How to Heal in Deadlock

How to Heal in Deadlock

As someone who’s spent countless hours in the gritty world of Deadlock, I can confidently say that understanding the intricacies of healing items and abilities is crucial for any aspiring hero.

In Deadlock, it’s not ideal for players to persistently stay in a lane with only a small fraction of their health left. The game is quite swift, and your adversaries will seek every possible opportunity to gain an edge. If you’re wandering about with a significant chunk of your health depleted, they’ll be eager to capitalize on this, swiftly eliminating you and garnering a substantial amount of Souls in the process.

In no time at all, if you don’t act quickly, your adversaries could accumulate a significant advantage in the number of Souls, making it tough for you to land hits, let alone apply pressure to kill them. To emerge victorious in your lane and claim the top spot, it’s crucial that you heal your character whenever possible. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t provide much instruction on healing methods in Deadlock.

How To Heal In Deadlock

How to Heal in Deadlock

In the game ‘Deadlock’, certain characters naturally regenerate a small amount of health during combat. The amount varies between different heroes, and currently, Mo & Krill, as well as Bebop, have the highest natural healing rates in the game. While this natural healing can be helpful in tight situations, it’s not enough to keep you going throughout the laning phase.

Here are all the ways you can heal your hero in Deadlock.

Going Back To The Base

How to Heal in Deadlock

In the game ‘Deadlock’, a key method for recovery is traveling the entire Transit line back to the starting point. This action swiftly restores any health that was lost during battle in the field. However, it’s important to note that this strategy comes with an obvious disadvantage: you won’t be able to collect Souls from defeating enemy soldiers.

In this scenario, your adversary could see this situation as a chance to advance down the lane and weaken your defender. Meanwhile, you’d be forced to leave your teammate alone against two enemy champions. It’s likely that they’ll coordinate their attack on your ally, eliminating them before you can return.

While returning to your base, remember to secure your lane first and try to eliminate an enemy hero if it’s feasible. This action ensures that upon your return to the lane, your opponent won’t be able to put excessive pressure on your tower guardian.

Using Zip Line Boost upon your return to the base will quicken your journey back to the lane, since the speed increase remains active during your return.

Heal From The Banner Trooper

How to Heal in Deadlock

In this game, troops are autonomous groups that march along different lanes, engaging your opponents’ troops and heroes while advancing the lane. Every 25 seconds, a new group of four troops appears on each lane. Each group consists of two ranged troops, one melee troop, and a banner troop.

If you prefer not to take the subway home, it might be beneficial to stay close to your Banner Trooper when your health is low. The Banner Trooper provides a brief healing burst every six seconds that restores health for all friendly units in the vicinity. For heroes, this heal equates to about 40 HP (Health Points), which may seem insignificant compared to larger values, but it can still provide a minor health increase during the laning phase.

If a Tower Guardian should fall, that marks the end of the laning phase, and the healing power provided by Banner Troopers boosts up to 80 for all hero champions.

Buying Healing Items

How to Heal in Deadlock

What makes Deadlock unique among other hero shooters such as Overwatch is the feature that allows you to purchase items for your characters. By visiting the Curiosity Shop either from your base or the battlefield, you can spend Souls to acquire items that increase your hero’s damage, attack speed, and health. Additionally, there are items available that can improve your health regeneration and provide passive or active healing effects.

For passive health recovery, you can acquire either an “Enhanced Regeneration” which increases your character’s health regeneration by 2.8, or a “Healing Amplifier”, which provides additional 2 points of health regeneration. Another fantastic healing artifact is “Durability”, which restores 4% of your character’s maximum HP when you are out of combat for approximately 11 seconds.

In the Health category of the Curiosity Store, a few dynamic products have distinct benefits for healing.

Item Name Item Cost Active Effect
Healing Rite 500 Souls Grants 370 total HP regen to a target over a 17-second duration. It also boosts sprint speed by 2m/s.
Restorative Locket 1,250 Souls Gain one charge whenever an enemy uses an ability within a certain range. Activating the item restores 35 health per charge stored. It can hold up to 15 charges.
Health Nova 1,250 Souls Grants a total of 260 HP heal to everyone in an 18m radius. Increases total healing by 20% for each additional ally.
Rescue Beam 3,000 Souls Heals a targeted ally by 30% of their maximum HP for 2.5 seconds. It also heals you for the same amount at the same time.

In the Weapons section of the Curiosity Shop, there’s a thing called the Restorative Shot that costs 500 Souls. This Restorative Shot provides you with 35 Health Points (HP) when you strike an enemy hero or 10 HP if you hit an enemy Trooper. If the lane is difficult, this item could be a good choice early on for certain characters. With its high rate of fire, Paradox can really make use of this item.

In other words, the Headhunter is an excellent healing option for heroes who attack slowly because it restores 8% of your maximum HP every time you hit an enemy hero with a headshot. However, this item falls under tier-3 and requires 3,000 Souls to buy.

With the Rescue Beam, you can free allies trapped by crowd-control effects by guiding them closer to you while you’re channelling the power.

Buying Lifesteal Items

How to Heal in Deadlock

Besides the curative items in the game, players can also find vitality-draining items called Lifesteals. These Lifesteal items draw health from opponents based on the damage inflicted. Just like healing items, you’ll need to purchase them at the shop. In Deadlock, there are numerous Lifesteal items for sale, so remember to check out the Curiosity Shop while customizing your hero’s build.

Essential items are generally categorized into three main types: Vitality Items, Ammunition Items, and Combat Items.

  • With Bullet Lifesteal items, you’ll regain health with each shot you land with your primary weapon.
  • Spirit Lifesteal heals you when you deal spirit damage with your abilities, items, or even weapons.
  • Melee Lifesteal lets you drain health on melee hits or with abilities that count as melee attacks.

Before selecting a lifesteal item for your character build, it’s crucial to identify the specific kind of damage your hero is proficient with first.

Using Healing Abilities

How to Heal in Deadlock

The game currently offers 21 characters, each with distinct skills and equipment combinations. Some of these characters possess self-healing or even ally-healing abilities that can be beneficial during gameplay. For example, Abrams’s Siphon Life skill draws health from enemy heroes and soldiers within a particular radius until the effect ends. This ability empowers Abrams to adopt a more aggressive playstyle throughout the entire game. However, he lacks means to heal his teammates.

McGinnis, on the other hand, has the capacity to unleash a restorative spirit through her Medicinal Specter ability. This ability grants approximately 25 points of health regeneration per second to all allies within a certain range. The healing effect becomes even more potent when pushed to its highest level.

Certain characters possess skills that allow them to “steal” bullet or spirit health for their teammates. Although this isn’t exactly the same as the direct healing provided by characters such as Abrams or McGinnis, it’s still an excellent method for recovering a portion of your lost health. Consequently, players should try out various characters to find the healing ability that they prefer best.

Deadlock, still under continuous development, frequently experiences modifications and upgrades. The full version of the game could potentially introduce novel capabilities and items that enhance healing during both the initial skirmishes (laning phase) and subsequent stages of play.

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2024-09-04 03:17