How to Fuse Mothman in Persona 3 Reload

How to Fuse Mothman in Persona 3 Reload

As a seasoned adventurer who’s faced countless battles and traversed through the mystical realms of Persona, I can confidently say that the stats and skills you’ve shared for this character are quite impressive. The balanced mix of Magic, Endurance, Agility, and Luck suggests a versatile fighter capable of taking on various challenges.

In the game “Persona 3 Reload“, Mothman is a character representing the Hermit Arcana. It’s not essential for combat early on, but it becomes useful later in the game as you can combine it with other Personas to create stronger ones during the late-game phase. What sets Mothman apart from other Personas is that you need a special item called a Vibrant Feather to unlock its fusion recipes. Luckily, this important item is safeguarded by one of the Gatekeepers in Tartarus, so you can’t overlook it. Once you have the Vibrant Feather, you can fuse Mothman to complete Request 35 – Fusion Series #3: Hermit, Mothman.

How to Get Vibrant Feather

Arcanist Decapitator

How to Fuse Mothman in Persona 3 Reload

As a fan, I’d share this tip: To secure the radiant ‘Vibrant Feather’ item, you’ll need to conquer the formidable Arcanist Decapitator on Floor 82 (Yabbashah Block). Be prepared for a tough fight as he’s guarded by not one but two allies, Sky Overseer and Heat Overseer. To tilt the odds in your favor, consider bringing party members or Personas that specialize in Wind/Electric and Fire/Ice elements. Good luck!

Have your party consist of Yukari, Akihiko, and Mitsuru.

It’s best to steer clear of attacking the Arcanist Decapitator with Wind and Ice abilities. Instead, let Yukari focus on the Heat Overseer, while Mitsuru targets the Sky Overseer. You can use your protagonist to boost or weaken the enemy, or choose a Persona that specializes in Physical Skills to aim for a critical hit on the Arcanist Decapitator.

Mothman Fusion Recipes

How to Get Mothman

How to Fuse Mothman in Persona 3 Reload

Using the Vibrant Feather artifact, you can reenter the Velvet Room and blend Mothman. There are several ways to create it, but if you aim for a fusion with Agilao in Request 35, you’ll need to combine specific Personas. Here are some combinations you might want to experiment with:

As a gaming enthusiast diving into the world of Persona 5, here’s a heads up: The following fusion recipes could potentially surprise you! That’s because they incorporate elements from the DLC, which might just result in a unique Persona for your collection.

Persona #1 Level Persona #2 Level
Queen Medb (Lovers)

  • Yabbashah (70-92)
28 Jikokuten (Strength) or Matador (Strength)

  • Jikokuten: Yabbashah (70-92)
  • Matador: Fuse Leanan Sidhe and Sandman
  • 29 (Jikokuten)
  • 22 (Matador)
Mihras (Chariot)

  • Yabbashah (70-92, 93-118)
24 Genbu (Temperance)

  • Tziah (119-144)
Sati (Magician)

  • Yabbashah (93-118)
29 Shiisa (Hierophant)

  • Yabbashah (70-92)
Dakini (Hermit)

  • Tziah (119-144)
38 Kurama Tengu (Hermit)

  • Fuse Thoth and Orobas

How to Get Mothman with Agilao

Request 35 – Fusion Series #3: Hermit, Mothman

How to Fuse Mothman in Persona 3 Reload

To move forward with Request 35, you need to conquer the Arcanist Decapitator on level 82 within Tartarus. Once that’s done, talk to Elizabeth, who will require a Mothman Persona equipped with Agilao. You can create this by combining Sati and Shiisa, then transferring Sati’s Agilao skill. If you don’t have the necessary skills, use an Agilao Skill Card instead, which can be acquired through Shuffle Time in Yabbashah Block’s floors. Successfully completing Request 35 rewards Mitsuru with the Maid Outfit.

More Information About Mothman

Stats and More

How to Fuse Mothman in Persona 3 Reload

The character known as Mothman in ‘Persona 3 Reload’ is swift and boasts high Magic and Luck abilities. However, it has two types of vulnerabilities, but it’s immune to four others. This makes it particularly useful during the mid-game. If you want to enhance Mothman’s skills effectively, it’s strongly suggested that you utilize Skill Cards.

In this game, to battle against Mothman successfully, ensure your character’s level is 31 or more. If you upgrade the Social Link with Maya (Hermit), you can double the experience points when fusing Mothman. However, remember that as a standard Persona, Mothman doesn’t provide any Heart Items upon learning its final skill.

Strength 15
Magic 25
Endurance 18
Agility 27
Luck 22
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Electric Wind Light Dark
Weak Resist Weak Repel Null Repel
Skill Level Effect
Eerie Sound Innate Medium chance of inflicting Distress on all enemies.
Stagnant Air Innate Increases ailment susceptibility to all foes and allies.
Zionga 32 Medium electric damage to one foe.
Distress Boost 33 Increases chances of inflicting Distress on foes.
Elec Boost 34 Increases the power of Electric Skills by 25%.
Megido 36 Medium Almighty damage to all foes.

Recommended Skills

  • Resist Pierce
  • Resist Ice
  • Mazionga
  • Maeiga

If you don’t have a character with an all-encompassing ability, consider using Mothman instead. While Megido isn’t the most powerful all-encompassing ability, it can be quite useful in a fresh game (not NG+). All-encompassing abilities cannot be countered, making them effective against enemies with resistance to specific affinities. If you’re concerned about Mothman’s vulnerabilities to certain affinities, there are skill cards that provide it with resistance to pierce or ice. Given that Mothman’s magical power exceeds its physical strength, it’s advisable to have it primarily attack using affinity skills. You can substitute Zionga with Ziodyne (skill card) or even Mazionga/Maziodyne. If you possess dark skill cards, Maeiga also works well. It’s suggested to use electric or dark skills with Mothman since it resists both affinities. This means that if an enemy resists electric or dark, the protagonist will not take damage when equipped with Mothman as it too resists electric and dark.

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2024-08-06 01:06