How To Get And Boil Water In Green Hell

How To Get And Boil Water In Green Hell

Key Takeaways

  • Stay hydrated by drinking water to avoid sickness and fatal situations.
  • Boil water for safe drinking using fire and containers like coconut shells.
  • Carry water for long exploration missions using coconut bidons or regular bidons.

As a seasoned survivor of many perilous adventures in the wilderness, I can confidently say that understanding how to stay hydrated is crucial for survival. And let me tell you, my friend, in Green Hell, coconuts are like manna from heaven!

In Green Hell, securing drinkable water is crucial for staying alive. If a player goes without clean water for too long, they won’t make it far. Although many water sources can be consumed, drinking contaminated water increases the risk of illness – not an ideal scenario. This survival game isn’t for the weak-hearted; the jungle is filled with perils, from poisonous plants to potentially hostile natives. Every day presents a tough struggle to stay alive.

In Green Hell, with numerous aspects requiring attention during gameplay, it’s crucial for players to prioritize their time effectively. Maintaining good health by regularly eating and drinking ensures that players can concentrate on additional tasks like constructing bases and defending against attacks. This guide will walk you through everything there is to learn about obtaining water in Green Hell.

Drinking Straight From The Source

How To Get And Boil Water In Green Hell

In a critical state of dehydration, it’s more hazardous to abstain from drinking water than to consume potentially contaminated water. Being severely dehydrated can lead to severe illness, which could worsen rapidly and become life-threatening. However, consuming unclean water does carry some risks as each instance increases the chance of contracting parasites.

Whenever it’s feasible, steer clear of consuming water from sources such as rivers or ponds. But if you’re in a game scenario, there’s a pristine stream near the starting camp that you can safely drink from without worrying about falling ill.

How To Boil Water

How To Get And Boil Water In Green Hell

To boil water you’ll need a couple of things, a fire, and something to hold water. Once you’ve built a fire, you can place containers such as coconut shells and tortoise shells next to the fire once you have filled them with unsafe water. Then, over time, the water will become safe to drink. You can also craft a water collector. This will passively gather water as you play. To craft one of these, you’ll need the following things:

  • 4 x Long Stick Or 4 x Long Bamboo Stick
  • 4 x Stick Or 4 x Bamboo Stick
  • 4 x Rope
  • 11 x Banana Leaf

Next, gently set up your water collector and position a coconut bowl or tortoise shell below to catch the collected water. When the bowl or shell is full, transfer it to the edge of a fire for purification. Additionally, you can create a homemade water filter to collect cleaner water. Creating a homemade water filter will cost as follows:

  • 2 x Long Stick Or 2 x Long Bamboo Stick
  • 1 x Bamboo Log
  • 2 x Rope
  • 3 x Charcoal
  • 2 x Stone

It’s important to remember that there are several varieties of water collectors and filtration systems available, choose the one that works best for you. Generally speaking, they are quite affordable and straightforward to construct.

After constructing your water filtration system, position either a coconut or turtle shell beneath it to catch clean water as it filters through. To expedite the process, fill up a container like a jerry can with impure water and pour it into the filter’s top. This method is an efficient way of gathering fresh, drinkable water quickly.

To obtain a bowl for holding water, consider choosing a coconut bowl by opting for the craft option when viewing an open coconut. This process results in a few coconut shells along with the tasty flesh. After consuming the flesh, you’ll be left with a natural coconut bowl. If you place this coconut bowl on the ground during rain, it will gradually gather clean water due to precipitation. This can save some time compared to boiling potentially dirty water.

To obtain a tortoise shell, you should locate tortoises which can be found in various parts of the map. It’s particularly advantageous to search for them near water sources since these areas are ideal for finding tortoises. Once you successfully kill a tortoise and harvest it, you will receive the shell and some tortoise meat. The collected shell is useful for gathering water, while the cooked meat provides the player with carbohydrates. Although tortoise shells may be harder to obtain than coconuts, they can store more water, ensuring that the player remains hydrated for a longer period.

The Best Way To Get Water Early On

How To Get And Boil Water In Green Hell

Coconuts, growing on trees, offer a natural water source. Players can crack open these fallen or dislodged coconuts and drink the water inside without having to heat it up. You might come across coconuts lying near the trees, or you could knock them down using objects like rocks or bows.

In the early phases of the game, coconuts serve as fantastic natural water containers. Be on the lookout for these; not only do they provide drinking water, but you can also fashion a coconut water bottle (or bidon) using them, which holds sufficient liquid to maintain your hydration levels.

Carrying Water

How To Get And Boil Water In Green Hell

For extended expeditions, it is essential to carry water along. Fortunately, you can fashion a few vessels to store potable water.

Carrying water in your backpack can either be done using a homemade coconut container or a standard bottle. To make the coconut container, you’ll need one coconut and some rope. Since there are numerous coconut trees scattered across the map, finding coconuts should be easy. For the rope, look for trees with hanging liana vines, as these can be used as a natural substitute. Alternatively, you can simply use the single standard bottle that is typically found in any game.

In story mode, look for a bidon near the flipped old jeep. On The Spirits Of The Arizonia mode, head to the jeep located at the drug factory; you’ll find a bidon there. However, it might be simpler to create your own coconut bidon. It’s budget-friendly, and the materials are easily accessible. You can produce multiple ones. After crafting, locate any water source to fill up the bidon, then boil it for purification.

Natural Hydration From Foods

How To Get And Boil Water In Green Hell

As a forest-roaming gamer, I’ve stumbled upon some unique finds that help sustain me in my journey. One such discovery is an unnamed, yet identifiable, large orange fruit. It stands out with its vibrant hue, making it easy to spot among the greenery. This fruit not only quenches my thirst but also provides a bit of energy boost through carbohydrates.

Here’s another unassuming fruit I recently stumbled upon – the one growing on petite, verdant trees. Unlike its vibrant orange counterpart, this one blends in due to its green hue, making it a bit tricky to spot. However, if you manage to find some, trust me, it’s worth adding it to your diet and giving it a memorable name. This fruit, much like the oranges we all love, offers hydration and carbohydrates in one delicious package.

Orange mushrooms serve as an effective aid for maintaining hydration levels, even though they don’t provide direct hydration themselves. In case you accidentally ingest harmful parasites from contaminated water sources, these mushrooms can be consumed to purge the parasites. This could prove invaluable when you find yourself in a situation where clean drinking water is scarce.

Mushrooms resembling oranges are often spotted near bodies of water, on vast expanses, as well as in numerous other places. Given their prevalence, it’s unlikely that you’ll encounter parasitic problems.

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2024-09-21 02:23