How To Get High Voltage Bunny Module In The First Descendant

How To Get High Voltage Bunny Module In The First Descendant

As a dedicated player of “The First Descendant,” I can’t help but be excited about the potential of the High-Voltage Module. Having experienced the electric mayhem that is Ultimate Bunny, I know firsthand how powerful her abilities can be when used correctly. The Transcendent Modules in this game have a significant impact on gameplay, and High-Voltage is no exception.

The First Descendant has plenty of modules for players to hunt down, with Transcendent Modules affecting gameplay more than any of the others. One such Module is High-Voltage, which can be utterly devastating with the right build.

As an avid gamer, I’m excitedly looking forward to obtaining at least one instance of each Transcendent Module. The intrigue lies in discovering the impact they have on my Descendants, and if those modifications resonate with me enough to construct a specialized build around them.

How To Get High-Voltage Module In The First Descendant

How To Get High Voltage Bunny Module In The First Descendant

Instead of The First Descendant’s Electric Condense Module, which functions on both Bunny and Ultimate Bunny, there exists the High-Voltage module that exclusively caters to Ultimate Bunny. To acquire this module, gamers must advance in the game’s narrative and confront the formidable Pyromaniac Void Intercept at the Hard difficulty level. Given the Pyromaniac’s resistance to Electric and Fire damages, as well as its intimidating nature, here are some strategies for triumphing over this challenging adversary:

  • Use Ice Elemental damage.
  • Increase your Fire resistance.
  • Use long-range weapons such as Scout Rifles.
  • Dispatch smaller enemies.
  • Aim for the rod in its back when it appears.

Based on my years of gaming experience, I’d say this: With enemies moving at a snail’s pace, you’ve got the advantage if you can keep your cool and maintain some distance. Dodge their attacks, circle around them, and you’ll significantly boost your chances of making it through each level. And let me tell you, running out of ammo in the middle of a firefight is no fun at all. So, every time you come across those smaller foes, take ’em down on sight. Trust me, the ammo they drop will prove to be invaluable in the long run.

A great option for defeating colossi is the Tamer’s rapid-fire weapon. It is strongly recommended that you obtain this weapon before engaging in the battle, as it will significantly streamline the process. Furthermore, it’s beneficial to have companions join you for this challenge. If your regular gaming friends are unavailable, participating in Public mode would be a wise choice. Teammates can resurrect each other, maintaining their combined health levels high. Conversely, battling alone decreases the mission’s chances of success by one step.

Based on my own experience with the game, I would strongly advise against dismantling your precious Ultimate and Transcendent Modules. Instead, give the Combine option a try for a chance to obtain new Transcendent Modules. I understand that it may not be as dependable as dedicated methods, but trust me, there’s still a slim yet existing possibility of acquiring Transcendent Modules you don’t already have.

What Does High-Voltage Module Do In The First Descendant

Players with The First Descendant’s Ultimate Bunny unlocked will notice similarities in her abilities to her regular version. This update focuses on enhancing the following skills: Thrill Bomb and Lightning Emission. ordinarily, Lightning Emission generates a pulsating ring of lightning from Bunny’s location. The more she moves around, the more triggers there are. With High-Voltage, these abilities will only affect a limited number of enemies. However, it amplifies their damage and reach, leading to quicker farming sessions and increased damage output against bosses.

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2024-07-25 09:03