How To Get Chucky in Funko Fusion

How To Get Chucky in Funko Fusion

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently guide you through the labyrinthine world of these beloved video games to find our elusive friend, Chucky.

Funko Fusion boasts a variety of characters from famous franchises across history, some requiring a bit of hunting to unlock. While seven TV/movie series have their own playable realms, more than 20 franchises are showcased in the game, sporting the distinctive appearance of Pop Funko action figures.

Among the 60+ characters in Funko Fusion is horror icon Chucky, who is at his creepy best in the game. He will take some finding to unlock, and he doesn’t make it easy, so this guide will walk you through how to find and unlock Chucky in Funko Fusion.

How To Start The Chucky Cameo Quest

How To Get Chucky in Funko Fusion

Initially, gamers will run into the character Chucky within the interactive universe of Hot Fuzz, during their fourth mission titled “Aisle Four Uproar“. To locate him, players must accomplish the level’s tasks and utilize the Funkey to unlock the door. Prior to claiming the crown, players are advised to enter the room situated to the right and retrieve the keycard from the purple container. This will provide access to the room where Chucky is hidden.

Upon activating the surveillance cameras and triggering the lights, you’ll step into a workspace-like area filled with Chucky boxes scattered around. In the center of the room, there’s a box that occasionally shakes. Interact with it by pressing the designated button, which will cause Chucky to leap out and assault you. Initially, players should employ close-combat strikes while avoiding his attacks, followed by using their long-range weapon as Chucky starts to flee. After taking sufficient damage, he’ll encourage you to locate him again. This sequence will recur several times before he challenges you to seek him in another realm to unlock the in-game trophy.

Here are Chucky’s locations in Aisle Four Uproar, where he is hiding in dumpsters:

  • As you exit the supermarket, he’ll be in the dumpster to the left.
  • The second dumpster is on the opposite corner of the carpark, in between the parked car and van.
  • The third dumpster is on the other side of the wall, across from the police station.
  • The fourth and final dumpster is in the town center. Walk down the street and turn left – there is a teddy bear next to it.

Chucky Cameo Quest Locations

Following the initial discovery of Chucky, players need to explore six distinct realms next, with the aim of locating him once more. His hideout is identifiable due to his distinctive bright yellow container. Similar to the initial encounter, players will be required to find and locate Chucky multiple times within a single stage in order to accomplish that specific task in the quest.

Chucky can be found in the following levels;

  • Husky Hustle (The Thing)
  • Rough Fit Muffit (Battlestar Galactica)
  • Five Nights At Freddy’s (Cameo World)
  • Pyro Gyro (Jurassic World)
  • The Mummy (Cameo World)
  • Commission Mission (The Umbrella Academy)

How To Find Chucky in Husky Hustle

How To Get Chucky in Funko Fusion

In the mission “Husky Hustle” from the game “The Thing“, players will be tasked with locating Chucky, who is hidden within steel barrels. To begin your search, look for his distinctive yellow box by exploring to the left upon entering the level. As you move around the building, you’ll discover that his box is tucked away in a corner there. This level is relatively straightforward when it comes to finding Chucky, but keep in mind that there are more enemies and a helicopter to contend with simultaneously, making it a bit more challenging overall.

Here are the other locations:

  • As you come back to the start of the level, the first barrel is on the right, on top of the piled snow section.
  • The second barrel is a short distance further into the combat area. It is on the left, next to the battery charging station.
  • The third barrel is directly across from the second one, at the lone building with the boarded up window. The barrel is next to a snowman.
  • The final barrel is in the open, right near the yellow snow plow.

How To Find Chucky in Rough Fit Muffit

In this mission from Battlestar Galactica, similar to other levels, players must accomplish their goal, which is to put back together Muffit. Once achieved, they’ll move on to the final zones. Chucky’s box can be found within the console room with multiple control panels. After locating it, search for the glass-doored cabinets where you will find him. Here are the locations:

  • Go back through the key door and enter the door on the left. You will need Number Five to blink through this one and pull the lever next to the door for regular access. Chucky is hiding in the cabinet on the back wall.
  • The second cabinet is directly out of the first room. He’s on the left-hand side.
  • The third cabinet is in the room where you use the big glass triangle to open the chutes. He’s on the right side as you walk in.
  • As you exit the previous room, turn left and follow the path until you can turn left again. You will have needed a Turret to open the door, but he’s in this room.

How To Find Chucky in Five Nights At Freddy’s

How To Get Chucky in Funko Fusion

In the universe of “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” situated within the level “Vegan and Again” of “Scott Pilgrim Vs The World,” accessible through the “Pizzaaaaaaa” store, gamers must search for Chucky’s concealed locations using piles of pizza boxes. However, before doing so, they must locate his yellow box. To find it, navigate to the main room, proceed to the region marked with a Toilet sign, and move to the most leftward room at its end.

Following the initial discovery of Chucky, players should proceed to seek out the pizza boxes. Here are their respective hiding spots:

  • As you enter the main room again, turn left and go to the first room on the left. He is in the pizza box stack in front of the three missing pipe wheel spots.
  • Go to the main room again, skip the first room on the left, and enter the second one. He’s hiding just to the left as you walk in.
  • The third box stack is on the stage, behind Freddy and his band.
  • The final box is to the right of the stage, next to the doorway with the Toilet sign.

How To Find Chucky in Pyro Gyro

In the Pyro Gyro area of Jurassic World, Chucky’s box is enclosed within a fenced circle that has numerous access points. This location is quite early on in the level, and you can find it when the gyrosphere has stopped moving because of the fire. You won’t have to advance beyond this point, as all the hiding spots are near the cage.

After Chucky breaks free from his confinement and suffers the initial defeat, he begins to conceal himself in movable restrooms. To locate these portable toilets, one could keep an eye out for compact structures that appear similar to regular toilets but are often found in outdoor settings such as parks or campgrounds.

  • From the box, go back towards the gyrosphere and go up the stairs on the left as you exit the gate. Venture around the top to the left and take the stairs down. On the right, you’ll find the portable toilet bouncing.
  • Go back to the gyrosphere and inside the gate next to the fire again. Chucky is hiding right next to a blue chest.
  • Go outside to the gyrosphere and walk past it. On the other side is a toilet on the left, at the start of a path to another building.
  • Head back in the direction of the start of the level. As you go down the hill you’ll see a blue moulding station. Chucky is hiding to the right of it.

How To Find Chucky in The Mummy

How To Get Chucky in Funko Fusion

In the realm of “The Mummy”, you’ll find it on the “Battle of Snake Mountain” stage within the universe of “Masters of the Universe”. To reach there, initially leap across with an ‘Amp’ to land on the island situated to your right as you start the level. Subsequently, employ a ‘Gramophone’ to make the mummy guarding the door dance and ultimately drop the essential spark plug that will allow you to open the door.

In the given level, players must journey a sufficient distance until they come across a mummy guarding his sarcophagus. Utilizing Umbrella Academy’s Allison, persuade him to open the way, and you will be led to an open tomb. To your right lies Chucky’s container. Upon liberating him, he may conceal himself within other sarcophagi. Here are the hiding spots:

  • Exit the tomb to the hall with the two spike traps. Chucky is hidden in the sarcophagus to the left.
  • Continue back to where you place the Scarabs, then turn right. In the room with the four spike traps, turn right and right again to find the sarcophagus in tucked in the corner.
  • The third sarcophagus is on the opposite side of the room to the second one.
  • Go back to the Scarab room and turn right to where the room with the pool of water is. Chucky’s final hiding place is on the right.

How To Find Chucky in Commission Mission

As a dedicated fan, I’d advise you to journey through The Umbrella Academy’s Commission Mission level until you reach the final boss. Afterward, make your way to one of the office rooms, which is two doors away from the exit where you found the crown. In this room, you’ll find Chucky hiding inside a distinct pile of cardboard boxes. Keep exploring the environment to locate these cardboard piles, and that’s where you’ll find him again. Here are some potential locations:

  • The first hiding spot is on the top floor. As you come back into the level, go past the staircase and character selector, then go to the room on the left.
  • The second hiding spot is downstairs and to the left. On the left there is the room with multiple rows of single desks. The stack of boxes is in the back corner.
  • The third stack of boxes is in the room directly opposite the previous one.
  • The final spot is back upstairs and to the left. Enter the flooded room on the right and reveal Chucky’s location in the back corner.

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    2024-09-26 23:13