How to Use Cheats in The Sims 1

In contrast to more recent versions, older games like “Sims” might present a greater challenge for players due to the increased difficulty level when playing “The Sims 1”. Managing a family in “The Sims 1” can prove quite challenging as the Sims earn less money and their needs decrease at a faster rate.

Using cheats to tweak specific game elements can simplify your gaming experience, allowing you to concentrate more on enjoying the gameplay itself. Below you’ll find some helpful cheat codes that will teach you how to quickly accumulate money in The Sims 1, as well as tips on adjusting the time of day and camera rotation.

How to Enable Cheats in The Sims 1

In The Sims 1, players can utilize cheats without the need for any prior activation. To employ cheats in The Sims 1, simply open the cheat console, input your preferred cheat code, and press enter. Similar to other Sims games, you can access the cheat console by pressing Shift + Control + C simultaneously.

The Sims 1 Money Cheat

  • rosebud

To illegitimately acquire Simoleons in The Sims 1, players simply need to type the code “rosebud” into the game’s cheat console and hit enter. This action awards them with 1,000 Simoleons. Players can continuously use this code multiple times or use an alternative method by typing “!;” after using a cheat, which will automatically repeat the last entered cheat.

Following the use of “rosebud”, players can enter the sequence “” for a bonus of 5,000 Simoleons, and they can repeat this sequence multiple times to accumulate even larger amounts of in-game currency.

How to Change the Current Time in The Sims 1

  • set_hour [0-23]

Players can manipulate the in-game time by typing a special command into the game’s console. Specifically, they should input “set the hour to a number between 0 and 23” – this command is followed by a space and the desired hour (ranging from 0 to 23).

How to Rotate the Camera in The Sims 1

  • rotation [0-3]

In earlier versions of The Sims games, players typically have the freedom to adjust the camera angle with their mouse. However, in The Sims 1, the camera angles are limited to four specific positions. To switch between these angles, players can use the following code: “rotation [0-3]”, followed by a space and a number between 0 and 3.

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2025-02-01 01:24