How to Switch Religion in Age of History 3

How to Switch Religion in Age of History 3

As an experienced gamer who’s spent countless hours mastering the art of civilization-building, I’ve got to say that Age of History 3 has taken strategic gaming to a whole new level. The ability to manage and manipulate religious practices within my realm is a game-changer.

As an enthusiastic player, I find myself immersed in the captivating world of “Age of History 3”, where the management of my civilization’s religious practices is entirely in my hands. I can adapt these practices based on the specific focus and requirements of my country at any given moment. Occasionally, I may find myself contemplating a shift in some provinces to another religion, but I might not be completely sure about the steps to accomplish this task.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to switch your civilization’s faith in ‘Age of History 3’ and convert specific regions to a different religion for better control over your civilization and enhance the efficiency of your administration.

How to Switch Religion in Age of History 3

In the game “Age of History 3“, players need to navigate to the Council menu before they can switch religions. They can do this by either clicking on their Civilization in the top left corner of the screen or pressing the F1 key. Once in the Council menu, they should look for and select the “Religion” option, which will take them to the Government screen. In the Government screen, they can click on their current Religion and change it as desired.

How to Switch Religion in Age of History 3

Upon selecting their Religion within Age of History 3, a list will pop up showcasing all religions in the game. Each religion has its distinct advantage in-game, clearly stated next to it. Players have the option to exchange 250 Legacy Points and 300 Gold to modify their chosen Religion among the provided options.

How to Convert Province Religion in Age of History 3

In the game Age of History 3, altering a civilization’s religion doesn’t instantly change the whole nation. Instead, the people within each province must be specifically converted. Players have the option to convert individual provinces or, alternatively, convert an entire civilization in one go.

Following a religious switch, the nation will persist in its traditional ways, but to alter this status quo, gamers need to navigate to the “Religion” tab, located at the very end of the left-hand side menu. Here, they can opt for either the “Convert Religion: All Provinces” button, conveniently placed at the top, to instantly change all provinces, or select specific provinces on the map for a targeted conversion.

The higher a province’s population, the higher the religious conversion cost.

All Religions in Age of History 3

Here are all of the religions available in Age of History 3 and their perks:

CatholicIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
OrthodoxIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
ProtestantDevelop Infrastructure cost: -2.5%
JewishInvest in Economy cost: 2.5%
SunniGeneral cost: -2.5%
ShiaGeneral cost: -2.5%
GelupgaProvince Maintenance: -2.5%
TheravadaAdvisor cost: -2.5%
SikhProvince Maintenance: -2.5%
MahayanaIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
ShintoGeneral cost: -2.5%
HinduIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
TengriRecruitment time: -2.5%
ConfucianIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
CopticIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
BuddhismIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
AnimismIncrease Manpower cost: -2.5%
FetishismIncrease Manpower cost: -2.5%
TotemistConstruction time: -2.5%
IntiConstruction cost: -2.5%
IbadiIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
MayanIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
VajrayanaIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
ZoroastrianIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
PolytheismIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
JainismIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
TaoismIncrease Tax Efficiency cost: -2.5%
AtheismConstruction time: -2.5%
HussiteIncrease Manpower cost: -2.5%
NorseIncrease Manpower cost: -2.5%
HellenicIncrease Manpower cost: -2.5%

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2024-10-24 14:45