How To Make Merchant’s Refresh Inventory In Star Wars Outlaws

How To Make Merchant's Refresh Inventory In Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned space-faring adventurer who’s lost count of the number of galaxies I’ve traversed, Star Wars Outlaws has certainly piqued my interest with its immersive gameplay and attention to detail. The ability to upgrade my trusty blaster and ship is a feature that resonates deeply with me; after all, who doesn’t love a good upgrade?

In the game titled “Star Wars Outlaws“, players have the opportunity to enhance their blaster, spacecraft, and speeder. These improvements necessitate different crafting resources that can either be discovered across multiple planets during exploration or acquired from a store.

Essential items like Bacta Vials and Grenades are likely to be sought after, especially prior to significant missions. It can be advantageous to acquire these items beforehand since their availability at stores is often limited. However, it’s good to know that store inventories do restock; here’s how you can trigger that process.

How To Make Stores Refresh In Star Wars Outlaws

At any given moment, each store carries a restricted selection of the goods they offer for sale. The stock at a particular store remains consistent, with more of those same items being replenished gradually over time. However, while upgrade materials and consumables will be updated regularly, gear and quest items are one-time purchases as they won’t be refreshed.

To prompt a store to update its stock, just make a quick trip outside Earth’s atmosphere, then return to the store. The act of leaving and re-entering Earth’s orbit serves as the trigger for the planet’s inventory refresh, so you don’t need to physically travel to another planet. A spacecraft journey is sufficient to get the store to restock its items.

As a devoted fan, I must share that stores will consistently replenish their stock, returning to the maximum capacity for each item they can handle. It’s essential to note that these stores cannot exceed this limit, so if you happen to have an abundance of Bacta Vials, you might need to visit multiple stores or refresh a few times to fully restock your supply.

When Do You Get Your Ship In Star Wars Outlaws

How To Make Merchant's Refresh Inventory In Star Wars Outlaws
  • Once unlocked, your ship can be found at the landing zone of a major city.
  • There is no resource usage for flying, meaning refreshing the store is free aside from watching a few cutscenes.

If you’re primarily interested in delving deep into the first planet and haven’t yet turned your attention to the primary missions, you should initially wrap up a few tasks before gaining control of your spacecraft. This will allow you to restock supplies and repair your ship. The sixth main mission, titled “False Flag,” serves this purpose. During this mission, you’ll receive guidance on operating your spaceship, after which you can use it freely once all missions are completed.

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2024-08-30 05:03