How To Get More Gold In Thronefall

How To Get More Gold In Thronefall

As a seasoned Thronefall player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that the key to building a prosperous economy lies in the strategic placement and upgrading of residential buildings, gold mines, and harbors.

Success in greatly hinges on your ability to efficiently manage both your army and the economy. While building a strong military is important to protect your kingdom from progressively more challenging enemy forces, raising enough gold is also equally important to upgrade the military and vital defense structures of your kingdom.

As a devoted admirer of the captivating world of Thronefall, I can confidently affirm that mastering the art of gold production is crucial for strengthening your kingdom’s defenses and maximizing the potential of vital structures. Here are some highly effective strategies to cultivate an affluent economy within this mesmerizing realm:

Focus On Building Residential Buildings

How To Get More Gold In Thronefall

In the early stages of the game, it’s advisable to concentrate on constructing numerous Level 1 homes and enhancing the Castle Center to Level 2. Reaching Level 2 for the Castle Center enables you to choose a unique advantage, such as the Builder’s Guild perk, which instantly upgrades all Level 1 houses to Level 2.

Keep in mind that if a residential structure gets destroyed during a fight, it won’t yield any gold the following day. Thus, safeguarding them from enemy attacks is just as crucial for maintaining a steady income of gold. But with the Resilient Homes Bonus, damaged houses can still generate gold after a battle.

Build Gold Mines When You’re Running Low On Gold

How To Get More Gold In Thronefall

Gold mines function distinctly compared to residential properties in their gold production. To start, a gold mine yields 8 units of gold each night, but the output gradually decreases by 1 unit per night throughout the level. Constructing a gold mine when your gold supply is low can be a lifesaver, as they are a valuable source of substantial income. Treat them as a reserve income option during financial hardships or difficult economic periods.

Due to the fact that newly constructed gold mines produce a large amount of gold initially, leveraging this trait can help you weather financial difficulties and swiftly recover in the game.

Build Harbors Early

How To Get More Gold In Thronefall

In the game Thronefall, certain stages offer you the chance to construct Harbors, which can supplement your earnings. At first, these Harbors have no boats, but they gain one boat every night, up to a maximum of five boats. The gold income from the Harbors increases as more boats are present in the Harbor.

However, you can double this income by upgrading the Harbor for the second time. Harbors are a great source of gold income, and it’s recommended to prioritize building them in levels where there is an option to build one. The Big Harbors perk increases the capacity of boats that a Harbor can hold from five to seven, and increases the building’s maximum health by 100%, but they also cost 3 additional gold if you choose to upgrade them to level 2.

Pick The Right Perks

How To Get More Gold In Thronefall

In the game “Thronefall“, you get to choose five abilities when beginning a new level. These abilities, known as perks, allow you to customize your gaming experience on each map. They can enhance defenses, boost your character’s health and attack power, and even raise gold production.

Here are the four best perks available in Thronefall that will boost your economy:

  • Royal Mint: Allows the Castle Center to generate 1, 2, or 3 gold at the end of battle, depending on its upgrade level.
  • Big Harbors: Increases the capacity of boats docked in Harbors from 5 to 7, and the Harbor’s health by 100%.
  • Treasure Hunter: You earn +15, +25, and +30 gold when defeating the last three waves in the level.
  • Interest: You earn 1 additional gold for every 3 gold you save every night, but the maximum gold in your chest should not be over 20.

As you’re just starting out in the game, some benefits or advantages (perks) may not yet be available to you. These perks are typically earned as you make progress and advance through the game.

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2024-10-19 21:04