How to Get the Big Bell in Fields of Mistria

As a seasoned player with years of gaming under my belt, I can confidently say that the Big Bell is one of the most useful tools you’ll find in this game, especially if you’re managing a farm full of livestock.

After setting up chicken coops and livestock barns in the game ‘Fields of Mistria‘, you’ll gain the opportunity to purchase various animals. Over time, these animals will allow you to produce unique items like milk, which you can’t find elsewhere. If you aim to acquire exotic creatures such as capybaras or alpacas, make sure to complete the story quests in ‘Fields of Mistria’. To manage your animals, you’ll use a doorbell to let them in and out of their enclosures. During regular weather conditions, allow your animals outside, but keep them sheltered during storms.

In the game “Fields of Mistria”, this task might become repetitive and consume quite a bit of your gaming hours. But with their first major update on November 18, 2024, they introduced a new carpenter’s item called the Big Bell. This bell allows you to summon or dismiss all your animals at once. Therefore, it’s a valuable addition to your inventory and is worth making as soon as you have access to it.

How to Unlock the Big Bell Crafting Recipe

How to Craft the Big Bell

In this scenario, you need to select “The Bell Tolls” option within the Ranching Skills Enhancements to open The Big Bell. You can accumulate Ranching Skill points by nurturing your livestock, either by personally feeding them or giving them affectionate pats, and allowing them access to the outdoors during pleasant weather. However, be mindful that exposing them to poor weather conditions like rain and snow may lead to their discomfort.

The Skill Perk titled “The Bell Tolls” falls under the highest tier, which is Level 45. This skill requires an investment of 155 Essence.

Here’s your new crafting recipe for the grand Big Bell! Once it’s rung, this massive bell summons or gathers all the creatures and leads them back to their dwellings.

Besides The Bell Tolls, you might also consider Maximum Milling and Barnyard Bounty III. Although each serves its purpose, if you’re at level 45 in Ranching and find yourself short on Essence, it would be more advantageous to acquire The Bell Tolls initially.

After acquiring the Perk, you can construct the Big Bell at a workstation known as a Crafting Station. There are two locations where you can find these workstations: one is positioned outside the Carpenter’s Shop in The Narrows, and another is close to the school in Mistria. Alternatively, if you have 1000 Tesserae, you can purchase a Crafting Station from the Carpenter’s Shop and place it either inside or outside your home.

The Big Bell is classified as a Level Zero Woodworking Blueprint. To craft this item, you will require the following components:

Cost How to Get
Hard Wood 80 Tesserae (Balor’s Wagon only)
  • Buy from Balor’s Wagon.
  • Chop down tree trunks and stumps (requires Copper Axe).
Copper Ingot * N/A
  • Craft x10 Copper Ore (9 if you have “Copper Expert” Perk) to make x1 Copper Ingot.
  • Farm Copper Ore in the Mines (1-19) or buy it from the Blacksmith’s Shop (50 Tesserae).
Iron Ingot * N/A
  • Craft x10 Iron Ore (9 if you have “Iron Expert” Perk) to make x1 Iron Ingot.
  • Farm Iron Ore in the Mines (21-39) or buy it from the Blacksmith’s Shop (70 Tesserae).
Silver Ingot * N/A
  • Craft x10 Silver Ore (9 if you have “Silver Expert” Perk) to make x1 Silver Ingot.
  • Farm Silver Ore in the Mines (41-59) or buy it from the Blacksmith’s Shop 100 Tesserae).

At the moment, the Blacksmith’s Shop doesn’t sell Ingots. But don’t worry, Balor sometimes keeps Ingots in his wagon, so it might be worth checking if you have some funds available. Here’s the pricing information for your reference:

  • Copper Ingot: 250 Tesserae
  • Iron Ingot: 300 Tesserae
  • Silver Ingot: 500 Tesserae

Recommended Perks for Crafting the Big Bell

It’s not required to have any Perks unlocked to make the Big Bell, but having them can make it easier on you in-game such as cutting back on resources or using less time. Here are some recommended Perks to make your Woodcrafting easier:

Skill Tier/Level Cost What Does It Do?
Natural Woodcrafting 2 (Lvl 15) 20 Essence Chopping down any tree will sometimes drop Hardwood.
Copper Expert Blacksmithing 1 (Lvl 1) 15 Essence The amount of Copper Ore required to craft Copper Ingot is reduced by 1.
Iron Expert Blacksmithing 2 (Lvl 15) 50 Essence The amount of Iron Ore required to craft Iron Ingot is reduced by 1.
Silver Expert Blacksmithing 3 (Lvl 30) 75 Essence The amount of Silver Ore required to craft Silver Ingot is reduced by 1.
Time Sensitive (I-III) Blacksmithing
  • 1 (Lvl 1)
  • 2 (Lvl 15)
  • 3 (Lvl 30)
  • 10 Essence (Time Sensitive I)
  • 50 Essence (Time Sensitive II)
  • 50 Essence (Time Sensitive III)
Craft Time for all blacksmithing recipes will be reduced by 10 minutes (30 minutes total with Time Sensitive III).

How to Use the Big Bell

Where to Place It on Your Farm

After obtaining the Big Bell, you are free to position it anywhere on your farm much like arranging buildings or decorations. Unlike barns or coops, the Big Bell doesn’t require a specific location to function, but it must be placed outside for it to work. To utilize the bell, simply inspect it and choose either “Call Outside” or “Send Inside.

Instead of ringing the bell to gather all animals simultaneously, it might make feeding them by hand more challenging since they’ll likely move towards any nearby green space or food source. If there’s a particular animal you want to build a bond with, I recommend only using the bell around its living quarters like the barn or coop.

As a dedicated pet owner, don’t forget to rummage through the coops and barns before bedtime to see if any treasures left by my beloved pets were overlooked. This could include milk or sparkling beads that they may have tucked away during their nightly activities.

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2024-11-28 00:24