How To Set Up Water Pumps In Once Human

How To Set Up Water Pumps In Once Human

As a seasoned survivor of the harsh world of Once Human, I can’t stress enough the importance of mastering the art of Water Pump management. After countless hours spent scooping water from rivers and lakes, I’ve learned to appreciate the convenience these mechanical marvels bring.

In the context of this game, Water is indispensable, serving not only for basic survival but also for farming, cooking, and creating items. Manually gathering water is a laborious task, but luckily, the game offers Water Pumps to simplify the process for you.

Learning to set up water pumps might seem a bit perplexing initially; however, if you’re aiming to establish a self-sufficient Acid farm in ‘Once Human’, or simply prefer avoiding the constant chore of collecting water, mastering the art of pump operation should undoubtedly be on your to-do list.

How To Extract Water In Once Human

How To Set Up Water Pumps In Once Human

In this game, there are two structures known as Water Pumps. For clarity, we’ll call the ones that gather water as Water Gathering Pump (Extractor), and the ones responsible for moving water between objects will be referred to as Wall Transfer Pumps. This should help distinguish them more easily in our guide.

Typically, in the game ‘Once Human’, you have to manually gather water from rivers, lakes, or the ocean using your hands. But, if you construct a Water Pump (Extractor) on soil or sand, it will automatically accumulate dirty water for you once connected to a power source. However, this collected dirty water needs to be purified by either boiling it in a Stove or by linking the Extractor to a Water Purifier.

To automate water purification, do the following:

  1. Enter Build mode.
  2. Approach your Water Pump (Extractor).
  3. Press V to start connecting water pipes.
  4. Approach your water purifier, then press V again.

To ensure smooth operation, position your Extractor above your Purifier, as the natural flow of water in pipes is downwards due to gravity.

How To Extract Oil And Polluted Water

The type of substance extracted by a Water Pump (Extractor) varies based on its location. If you set it up above a black area in the Blackheart or Red Sands regions, you’ll yield Crude Oil. On the other hand, if you position it over dirt or sand in an area contaminated with Stardust, you’ll get Polluted Water instead.

One good place to get Polluted Water is the Refinery Pollution Point in Once Human, which is just south of Greywater Camp in the Iron River region. You’ll know if the ground you’re standing on is polluted if your backpack starts ticking.

How To Set Up Water Pumps In Once Human

As a fan, I can tell you that if you’re aiming to transfer water from an Extractor or Water Container to a distant purifier or other production/storage facility, Wall Pumps are the way to go! In essence, these tools work by reversing the direction of water flow. This means you can position your Extractors at lower elevations and still ensure that water flows towards your chosen containers. It’s a game-changer for managing resources efficiently in this game!

As a gamer, I can figure out the direction water’s flowing within a water pipe by observing the continuous flash of white light that travels from one pipe end to another.

To set up these mini water pumps:

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2024-08-25 17:03