How To Open The Old Ruler’s Crypt Gate In Enotria: The Last Song (Key To The Catacombs Guide)

How To Open The Old Ruler's Crypt Gate In Enotria: The Last Song (Key To The Catacombs Guide)

As a seasoned adventurer who’s spent countless hours traversing the fantastical realms of Enotria: The Last Song, I can confidently say that the mystery of the Old Ruler’s Crypt gate has been one of the most intriguing enigmas I’ve encountered.

One of the game’s many mysteries is the closed gate located near the Old Ruler’s Crypt in Enotria: The Last Song. Upon investigating the gate, a prompt appears that states it requires a key.

In order to find the key that opens the gate, The Maskless One must conduct an extensive search of Maja’s Monastery. Fortunately, the item needed can be found very near the Old Ruler’s Crypt in Enotria: The Last Song, so you just have to conquer a few adversaries and maneuver treacherous waters to acquire the Key to the Catacombs and unlock the gate.

How To Open The Old Ruler’s Crypt Gate In Enotria: The Last Song

To unlock the gate near the Old Ruler’s Crypt Reality Knot in Enotria: The Last Song, players need to locate the Catacombs Key first. After obtaining the key from the Old Ruler’s Crypt, move right and conquer the crawling adversaries along the way. Watch out for roots as you descend, beware of a mage enemy that might unbalance you. Turn left to find a path, which eventually leads into an area filled with Wicked entities causing harmful waters.

Bide your time until the three adversaries move away, then swiftly proceed to the right and ascend the staircase. Two more foes may charge at “The Maskless One,” giving you an option to engage in battle or keep moving. If you choose to battle, take them down; otherwise, continue up the ladder. Reach the illuminated wooden platform and employ an Ardore Burst to shatter it. Traverse to the opposite side and ascend another ladder. Dispose of the two opponents and make your way into a narrow passage on the right to obtain the Key to the Catacombs.

What’s Inside The Catacombs In Enotria: The Last Song

Once you obtain the Key to the Catacombs within “Enotria: The Last Song”, make your way back to the Old Ruler’s Crypt. Use the key to unlock the gate here. Note that this gate does not lead to secret areas or provide additional exploration opportunities, nor will it yield valuable items. Instead, it takes you to a solitary room housing a Combat Rift and another gate, which serves as a shortcut to an earlier region of the game.

In the game Enotria: The Last Song, when you engage in a challenge, one powerful enemy, resembling a mini-boss, emerges. This adversary wields a spear that causes both Wicked and Fatuo damage. To increase your chances of defeating it, utilize an item with Gratia, as Fatuo is its weakness. If the Maskless One doesn’t have a suitable weapon yet due to being in the early stages of the game, feel free to postpone the challenge for later. Once you successfully conquer the mini-boss, rewards will be bestowed upon you.

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2024-09-17 10:43