How to Play Viscous in Deadlock

How to Play Viscous in Deadlock

As a seasoned gamer with years of Deadlock under my belt, I can confidently say that Mastering Viscous is like mastering a fine art. The slimy one might seem a bit intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, he’s a force to be reckoned with.

In the game Deadlock, Viscous is one of those characters who can make you groan during ranked matches. It’s frustrating when an ally selects this hero, struggles with their ultimate, and ends up harming their own team with clumsy ability application. On the other hand, if an opponent masters it, they can almost single-handedly win the game. The truth is, Viscous is a challenging character to master, but when you do, you have the capability to single-handedly carry your team and win the game.

To master each character in Deadlock, it’s essential to begin by grasping their unique build. For instance, Viscous offers versatility, but if you aim to rule solo, consider adopting this suggested build:

Deadlock Viscous Overview & Ability Details

How to Play Viscous in Deadlock

Scales well with Spirit PowerHigh skill floor
Can poke from a distanceMap knowledge needed to execute Goo Ball well
Hard to kill late-gameReckless Puddle Punches can put allies in dangerous spots
Can save himself and his alliesEasy to kill when abilities are on cooldown
Excellent AOE control and utilities

Mastering Viscous in Deadlock isn’t a walk in the park; quite the contrary. Achieving perfection with this hero demands a thorough grasp of the map and an acute sense for exploiting narrow areas and corners effectively. However, once you’re well-versed with him, Viscous can be a real thorn in the side of opponents during late-game battles. This character boasts a plethora of crowd control powers, consistently throwing a wrench in the enemy team’s plans and dishing out heavy damage in group skirmishes. To add insult to injury, he also has the ability to rescue his allies when things go awry.

Here’s a quick breakdown of his abilities:

Ability NameEffectsUpgrade
SplatterThrow a ball of goo that deals damage and leaves puddles of goo behind that apply movement slow to enemies in the radius.

  • Damage: 100 (x1.5 Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Movement Slow: 35%
  • Puddle Duration: 10s
  • Radius: 5m
  • Cooldown: 21s
  • 1 AP: -5.75s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +70 Damage and +1m Radius
  • 5 AP: Bounces 2 times
The CubeEncase the target in a cube of restorative goo that purges debuffs, protects from damage, and increases health regen. Target is unable to take any new actions while cubed. Can be used on self. Press the Escape button to escape early.

  • Health Regen: +40
  • Duration: 4s
  • Cast Range: 30m
  • Cooldown: 48s
  • 1 AP: Increases Movement Speed and Stamina Recovery
  • 2 AP: -21s Cooldown
  • 5 AP: +60 Health Regen
Puddle PunchMaterialize a fist in the world that punches units in the area and send them flying. Enemies will be dealt damage, have their dash distance reduced for a brief moment, and have their movement slowed. This is considered a Light Melee attack.

  • Movement Slow: 20%
  • Slow Duration: 4s
  • Cast Range: 40m
  • Radius: 4m
  • Charges: 1
  • Charge Cooldown: 1.5s
  • Cooldown: 30s
  • 1 AP: +1 Charges
  • 2 AP: +35 Damage and +20% Movement Slow
  • 5 AP: -11.5s Cooldown
Goo BallMorph into a large goo ball that deals damage and stuns enemies on impact. The ball grants large amounts of Bullet and Spirit resist, bounces off walls, and can double jump.

  • Damage: 140 (x1.3 Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Stun Duration: 1s
  • Spirit Resist: 70%
  • Bullet Resist: 60%
  • Duration: 10s
  • Cooldown: 95s
  • 1 AP: +5s Duration
  • 2 AP: +120 Damage
  • 5 AP: Can cast abilities and use items while rolling.

Viscous Build Guide (Ability Order & Item Progression) in Deadlock

How to Play Viscous in Deadlock

In the game of Deadlock, Viscous can be an extraordinarily troublesome figure for the opposing team. With his Puddle Punch sending enemies flying or his Goo Ball charging through and stunning everyone in its path, it becomes quite challenging to strategize against him when all his abilities are ready to use. Furthermore, he has the ability to act as a support, focusing on enhancing The Cube to its highest level and playing from the backline, shielding his teammates.

For our construction, we’ll create items centered around Puddle Punch to leverage its scalability based on the hero’s melee damage. As the game progresses, we’ll shift towards Spirit items to maximize the use of his potent abilities that scale with spirit damage.

Viscous Ability Order

How to Play Viscous in Deadlock

In this game, Viscous excels at attacking enemy heroes from afar with his skills. When you arrive at the battlefield, start by activating Splatter initially. Once you can, go for Puddle Punch. Then, choose The Cube as your next skill to acquire. Use your Ultimate whenever it’s fully charged.

As for investing your points, the first point should always go into Splatter. The Cooldown reduction that comes from it is way too good to pass up. You’ll want to invest your next AP into Puddle Punch for the extra charge. Combined with the Extra Charge item, you’ll be able to cast it three times in a row.

First, elevate Splatter to its highest level, followed by Puddle Punch. Subsequently, allocate one Action Point (AP) each to Goo Ball and The Cube. Elevate Goo Ball to its maximum level, then pour the remaining AP points into The Cube.

If you’re playing as a support, you’ll want to max out The Cube instead of Splatter.

Viscous Item Progression

How to Play Viscous in Deadlock

In this build, we aim to enhance Viscous’s melee damage at the beginning of the game to maximize Puddle Punch’s damage, as its power increases with your melee damage. Additionally, equipping Melee Lifesteal items will allow you to heal your character. But as the game progresses, we’ll shift focus towards boosting your Spirit Power to unleash more potent Splatter attacks.

Here’s how the item progression looks like:

Early Game:

  • High-Velocity Mag
  • Spirit Strike
  • Melee Lifesteal
  • Extra Charge
  • Enduring Spirit
  • Extra Stamina
  • Mystic Burst
  • Extra Spirit
  • Sprint Boots

When it comes to Splatter and Puddle Punch compared to Viscous, he possesses two outstanding skills that can be utilized against your lane opponents early in the game. However, it’s crucial to focus on acquiring your initial three items for a significant power surge. The items you should aim for first are High-Velocity Mag, Spirit Strike, and Melee Lifesteal.

Afterward, opt for an additional charge (Extra Charge) on your Puddle Punch. Then, apply Enduring Spirit and Extra Stamina for some durability, followed by Mystic Burst and Extra Spirit to boost early-game damage on your character. Lastly, choose Sprint Boots to gain a bit of extra speed, assisting you in chasing down opposing heroes.

Mid Game:

  • Improved Cooldown
  • Lifestrike
  • Improved Burst
  • Improved Spirit
  • Pristine Emblem
  • Point Blank
  • Soul Shredder Bullets
  • Mystic Shot
  • Spirit Lifesteal
  • Debuff Reducer (Situational)
  • Bullet Armor/Spirit Armor (Situational)

On Viscous, it’s crucial to prioritize Enhanced Cooldown as he heavily depends on his abilities. This should be your initial goal once you’ve gathered all your lane items. Follow it up with Lifestrike for increased melee damage and health. Enhanced Burst and Enhanced Spirit will further boost your hero’s Spirit Power, amplifying the damage from Splatter.

Afterward, consider obtaining a pair of oranges as your next items. Pristine Emblem and Point Blank are both top-notch options for your hero. Alternatively, if the enemy team has high Spirit Resistance items, opt for Soul Shredder Bullets. Lastly, Mystic Shot is an excellent choice for the final orange item on your hero.

In a situation where the opposing team targets you intensely, think about acquiring either Bullet Armor or Spirit Armor based on the primary damage source they employ. Debuff Reducer is particularly effective against opponents who stun you prior to using their abilities.

Late Game:

  • Boundless Spirit
  • Superior Cooldown
  • Improved Reach
  • Mystic Reverb
  • Echo Shard
  • Rapid Recharge
  • Mystic Slow
  • Superior Duration
  • Superior Stamina
  • Leech
  • Phantom Strike (Situational)
  • Colossus (Situational)
  • Debuff Remover (Situational)
  • Improved Bullet Armor/Improved Spirit Armor (Situational)

As the game progresses towards its end, the damage you inflict on enemy heroes will gradually decrease due to their increased resistance. To counteract this, it would be advantageous to enhance the power of your Splatter by boosting your Spirit Power.

If you’re enjoying the game and aiming for Boundless Spirit, save up for it. However, if the game is challenging and you’re finding it tough to gather enough Souls, prioritize other items first until you complete your build. Don’t forget to purchase Superior Cooldown and Improved Reach as soon as possible. These items will significantly enhance your Splatter ability, enabling you to inflict substantial damage with a single cast.

For tough games, consider upgrading to Improved Bullet Armor or SImproved Spirit Armor for defense.

Infuse Splatter with a Mystical Resonance and opt for Echo Shard to utilize it twice if the situation requires. Subsequently, enjoy Rapid Regeneration, then combine Mystic Delay and Long-lasting Effects. Afterward, secure Superior Endurance and Regenerative Power for extra longevity.

If you picked up Debuff Reducer earlier, then it’s a good time to upgrade it to Debuff Remover. Alternatively, you can sell it for Phantom Strike if you want more crowd control or Colossus for more defense.

How to Play Viscous in Deadlock

How to Play Viscous in Deadlock

One of Viscous’ notable advantages lies in his swift and productive soul farming ability. Therefore, it’s crucial to emphasize this during the game’s initial stages. Upon reaching the lane, consider investing an early skill point into Splatter and employ it for harassing opponents. However, remember that your primary goal should be capturing the last hits on enemy Troopers.

Gather some initial items prior to engaging the hero in combat. Your Puddle Punch is a powerful skill that allows you to maneuver your lane opponent into unfavorable positions. In a solo lane, employ Puddle Punch and Splatter to exert control over your adversary, reducing their health significantly. This will make them hesitant to engage in one-on-one combat with you. Even if they do, you’ll have the upper hand in any trade.

When entering the fray, remember to employ The Cube’s capability to shield yourself from the very last instance of damage. Once you acquire your ultimate, instead of instantly using it like with Kelvin’s Frozen Shelter, aim to lure your adversary into confined areas.

In confined spaces with walls, Goo Ball becomes exceptionally potent. As it can rebound from surfaces, this allows for a continuous stun effect on opponents, causing significant damage that may even lead to a quick elimination.

During pivotal team skirmishes in the game, it’s strategic to keep your ultimate ability reserved for crucial instances that could disrupt your opponents’ combination attacks and throw off their timing. The Splatter skill offers heavy damage from afar, while Puddle Punch can push them into uncomfortable situations.

Puddle Punch can also reposition allies, so make sure you use it carefully.

As the game nears its end, it’s best to accumulate a lot of Spirit Power so you can inflict heavy damage with Splatter. To do this effectively, try to stay a bit further away and frequently use your ability to deter the opposing team while concentrating on objectives. With a hero like Abrams who has high durability, it will be simpler for you to execute your abilities flawlessly. However, if there’s no tanky character to lean on, you’ll need to strategically use The Cube at the appropriate time to ensure your survival during team fights.

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2024-09-17 05:04