How To Get Atomic Batteries In Atomfall

As I traverse through the post-apocalyptic landscape of Atomfall, I stumble upon various terminals, machines, and inactive structures that can be reactivated with an essential item called an Atomic Battery. Scattered across every region within the game are these Atomic Batteries, and it’s wise to stockpile them early on since they’re crucial for powering up vital endgame facilities like the Interchange and its Central Processor.

To locate Atomic Batteries in the game Atomfall, players need to search trader inventories, keep an eye out for tips about battery locations in Leads, and manage to defeat B.A.R.D. Robots, a challenging task. Follow this guide to discover more than a dozen Atomic Battery locations spread across all five primary regions of Atomfall.

The list detailing the spots for Atomic Batteries within the game, “Atomfall”, will keep expanding as we uncover additional battery locations during our playthrough.

What Are Atomic Batteries Used For?

In the game called “Atomfall”, Atomic Batteries serve as a substantial energy supply, powering some of the game’s demanding facilities and equipment. As you progress through the game, especially in The Interchange region, you will come across areas that are not powered yet, connected to nearby power outlets. To reactivate each related facility or machine, simply insert an Atomic Battery into these outlets to restore their functionality.

To fully power the Interchange, you require a complete set of four Atomic Batteries. However, it’s important to note that there are numerous other locations throughout the game where these Atomic Batteries can be used to reactivate unpowered facilities and machinery, particularly in some of the later game areas.

In some scenarios of Atomfall, you’ll need to insert Atomic Batteries into specific machines that become accessible once the Interchange is powered up. Since these machines can only be reached after powering the Interchange, it’s essential to gather and save them in Pneumatic Tubes for later use when the situation arises. You’ll often find these tubes handily placed near locations where crucial items are needed to advance.

You can likewise employ Atomic Batteries to revive fallen B.A.R.D. robots. For the first time you power up a deactivated robot with an Atomic Battery, you’ll unlock the ‘Batteries Not Provided’ achievement.

Atomic Battery Locations In Atomfall Regions

Where To Find Atomic Batteries In Atomfall

In the gaming world of Atomfall, there are at least ten Atomic Batteries hidden or available in various ways across the game’s five main regions. These batteries can be found by exploring specific locations within each area, or by trading with numerous Trader Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Furthermore, vanquishing any B.A.R.D. Robot will yield an Atomic Battery, but you must act swiftly to secure it.

In the game, merely five Atomic Batteries are essential for unlocking the final path. This means players won’t have to search for every single Atomic Battery location. However, knowing where to find these batteries can simplify your journey because you’ll be able to swiftly accumulate a supply of batteries to use on devices that aren’t powered when needed.

Slatten Dale Atomic Batteries

In Slatten Dale, the sole Atomic Battery is kept in Molly the Tinker’s collection of trade items. You can locate Molly to the east of the entrance to Wyndham Village, which lies in the northern part of Slatten Dale, this being your starting zone. Keep an eye out for her trading post on a hill near the Wyndham Village wall, close to the small pond. This location is not far from where you can discover the Metal Detector on a corpse.

Wyndham Village Atomic Batteries

  • Atomic Battery 1: In the possession of Vicar McHenry himself – there are two methods to get this Atomic Battery. You can either kill the Vicar to get the Vicar’s Key, or use information you gather from villagers and notes you find Wyndham Village against him. Either way, once you have the Vicar’s Key, proceed to the second level of the church to find a chest with an Atomic Battery.
  • Atomic Battery 2: After completing Alf Buckshaw’s messages Lead, return to Wyndham Village after some time to find that the villagers have destroyed a B.A.R.D. Robot right outside the Little Tea Room. You can loot this robot’s Atomic Battery.

Casterfell Woods Atomic Batteries

  • Atomic Battery 1: Once you reach Casterfell Woods, you can find one Atomic Battery deep beneath the Druid Castle, in the Castle Ruins. The High Priestess of the Druids can be seen holding up this battery above a pit filled with technological offerings – kill her and loot it from her body.
  • Atomic Battery 2: Another Atomic Battery is located within the electrified substation at Casterfell Dam. You will have to turn off the power and deactivate the electric fence to access this fenced-in area. Look for the battery by a skeleton inside.
  • Atomic Battery 3: The trader Billy Gorse has one Atomic Battery in his inventory. Look for Billy Gorse just southeast of Casterfell Dam, south of the Old Mine where Mother Jago is located.

Skethermoor Atomic Batteries

  • Atomic Battery 1: Find Nora Thorndike in her barn in the north of Skethermoor. This Trader has an Atomic Battery in her inventory, along with a variety of useful healing items and gear, like Sticky Grenades.
  • Atomic Battery 2: Travel northwest from Nora’s Barn and the Brinsop Manor and you will come across a downed, sparking B.A.R.D. robot. Walk up to the robot, and stand on its body to avoid the leeches, to pull the Atomic Battery out of its back.
  • Atomic Battery 3: Head to the Protocol Vehicle Storage bunker on the east side of Skethermoor, but be careful. If you aren’t fully trusted by Protocol, the soldiers in here will shoot you on site. You can find an Atomic Battery in a B.A.R.D. crate within this bunker.

The Interchange Atomic Battery Locations

Inside the Interchange, it’s hard to come by functioning Atomic Batteries. One of these batteries is being kept by a deceased researcher right under the Central Processor’s main circuit board. When you first arrive at The Interchange and venture into the Central Processor for the first time, search carefully for this luminescent battery near the lifeless scientist.

You can acquire other Atomic Batteries in The Interchange by plundering defeated B.A.R.D Robots, which you’ll find in multiple locations. For instance, there’s one right outside of Robotics, and three are patrolling an area within the Windscale Plant itself.

Get Atomic Batteries From Certain Traders

Atomic Batteries Are Valuable – Bring High-Value Items To Barter

In the town of Atomfall, a few merchants carry Atomic Batteries as part of their inventory. Due to their high value, trading other valuable items such as quality weapons like Stock or Pristine guns, or crafting recipes you already know, can help secure one of these expensive items for yourself.

Atomic Power Cells are extremely valuable items. Should you find yourself with an excess, think about trading them to secure a significant edge during trade exchanges. If there comes a time when you might need one again, the trader will keep it in their stockpile (assuming you don’t harm them).

Not all Atomfall Traders necessarily carry an Atomic Battery in their stock, yet it’s quite surprising to find that many of them do. Those traders who are offering the Atomic Battery are as follows:

  • Molly the Tinker (in northwest Slatten Dale)
  • Billy Gorse (in north Casterfell Woods)
  • Nora Thorndike (in her barn in north Skethermoor)

Atomic Batteries Power B.A.R.D Robots

Defeat Any B.A.R.D. Robot To Get An Atomic Battery – But It’s Tough

Upon your initial visit to Wyndham Village, you’ll come across a colossal B.A.R.D. Robot moving about the central park. All these B.A.R.D. Robots found in Atomfall, including this one, derive their power from an Atomic Battery. Inflict sufficient damage to a B.A.R.D. Robot, and it will temporarily cease functioning.

When the robot is in a dormant state, swiftly make your way to the rear of the robot to retrieve its Atomic Battery. This action will completely deactivate it, and you’ll acquire an Atomic Battery in your backpack (provided you have room for it).

There are two kinds of B.A.R.D. Robots: one carries a machine gun and sports a shielded sensory head, while the other equips a flamethrower and sports three fuel tanks affixed to its rear end.

Or, for a more casual tone:

Two types of B.A.R.D. Robots exist – one packs a heat-spitting machine gun and boasts a guarded head sensor, while the other’s got a flamethrower on its back and three fuel tanks attached to it.

  • To destroy the machine gun B.A.R.D. Robots, shoot its sensor array repeatedly to break the glass and damage its internal mechanisms. This will cause it to overheat and shut down.
  • To destroy the flamethrower B.A.R.D. Robots, you must shoot the petrol canisters repeatedly until the robot overheats and shuts down to cool off. Focus the two on its back, and not the one attached to its gun, to quickly overheat and disable these robots.

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2025-03-25 19:07