How To Play As The Heretic In Risk Of Rain 2

How To Play As The Heretic In Risk Of Rain 2

As a dedicated Risk of Rain 2 enthusiast who’s spent countless hours mastering every survivor, I must confess that the Heretic stands out as a unique and exhilarating character among the roster. Unlike my usual method of grinding levels to unlock new characters, this elusive figure is obtained through a more enigmatic path – collecting Lunar items.

Amongst all the characters you can control in Risk of Rain 2, it’s likely that the Heretic catches your attention the most due to its unique circumstances. Unlike other characters, the Heretic isn’t regularly accessible; instead, it is temporarily unlocked through unusual methods.

In contrast to other standout characters in Risk of Rain 2, The Heretic may not receive as much attention or recognition, yet its potential strength is undeniable. Here’s a guide on how to experience this hidden survivor:

How To Turn Into The Heretic In ROR 2

How To Play As The Heretic In Risk Of Rain 2

In contrast to other characters in ROR 2, the Heretic isn’t acquired by defeating a boss or dying gloriously. Instead, players have the ability to assume the role of the Heretic by gathering four unique Lunar artifacts. These items are as follows:

  • Visions of Heresy: Replaces your Primary Skill with Hungering Gaze
  • Strides of Heresy: Replaces your Utility Skill with Shadowfade
  • Essence of Heresy: Replaces your Special Skill with Ruin
  • Hooks of Heresy: Replaces your Secondary Skill with Slicing Maelstrom

The easiest and most convenient way of turning into the Heretic is to use the Artifact of Command in Risk of Rain 2. This artifact lets players choose what items they get according to the rarity of an item drop. To get all the items for the Heretic, find and activate a Newt Portal, then open all the Lunar Buds inside the Bazaar Between Time. If you’re lucky, you can find Lunar Buds on the levels themselves. Be aware that doing this requires Lunar Coins.

Using Lunar Heresy artifacts will grant you the powers associated with a Heretic, without necessarily turning you into one entirely. Remember, the order in which you select these items matters, as combining them incorrectly could disrupt any beneficial interactions you may have with other abilities or items.

Additionally, there are custom modifications created by users that allow players to choose the Heretic as their survivor character during character selection.

What Is The Heretic In ROR 2?

How To Play As The Heretic In Risk Of Rain 2

The Heretic is a unique survivor characterized by its capability to inflict delayed damage. Among all playable characters, it boasts the highest base Health Points (HP), surpassing even the False Son from ROR 2. However, this character also experiences negative health regeneration, which means it continually loses HP over time. Its skillset encompasses:

  • Hungering Gaze: Shoot tracking shards that explode after a short duration. Stores up to 12 charges at a time, and automatically reloads after two seconds of not firing.
  • Slicing Maelstrom: Charge a projectile that deals damage to nearby enemies before exploding. The explosion deals damage and roots enemies in place.
  • Shadowfade: Become Intangible (player’s hitbox is removed during the ability), gain movement speed, and heal for a percentage of your maximum health.
  • Ruin: Heretic passively adds a stack of Ruin to targets when it deals damage. Activating this skill detonates all Ruin stacks, dealing damage that increases per stack consumed.

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2024-09-07 02:05