How to Use Nix in Star Wars Outlaws (All Nix Commands)

How to Use Nix in Star Wars Outlaws (All Nix Commands)

As a seasoned Star Wars Outlaws player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that Nix is more than just a cute companion – he’s an indispensable ally in your intergalactic adventures!

A genuine Star Wars game lacks authenticity without a faithful sidekick, applicable to both the Star Wars Jedi series and Star Wars Outlaws. While Kay Vess may not have numerous allies, she can consistently depend on Nix – her steadfast and cuddly companion.

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What Can Nix Do in Star Wars Outlaws

How to Use Nix in Star Wars Outlaws (All Nix Commands)

Intelligent players can derive numerous benefits from using Nix, as he offers versatile application across various game situations. Here’s a list of what Nix can accomplish for Kay Vess:

  1. Scanning the Environment
  2. Stealing From Enemies
  3. Fetching Items and Weapons
  4. Interacting with Panels
  5. Distracting Enemies and Security Cameras
  6. Cheating in Mini-Games
  7. Protecting You in Combat
  8. Interacting or Sabotaging Objects
  9. Attacking Enemies

Nix’s adaptability proves him indispensable, as he can often shift the course of events in numerous scenarios.

Scanning the Environment

How to Use Nix in Star Wars Outlaws (All Nix Commands)

Checking the surroundings is one of Nix’s fundamental tasks. When triggered, it marks crucial elements within its scanning range on your screen for a short while. To perform a scan, simply press and hold the Up button on the D-Pad, or press and hold the “B” key if you’re using a keyboard.

Stealing From Enemies

How to Use Nix in Star Wars Outlaws (All Nix Commands)

In this game, certain non-player characters (NPCs), usually guards, can be pickpocketed using Nix’s assistance. To execute a pickpocketing attempt, hold down the L1/LB button on your controller while focusing on the NPC you wish to rob. This action will trigger a prompt for theft. Press the appropriate button (Triangle for PlayStation and Y for Xbox) to dispatch Nix towards the target, initiating the pickpocketing attempt. To successfully complete the action, you’ll need to hold down L1/LB again. Once Nix has successfully pickpocketed the target, he will return to you with the stolen item.

If you want to avoid repeatedly pressing the L1/LB button while stealing (I hope that was a typo), you can set it up so the process happens automatically. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Go to the Settings menu
  2. Select Gameplay and scroll to the bottom
  3. Change the Nix Prompts option to Off.

Disabling this feature allows Nix to autonomously take from your chosen target, without any additional input needed from you. This option streamlines multiple Nix commands, enhancing the overall interaction experience.

Fetching Items and Weapons

In addition to its other functions, Nix is capable of retrieving items for you, whether in regular gameplay or during battles. There may be instances when you’re unable to grab an item yourself, but your reliable companion can do it instead. For those tricky-to-reach items, simply press and hold the L1/LB button while focusing on the item you wish for Nix to collect. Then, press the corresponding button (X on PlayStation controllers and A on Xbox controllers) to trigger the Fetch action.

Alternatively, you can quickly issue a command to Nix by simply pressing the L1/LB button. Ensure the screen displays ‘Fetch’ at the bottom-left corner before doing so.

After Nix gets the object, he’ll return it to you promptly. Make certain to grab the item from him when he does. Additionally, you can employ similar instructions for Nix to retrieve a powerful weapon from the battleground, enhancing your fighting abilities.

Interacting with Panels

How to Use Nix in Star Wars Outlaws (All Nix Commands)

As you make your way, you’ll find panels that are beyond your grasp but require interaction. That’s when having Nix proves useful! Just gaze at the panel and then press the L1/LB button to let Nix take over. He’ll automatically engage with the panel and open the door for you without any fuss.

In some instances where the L1/LB button prompt doesn’t show up on the screen, I can manually control Nix by grasping the L1/LB button, aligning my aim towards the panel, and then giving him the command much like when I’m guiding him to pilfer from NPCs.

Distracting Enemies and Security Cameras

In many situations, you might have to make an enemy look away or steer a surveillance camera off course, and once more, Nix comes in handy with his simple-to-use commands for doing just that.

For adversaries, keep pressing the L1/LB button and pick a location close to your enemy for diversion. Once you’ve chosen this spot, hit the button corresponding to the Distract action (X on PlayStation or A on Xbox). Swiftly, Nix will scamper towards the selected area and behave as though he’s in distress, thus attracting the enemy’s focus. This creates an excellent chance for you to sneak past a patrol or catch them off guard from behind.

To ensure security cameras don’t notice you, position yourself at an edge within the camera’s field of view and instruct Nix to draw attention. This will make the camera concentrate on Nix, giving you a chance to move by unnoticed.

Cheating in Mini-Games

In the realm of Star Wars, fairness is not guaranteed; neither should it be for you. Nix presents an opportunity to earn swift profits through mini-games, even if it involves a bit of trickery. Although he may not work in every mini-game, he proves particularly effective in the toughest one – Kessel Sabbac.

As a crafty player, I can vouch for the usefulness of Nix in poker games. To get a sneak peek at your opponents’ cards, simply press and hold the D-Pad Up button followed by the designated button (Triangle on PlayStation or Y on Xbox). Remember, with great power comes great responsibility – using Nix to cheat could lead to a temporary ban if caught. So, use this advantage judiciously to enhance your gameplay without inviting unwanted consequences.

Protecting You in Combat

How to Use Nix in Star Wars Outlaws (All Nix Commands)

Among Nix’s less overt skills lies his knack for shielding you, a trait that becomes incredibly useful in battles, especially when the challenge level is high and your health is scarce.

Engaging Nix’s defense mode is simple. Just press and hold the L1/LB button on your game controller and tap the corresponding button (Square for PlayStation and X for Xbox). This will change Nix from an adorable sidekick into a fierce protector, prepared to attack any foe that threatens you. Having this defensive ability can boost your chances of surviving tough situations.

Interact With or Sabotage Objects

Instead of merely serving as a retrieval bot, Nix offers more than meets the eye – he can manipulate objects for your advantage or even cause trouble. For example, if you’re surrounded by enemies close to an explosive barrel, you can order Nix to tamper with it. After some moments, the barrel will detonate unexpectedly, taking your opponents by surprise as Nix swiftly returns to your side. This feature introduces a strategic layer to your gameplay, enabling you to instigate chaos and seize the advantage in combat.

Attacking Enemies

Nix isn’t just about sneaking and creating diversions; he can also be a valuable asset in battle situations. To make him attack an opponent, simply press the L1/LB button while aiming at the enemy. If this approach seems unresponsive, you have the option to hold down the L1/LB button and then press the corresponding attack key (X on PlayStation or A on Xbox). Nix will then jump into action, offering you essential support during fights.

Should you find yourself facing two adversaries, you could employ Nix to engage one of them, giving you time to deal with the other individually. After handling your own opponent, you can subsequently concentrate on overcoming the adversary that Nix is occupying. This strategy helps you handle multiple threats more efficiently.

How to Pet Nix in Star Wars Outlaws

In Star Wars Outlaws, there’s no gameplay benefit from patting Nix, but it’s a delightful action that many players will appreciate because he’s so cute. To give him a pat, just get near him and hold down the L1/LB button, then press R3 to initiate the petting. It’s a sweet way to engage with your companion, adding a sense of intimacy to your adventure. After all, who doesn’t want to stroke every cute creature they meet?

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2024-08-31 17:09