss of His Father

How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2

In Tom’s letter, it is mentioned that Nigel’s mother is sadly missed by him, following the passing of Nigel’s father. Moreover, the letter reveals an intriguing detail about how Gavin’s mother was also elated and had harbored doubts regarding Nigel, expressing her belief that “he would regain composure or make sense of things eventually.” It is worth pondering if Gavin and Nigel’s mothers are the same person. Since no mention is made of Gavin’s father, and Nigel’s own has passed away, it is plausible that this significant relocation to America and Gavin’s new identity were born solely from the grief of Nigel’s father’s demise. A potential clue within the letter could be: “I bumped into Brian Gold at the market recently. He made some peculiar comments about you.” It is possible that Brian was mocking Nigel’s condition, an insensitivity that Tom found unacceptable.

An intriguing hint for this theory emerges from Gavin’s mother expressing that she believed “her son would understand or come to terms with things“. Did Nigel/Gavin’s mother encourage the family’s relocation to America, hoping that Nigel could process his father’s passing and possibly leave behind the affliction known as Gavin? It is plausible that Nigel did manage to move forward for his father’s sake, allowing the trauma to heal and thus diminishing the need for Gavin to exist. However, coping with his father’s loss was already a significant challenge, and the sudden disappearance of Gavin rekindled the cycle of distress.

Were Gavin and Nigel Lovers?

They Were Really Best Mates

How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2

Nigel’s fervent devotion to Gavin and his statement, “We were truly the best of friends. He would never abandon me.” raises suspicion. The fact that they moved to America together adds depth to their bond. However, one cannot help but wonder if there was a particular reason they left England in the first place. Was it perhaps intolerance towards homosexuality at the time driving them to seek refuge in America?

In Tom’s letter to Nigel, he mentions encountering Brian Gold at the market and sharing some peculiar things Brian had said about you. This could be alluding to the rumors of your relationship with Gavin going beyond friendship. In his own words, Nigel expresses, “One morning, I woke up and Gavin was no longer there… someone may have taken him.” It’s possible that Nigel is aware of the intolerance of the 19th century and fears the worst for Gavin due to his sexuality. Alternatively, Gavin could have left with another cowboy, starting a new life.

Don’t Believe Nigel’s Lies

Has Nigel Lied About Gavin’s Fate This Whole Time?

How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2

It’s surprising and almost unthinkable that Gavin exists or is still alive, given the falsehoods in Nigel’s letter. The initial red flag is “Two boys hailing from Maidenhead, Berkshire.” This contradicts Nigel’s claim of being Londoners, which he frequently asserted to others. Additionally, Tom recalls in the letter “You once went to great lengths to feign being a Londoner” indicating that this isn’t an isolated incident of Nigel fabricating his past.

Nigel has been misrepresenting his situation to Tom, claiming that he and Gavin are wealthy with large mansions and servants. However, the truth is far from it as Nigel roams the American wilderness calling out for his friend. It’s possible that they both arrived in America together, but due to the harsh realities of the Old West, Gavin met an untimely end at the hands of gunslingers. With this tragic reality, Nigel has fabricated a different story for himself to cope with the loss or possibly to deceive others. Alternatively, the harsh living conditions and unfamiliar climate in 19th-century America might have driven Nigel to insanity.

Is Gavin In Red Dead Redemption 2?

How To Find Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2

In intriguing fashion, Red Dead Redemption 2 abounds with enigmas. While UFOs, ghosts, sasquatches, time travel, and other supernatural sci-fi and horror elements may send chills down players’ spines, an equally captivating puzzle lies in the enigma of Gavin, an elusive Englishman. Delving into the game’s data reveals no information on him, only hinting at his friend Nigel. The mystery deepens as players are left to ponder Gavin’s fate and even question his existence.

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2024-07-20 04:54