How To Make Money As A Landless Adventurer In Crusader Kings 3

How To Make Money As A Landless Adventurer In Crusader Kings 3

As an old-time adventurer who’s seen more than a few sunsets, I must say that the landless life ain’t all about swords and sorcery, it’s also about gold and glory! In this game called “Roads to Power”, us landless folk have our ways of making a pretty penny.

One significant feature in the expansion pack, “Roads to Power” for the game Crusader Kings 3, is the chance to traverse the map as a Wanderer without Land. Players can embark on this journey right at the beginning of the game with a historical or personalized character, or they might find themselves displaced and wandering during regular gameplay.

These adventurers play very differently from landed rulers, and players will find that many of the traditional ways of getting rich in CK3 don’t work. For example, there are no taxes to collect and, for the most part, gold won’t be generated through economic buildings. Therefore, players will need to discover new ways of making money as a Landless Adventurer in Roads to Power​​​​.

Completing Contracts Is The Main Source Of Gold For Landless Adventurers In CK3

How To Make Money As A Landless Adventurer In Crusader Kings 3

In the world of Landless Adventurer, contracts serve as both the main sustenance and primary source of earnings. These agreements come in numerous forms, and it’s generally beneficial for Adventurers to focus on those that align with their skills, as remuneration is only awarded upon success.

Players might not only improve their skills but potentially increase their earnings as well. Moreover, prestigious patrons often provide superior contracts for top-level talent.

Look for two or three-star Contracts as these will offer more money.

Criminal contracts often come with larger rewards, but they tend to earn you disapproval because of the Gallowsbait quality. For instance, if you’re robbing a treasury, there might be an opportunity to take more gold, but doing so increases the chance of getting caught.

Camp Upgrades & Perks That Increase Contract Rewards

  • Mercenary Contract Rewards +50%: The Lockwagon upgrade for the Proving Grounds.
  • Mercenary Contract Rewards +25%: The Hard Rule Martial Perk.
  • Criminal Contract Rewards +50%: The Juicy Rumors upgrade for the Roaring Campfire.
  • Criminal Contract Rewards +100%: The Crime Pays Intrigue Perk.
  • Learning Contract Rewards +50%: The Loyal Scribes upgrade for the Baggage Train.
  • Stewardship Contract Rewards +50%: The Bartering Grounds upgrade for the Baggage Train.
  • Non-Mercenary Contract Rewards + 25%: The You Get What You Pay For Stewardship Perk.

War Can Make Landless Adventurers Very Rich In CK3

How To Make Money As A Landless Adventurer In Crusader Kings 3

While noble rulers can potentially earn money during wars if managed correctly, it usually depletes their resources because of the costs associated with maintaining armies. In contrast, landless adventurers face no such burden since it’s free for them to raise troops.

Investing in military facilities at Camp and acquiring top Martial Perks makes it remarkably affordable to recruit Men-at-Arms for your Adventuring party.

How Adventurers Can Get Even More Gold From Battles & Sieges

Apart from the absence of recurring expenses, Landless Adventurers can discover several distinctive methods to amass additional wealth during conflicts.

  • Mortician Tools: This Camp upgrade for the Barber’s Tent means additional gold will be gained from battles.
  • Master of Spoils: Unlocked with the Lockwagon upgrade for the Proving Grounds, players can appoint a Master of Spoils to increase the rewards of every battle and siege.
  • Ransom Cages: This Camp upgrade for the Baggage Train enables the appointment of a Man-Haggler who increases ransom prices.

Prolong conflicts for smaller skirmishes and capture prisoners whose actions boost the war total, thereby encouraging further engagements, sieges, and ransom opportunities. Adventurers may find themselves less concerned with the final results of these conflicts.

How To Join Wars As A Landless Adventurer In CK3

  • Mercenary Contracts: These Contracts offer gold and other bonuses based on how much an Adventurer contributes.
  • Faction Contracts: By taking these Contracts, players will join a vassal faction and in time they can Press Demands to go to war.
  • Offer Military Assistance: Some rulers will pay Adventurers a fixed price to join their war, although payment is dependent on contributing to the war score. This is done by clicking on the ruler.
  • Offer to Join War: By clicking on a ruler at war, players can offer to join their war for no return other than seeking plunder.

Dispossessed Explorers might take up arms to defend their own territorial claims, yet the primary intention here isn’t financial gain. Instead, they stand to acquire land if victorious in their endeavors.

Other Ways To Make Money As A Landless Adventurer In CK3

How To Make Money As A Landless Adventurer In Crusader Kings 3

Beyond Contracts and war, Landless Adventurers can get rich in a few more ways in Roads to Power:

  • Selling Artifacts: When visiting a holding where the Camp is located, there is an option to sell artifacts. It’s even possible to convince the buyer that they are worth more, although this may fail, and instead reduce the offered price.
  • Dismantle Camp Buildings: When players need gold quickly, they can dismantle buildings at Camp, returning most of the construction cost.
  • Found a Holding: By investing gold and meeting a few other requirements, players can Found a Holding in an empty Barony. This will eventually provide passive income like other cities in CK3 and players can even settle there by force.
  • Master Thief Officer : The Subdued Gear upgrade for the Supply Tent allows players to appoint a Master Thief who will provide a small amount of gold each month.
  • High-Stakes Bartering Perk : A Stewardship Perk which allows Adventurers to gain 25% of a Barony’s gold as they pass through.
  • Camp Tax or Renowned Artificers Perks: Each of these Stewardship Perks gives +0.5g per month for the Domicile Income.
  • See How It’s Done Perk: Gain 20g for visiting points of interest.
  • Visit & Steal from Churches: When camped in a holding with a Temple, there is an option to steal from it.
  • Writing Books To Sell: This is best with the Scholar line of Perks as followers will also write books of better quality.

Some Camp Buildings Provide Passive Income

Some structures within the Camp yield a modest quantity of gold each month, which mirrors the operation of typical buildings as seen in Crusader Kings 3.

  • Barber’s Tent: 1.2g at max rank.
  • Mobile Brewers: 0.3g for the Mess Tent.
  • Roving Bakers: 0.2g for the Mess Tent.
  • Adept Curers: 0.2g for the Mess Tent.
  • Roaming Smithy: 0.1g for the Supply Tent
  • Driven Sutlers: 0.1g for the Supply Tent

Some Of The Usual Ways Of Making Money In CK3 Still Work

Though some essential aspects of the game may be inaccessible for Landless Adventurers, there are still common methods for earning income that can be applied.

  • Golden Obligations Perk : With this Stewardship Perk, players can still demand gold from those they hold hooks on.
  • Abduct & Ransom: The Kidnapper Intrigue Perk enables the Abduct scheme which can result in a nice ransom.
  • Random Events: As with any characters, Landless Adventurers may get events that favor them with gold, or they may lose it.
  • Asking the Pope for Gold: The Pope will need to like the character, and they must exchange Piety.

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2024-09-26 01:13