How To Gain Influence In Crusader Kings 3 Roads To Power

How To Gain Influence In Crusader Kings 3 Roads To Power

As a seasoned Governor with years of experience under my belt, I must say that navigating the intricate web of influence in Crusader Kings 3 is as thrilling as it can be perplexing. The path to power is paved with decisions, alliances, and strategic investments in one’s estate.

In addition to the Landless gameplay, the Byzantine Empire is prominently featured in the expansion pack for Crusader Kings 3 called “Roads to Power”. This expansion introduces a unique play style that deviates from Feudal, Clan, and Tribal governments. Instead of characters owning land directly, they are part of an Administrative Government system.

Instead, influential families vie for prestige and power, with some even wielding control behind the scenes. At the core of all this political maneuvering lies a fresh commodity, Influence, and players will be eager to learn how to amass more Influence, as it is vital for success. With an abundance of Influence, players can essentially choose who fills each position, and control the Emperor if they desire.

What Is Influence In CK3 & What Is It Used For In Roads To Power

How To Gain Influence In Crusader Kings 3 Roads To Power

Influence is a resource exclusive to those within Administrative Governments, making it one of the paths to power in the Crusader Kings 3’s DLC, Roads to Power. Similar to Prestige and Piety, players can accumulate Intrigue and subsequently utilize it.

It’s commonly employed to gain political advantages or persuade others to act according to one’s will. Some instances where influence is utilized include:

  • Influencing Candidacy: Spend Influence to increase or decrease a Candidacy Score, to get your allies into Governorships.
  • Force Governors to Step Down: This can help convince Governors to give up their position which you hopefully have a candidate in line for.
  • Compel Resignation: Convince the Emperor to make a Governor step down.
  • Request Raid Remit: Ask the Governor for permission to lawfully raid another family’s estate.
  • Bolster Government: Improve a character’s Governor Efficiency and their Opinion of you.
  • Undermine Governance: Reduce a character’s Governor Efficiency.
  • Request Administration Change: Ask the Emperor to change the Administration type of your Theme.
  • Enticing Agents to join Schemes: One of the many ways to convince Agents to join Schemes.
  • Request Council Position: Demand a specific role on your liege’s council for a hefty sum of Influence. Players will then gain Influence while on the Council.
  • Request Claim: Convince the Emperor to give you a claim on a title.
  • Ask Liege for Troops: Convince the Emperor to transfer troops from another Governorship to your command.
  • Petition the Emperor: A cost for asking for a specific favor or boon, such as gold or a Court Position.
  • Foster Integration: A decision that costs Influence, but rewards it monthly for 15 years.
  • Force to Join Faction: Force reluctant vassals to join a Faction at the cost of a lot of Influence.
  • Gather Faction Support: The Faction becomes more discontent and gains some troops when war is declared.
  • Swing Regency Scales: Leverage Influence to swing to scales of power in your favor.
  • Marriage Acceptance: Good for securing key alliances, which in turn can grant Influence per month.
  • Adopt House Member: An Influence cost for adopting characters into the House.
  • Ask Christians For Help: The Byzantine Emperor can ask other Christians for help, but only when their realm has shrunk in size.
  • Hold Triumph: The Emperor can celebrate a Triumph every 10 years.

Increasing one’s influence raises the degree of impact or sway, providing additional strength for Political Agendas. This concept mirrors the way that increased recognition boosts prestigious achievements.

How To Gain Influence In Crusader Kings 3

How To Gain Influence In Crusader Kings 3 Roads To Power

In the setting of a Byzantine-like Administrative Government, gamers will soon understand the significance of Influence and yearn for more. Regrettably, at first, it may not be apparent how to increase Influence in Crusader Kings 3. Here are the primary methods to boost your Influence, though there might also be random events or similar occurrences that grant you additional Influence.

  • Being a Governor: This position grants +1 Monthly Influence.
  • Strategos/Governor Trait: This grants +1 Monthly Influence and +2 at max rank.
  • Council Positions: Every spot on the Council grants Influence per month, on top of other rewards.
  • Political Meddlers Family Attribute: Houses can choose attributes and this one grants Influence per month.
  • Stewards of Empire Legacy: This Dynasty Legacy grants a 10% bonus to Monthly Influence.
  • Cultivated Sophistication Tradition: This Cultural Tradition grants a 10% bonus to Monthly Influence. In other words, stay as a Greek character.
  • Born in the Purple: Children born as offspring of the Emperor get this Trait, which grants Monthly Influence among other rewards.
  • Champion Charioteer: This court position grants Monthly Influence and extra Influence when placing 3rd or higher.
  • Bookmaker:This court position grants Monthly Influence, depending on the Aptitude of the Bookmaker.
  • Chariot Races: Hosting and attending Chariot Races are a great way to gain and leverage Influence. There is even an Intent to focus on Influence gains while at the races.
  • Offer Eunuch: Send your Eunuch to another Governor in return for Influence.
  • Governorship Confirmation: Gain Influence and other rewards by traveling to the Emperor for a ceremony after a year of being a Governor.
  • Foster Integration: A decision that costs Influence, but rewards it monthly for 15 years.
  • Reinstate the Grain Dole: The Emperor can spend money to make this Decision and gain lots of Influence and other bonuses.
  • Re-Establish the Theodosian Borders: This difficult Decision to achieve rewards the Emperor with lots of Influence.
  • Restore the Roman Empire: This will reward the Augustus Trait, granting a high amount of Monthly Influence.
  • Imperial Administration: Switching to this Administration Type grants Monthly Influence for the Governor.
  • Artifacts: Some historical artifacts in CK3 grant Influence. The Statue of a Roman Woman grants 5% Monthly Influence.
  • Allies with House Heads: Each alliance with a House Head can grant +1 Monthly Influence and if allied with the Emperor, gain another +1.5.
  • Landed House Members: Having House members assigned to roles can grant Monthly Influence if they have a positive Opinion of you.
  • Governance Issues: These Contracts which can appear on the map for Governors can reward Influence.
  • Request Clergy Support: Ask the Head of Faith for Influence & gain Monthly Influence for 10 years. This can be significantly increased with the Shrine building for the Estate.
  • Some Traits:Personality Traits such as Arbitrary, Paranoid, and Gregarious increase Monthly Influence. Trusting lowers it.

Influence Gains From Estates In CK3

How To Gain Influence In Crusader Kings 3 Roads To Power

Among the numerous structures and improvements available for the Estate, some offer benefits to your Monthly Influence. The most noteworthy one is the Manor, which can yield substantial influence once it has been upgraded.

  • The Manor: Grants between +1 to +3 Monthly Influence based on how far it is upgraded. Internal upgrades below can increase this further.
  • Guest Room: This Manor upgrade grants +2%.
  • Reception Hall: This Manor upgrade grants +2%.
  • Cabinet of Curiosities: This Manor upgrade grants +0.1.
  • Shrine: Can increase the Influence rewards from Request Clergy Support from 100 to 400 when maxed out.
  • Market: Gain Influence from completing buildings in held counties. The Market has to be upgraded at least once.
  • Mulberry Copse: Improves Domicile Influence.

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2024-09-27 01:43