How To Find The Mayor’s Shorts in Stardew Valley

How To Find The Mayor's Shorts in Stardew Valley

As an old-school gamer who’s spent countless hours in the magical world of Stardew Valley, I can wholeheartedly say that the game has a unique charm that keeps me coming back for more. And let me tell you, finding the Mayor’s Lucky Purple Shorts is one of those quirky quests that add a touch of humor to this delightful farming simulator.

Completing tasks in Stardew Valley significantly strengthens your bonds with the townsfolk. Regardless if it’s to gain their favor or receive a prize, these tasks add an engaging aspect to the gaming experience.

However, sometimes the best reward is gossip! When Mayor ‘s Lucky Purple Shorts go missing, you’ll need to become very friendly with his close “friend” to get them back…

Finding The Mayor’s Shorts

How To Find The Mayor's Shorts in Stardew Valley

On the third day of summer in Year 1, a letter from Mayor will arrive at your place automatically. He needs your help in finding out where his lost Lucky Purple Shorts are and to retrieve them for him. In return, he promises to reward you with 750 grams.


It seems there’s a bit of mystery surrounding the matter. The truth is, the Lucky Purple Shorts have been hidden away at a ranch that belongs to someone, situated just south of the Farm.

And they aren’t just “in” her ranch. The Lucky Purple Shorts are in ‘s bedroom!

In Marnie’s room, the Fortunate Violet Shorts will not appear unless you get a letter first. But, to set things up for this quest, try to build friendships with both Marnie and Mayor Lewis during the spring season instead!

How To Retrieve The Shorts

How To Find The Mayor's Shorts in Stardew Valley

As a dedicated fan, I found that gaining access to a villager’s personal space necessitates fostering a strong bond with them, which can be achieved by advancing two hearts in the Friendship meter. To keep track of my relationship with each villager, I simply navigate to the Social tab on the menu for an up-to-date readout.

Lucky for you, building strong friendships with villagers is quite straightforward! Here’s a simple guide on how to enhance your bond with them:

  • Talk to them every day for a few friendship points
  • Give them a gift twice per week (especially gifts they love)
  • Give them a gift on their birthday for ×8 points!
  • Complete their quests on the

As a gamer, I always make sure not to miss out on town events since most of my fellow villagers gather there. It’s an excellent opportunity for me to stay updated and catch up with everyone!

It is possible to present a gift on a villager’s birthday, regardless of whether you have given them two gifts during the same week.

Befriending Marnie

Offering presents is an instant method to cultivate friendships with villagers, especially Marnie. If you provide her with beloved items, your bond with her will grow rapidly.

Among these presents, the one that’s simplest for her might be a homemade gift, specifically a hand-woven basket, as it’s just constructed with a few simple materials – a willow branch and some reeds. But do note that crafting this requires you to have completed the initial house upgrade from the Willow Bed, and the most dependable way to secure willow branches is by building a Coop.

In addition, she also enjoys… This item isn’t as valuable as her preferred presents but can be obtained quite effortlessly from the mines at an early stage of the game.

‘Her birthday falls on the 18th day of the fall season. It would be wise to start presenting her gifts right away if you don’t want to wait.’

After gathering two hearts, please proceed to his room and pick up the Lucky Purple Shorts from the ground there.

An Alternative Way To Get Lewis’ Shorts

How To Find The Mayor's Shorts in Stardew Valley

You’re not keen on becoming friends with it? The new method for obtaining the Lucky Purple Shorts in Stardew Valley offers an alternative approach instead.

First you’ll need to befriend Mayor to the same two-heart requirement. However, he’s a bit easier to become friends with than .

Befriending Mayor Lewis

Just like I endeared myself to Marnie by sharing her favorite peppers, I found that winning over Mayor Lewis involves catering to his love for these spicy treats as well.

In the summertime, you can sow seeds, and they’ll mature within just five short days. Grab some seeds and your hoe for a quick gardening session!

The mayor’s birthday falls on the seventh day of spring. If you want to get him a present in advance, that would be a thoughtful gesture, just make sure it’s something he likes and not, for instance, a book he dislikes or a type of food he can’t stand.

Getting His Shorts

Following your friendship with the Mayor, proceed to his private room and construct a specific item. This structure will set you back 99 resources and necessitates mining twice the required amount.

Using the stairway leads you directly into the basement of the Mayor’s Mansion. Once you maneuver through a brief labyrinth made up of barrels and assorted items, your reward awaits!

How To Find The Mayor's Shorts in Stardew Valley
You have to go south off-screen for the maze’s last section. Keep heading east, and eventually you’ll be able to go north and get the Lucky Purple Shorts!

After grabbing the Fortunate Violet Shorts, a spectral pair of shorts appears and assaults you! Similar to the bats found in mines, this foe’s movements are tricky, but your attacks have no effect on it. It’s best to flee promptly!

In Stardew Valley, a lot of secrets are connected to the Lucky Purple Shorts. It’s recommended you wear these during festival occasions for an interesting discovery!

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2024-08-30 13:39