How To Increase Engineering In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

How To Increase Engineering In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent in the realm of Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, I can confidently say that sieges are some of the most intricately designed and engaging aspects of this game. The tension that builds as you lay siege to an enemy’s castle or city, the careful planning and execution required to bring down their defenses – it’s a thrilling experience that few other games can match.

In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, combat encounters occur variedly based on the territorial backdrop where the clashing armies convene. Regardless of whether engagements take place within the confines of a settlement, the battlefield remains flat and even for both parties involved.

When it comes to an army attempting to take another’s fortified position, such as a castle or city, the outcome isn’t always predictable. The defenders hold several advantages: the high ground and siege weapons are formidable deterrents against advancing enemies in large groups. Although besieging a castle is typically challenging, there are various strategies a player can employ to enhance their chances of success.

Preparing To Lay Siege

How To Increase Engineering In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

As a dedicated fan of medieval strategy games, I cannot stress enough the importance of thorough preparation before embarking on a siege campaign. The arduous process of laying siege can last for several days, so it’s essential to ensure your army’s morale stays high with an ample food supply. Gather as large a force as possible – not only will this serve as a deterrent against rival kingdoms sending reinforcements, but it also guarantees enough soldiers to successfully take the castle.

How To Lay Siege In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

As you draw near the castle or city leading your troops, opt for the action “Besiege Town” to establish your camp and initiate the siege. The enemy fortification may already boast several catapults, ballistas, and robust walls, contingent upon the selected upgrades by the castle’s mayor. Your mission is to obliterate these structures before advancing your troops further. Players are able to construct:

  • Battering Ram
  • Siege Tower
  • Trebuchet
  • Onager
  • Ballista

a battering ram and two siege towers. Initially, it’s essential to allow some time for your camp to be established, which is approximately half a day. It’s recommended that you prioritize building the battering ram and both siege towers first since they won’t be under enemy fire during this period. This way, if an opposing army from the neighboring kingdom attempts to interfere, you can launch your attack immediately with these weapons prepared.

Moving forward, our objective is to dismantle the adversary’s defenses. Among all siege weapons, ballistas are the most expeditiously constructed, yet they possess the least destructive power. Conversely, trebuchets yield the greatest force but take longer to construct. Ranged siege engines may fall prey to the enemy’s countermeasures; however, having a backup plan, or a reserve option, can shield your siege weapons from harm.

Four trebuchets should be prepared in advance by pausing time during their construction, keeping them hidden in reserve. Placing them in reserve ensures they won’t be attacked and can be swiftly deployed when more are built. Await the completion of at least three or four before halting time once more to unleash all trebuchets simultaneously from the reserve. This strategy grants you a superior arsenal, enabling your trebuchets to efficiently dismantle the enemy’s defenses.

Maintain the construction of your siege weapons to ensure a constant operation of four functional ones. Following the annihilation of the adversary’s ranged weaponry, focus on demolishing the castle walls with your trebuchets. Once the walls collapse, your siege towers will become obsolete but provide your troops with significant openings in the fortifications during the ensuing engagement. After dismantling all defensive structures, initiate the assault to neutralize your enemy’s defenses and establish a level battlefield, enabling your elite forces to charge through the breaches in the walls for an effective ground confrontation.

How To Level Up Engineering In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

How To Increase Engineering In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

In the heat of battle, constructing and employing siege weapons grants Engineering experience points for Players. Specifically, these weapons rake in Engineering XP whenever they successfully take down enemy defenders or claim kills during an assault on a castle. The advantage of razing all defensive structures is twofold: it bolsters your position significantly, while also rewarding you with the maximum amount of XP. Meanwhile, persistent fortification efforts by Defenders create ample opportunities for Players to accumulate Engineering experience efficiently, particularly when they command a formidable siege squad consisting of four trebuchets or similar weapons.

Marking Focus Points in your Engineering proficiency chart enhances the XP you gain within this particular skill set. The specializations under Engineering impact both the pace at which you construct siege engines and their efficiency. Although accumulating Engineering points may necessitate a significant investment of time, the rewards become increasingly valuable as you progress through the game, frequently engaging in sieges of castles and cities to expand your feudal holdings.

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2024-07-14 10:03