How To Make A New Character In Dungeonborne

How To Make A New Character In Dungeonborne

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent exploring various RPG worlds, I can wholeheartedly appreciate the depth and intricacy that Dungeonborne brings to the table. The ability to choose from eight distinct classes, each with its unique benefits, is a welcome addition to my gaming experience. However, the inability to change class once chosen was initially daunting.

In Dungeonborne, players can select from among eight distinct character classes at the game’s outset. Each class is associated with particular races such as humans, undead, or elves.

As a gamer in Dungeonborne, I can’t select any race under a specific class. Instead, I have to choose among the eight available races, each with its distinct advantage that enhances my class choice. The decision to pick a class is a significant one, and some players might be curious if it’s a permanent commitment. Here’s how I can change my class in Dungeonborne:

How To Create A New Character & Change Classes In Dungeonborne

After a character is formed and its class is set, unfortunately, that classification cannot be altered. Nevertheless, players have the freedom to generate new characters or select among them with ease. At the central camp, locate the Character List button in the bottom left corner of the screen, which can be accessed using the hotkey F1. This action will bring up your character list, where all created characters will appear on the right side of the screen.

To add a new character, find an empty space in the list beneath your current characters to access the character generation interface. Feel free to choose a fresh name and design a completely new character with any desired class. There’s plenty of room for you to create multiple characters of each class if you wish, enabling players to experiment with various classes at their leisure and switch between them whenever they prefer.

Class Character Race
Fighter Human
Priest Human
Rogue Human
Pyromancer Human
Death Knight Undead
Cryomancer Undead
Swordmaster Elf
Druid Elf

How To Switch Characters In Dungeonborne

Once a fresh character is generated, just hover over it in the character roster and click on it. Then, hit the “Enter Lobby” button, located at the bottom right corner of the screen, to go back to your camp using that newly-created character. Each character retains their unique inventory; however, they all share the stash and currencies.

Certain pieces of equipment can only be utilized by particular classes, while the Stash serves as a platform for exchanging items and gear among your characters. This feature is beneficial in equipping newly created characters with superior equipment, enhancing their power before embarking on their initial runs. However, it’s important to note that your account holds Gold and Moonstones, allowing you to access them across all your characters without transferring them via the Stash.

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2024-07-25 03:03