How to Use Tarot Cards in Balatro—All Tarot Cards Explained

In Balatro, you can experience the roguelike game in various methods, and the Tarot Card system is self-contained within it. While Jokers often receive praise, they may not always be necessary if you’re skilled with Tarot Cards. This guide is designed to share tips and strategies for victory using these cards.

In writing this manual, I draw upon my experiences of standing where others have stood: Curious about the role of a Joker and taken aback by elements such as Planet Cards, Spectral Cards, Antes, round conditions, and Tarot Cards. The game Balatro has grown in fame, particularly with Xbox Game Pass, attracting an influx of novice players who are equally puzzled.

As a fellow enthusiast, I’m delighted to help you unravel the mysteries surrounding Balatro’s Tarot Cards in our beloved roguelike game! This guide is designed to alleviate any puzzlement you might have and make the concept clear as day.

In simpler terms, think of these cards as special items you can find during your gaming adventure. Each card holds a unique power that could potentially turn the tide of battle in your favor or offer other benefits, adding an extra layer of strategy to your gameplay!

What do Tarot Cards do in Balatro?

Tarot Cards are a unique item specifically created to influence the composition of your Tarot deck. This allows you to receive more of the specific cards you desire, alter suit types, obtain additional Joker cards, and even increase your financial resources.

Using Tarot Cards alone, you could potentially excel at Balatro games since they have such a powerful ability. Specifically, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, and The World cards can transform three other cards into different suits. This is extremely beneficial for creating a Flush deck, Flush House, or Flush Five, which are high-scoring combinations in the game.

Using Tarot Cards can be a lucrative venture, as cards like Temperance and The Hermit help boost your financial status. Additionally, using Tarot Cards can lead to the production of abundant Glass Cards and Steel Cards—these can potentially secure you victories on their own in games!

All Tarot Cards in Balatro & What They Do

In the mystical realm of Balatro, there are a total of 22 distinct Tarot cards. Understanding the role of each card is crucial because it allows you to acquire free funds and augment your collection with unique, powerful cards.

For any time you might require a swift reference guide, I’ve compiled a list of all the Tarot Cards in Balatro along with their functions. Enjoy!”

This version maintains the original intent while using more conversational language that is easy to read and understand.

Tarot Card Name What it Does
The Fool Creates the last Tarot or Planet card used during this run (The Fool excluded).
The Magician Enhances 2 selected cards into Lucky Cards.
The High Priestess Creates up to 2 random Planet cards (must have room).
The Empress Enhances 2 selected cards to Mult Cards.
The Emperor Creates up to 2 random Tarot cards (must have room).
The Hierophant Enhances 2 selected cards to Bonus Cards.
The Lovers Enhances 1 selected card into a Wild Card.
The Chariot Enhances 1 selected card into a Steel Card.
Justice Enhances 1 selected card into a Glass Card.
The Hermit Doubles money (maximum of $20).
The Wheel of Fortune 1 in 4 chance to add FoilHolographic, or Polychrome edition to a random Joker.
Strength Increases rank of up to 2 selected cards by 1.
The Hanged Man Destroys up to 2 selected cards.
Death Select 2 cards, convert the left card into the right card (drag to rearrange).
Temperance Gives the total sell value of all current Jokers (max of $50).
The Devil Enhances 1 selected card into a Gold Card.
The Tower Enhances 1 selected card into a Stone Card.
The Star Converts up to 3 selected cards to Diamonds.
The Moon Converts up to 3 selected cards to Clubs.
The Sun Converts up to 3 selected cards to Hearts.
Judgment Creates a random Joker card (must have room).
The World Converts up to 3 selected cards to Spades.

How to Get Tarot Cards in Balatro

You can acquire Tarot Cards in various ways: from Arcana Packs, randomly available in the store, under specific Joker conditions, with Purple-Seal Cards, by opting for the Zodiac Deck, and you can boost the number of Tarot Cards appearing in the post-round shop with Tarot Merchant and Tarot Tycoon Vouchers.

Arcana Packs

You have the option to either purchase Arcana Packs or receive them as a free bonus for skipping a Blind round. However, opting for a Jumbo or Mega Pack offers a more extensive variety of cards, allowing you to pick two out of five options with the Mega Pack.


In the game, Balatro possesses several special cards known as Jokers. These Jokers have the ability to dispense Tarot Cards only when specific circumstances are met:

[Here you can list the Joker’s names along with their unique functions or conditions]

  • 8-Ball Joker—Has a “1 in 4 chance for each played 8 to create a Tarot card when scored (Must have room)”
  • Superposition—”Create a Tarot card if poker hand contains an Ace and a Straight. (Must have room)”
  • Vagabond—”Create a Tarot card if hand is played with $4 or less.”
  • Hallucination—”1 in 2 chance to create a Tarot card when any Booster Pack is opened. (Must have room)”
  • Showman—”Joker, Tarot, Planet, and Spectral cards may appear multiple times.”
  • Cartomancer—”Create a Tarot card when Blind is selected. (Must have room)”

Purple Seals

If you insert a card with a Purple Seal or make one using the Medium Spectral Card into your deck, you can dispose of that card during a Blind, causing it to instantly produce a Tarot Card.


After overcoming a blind enemy, there’s a possibility that Tarot Cards might show up in the store. This occurrence is entirely random, but each time you reload, you increase your chances of drawing a Tarot Card.


Using the Tarot Merchant and Tarot Tycoon Vouchers enhances the likelihood of finding Tarot Cards in the Shop. Below is a breakdown of how to obtain these vouchers and their respective functions:

1. Tarot Merchant Voucher: This voucher can be obtained by completing various tasks or achievements within the game. Once acquired, it increases the frequency at which Tarot Cards appear in the Shop for a limited time.

2. Tarot Tycoon Voucher: The Tarot Tycoon Voucher is another way to boost your chances of finding Tarot Cards in the Shop. To unlock this voucher, you may need to make significant progress in the game or reach specific milestones. When activated, it enhances the number of Tarot Cards available in the Shop for a set duration.

Voucher Name What it Does How to Unlock
Tarot Merchant Tarot Cards appear 2X more frequently in the shop. Already unlocked from the beginning.
Tarot Tycoon Tarot Cards appear 4X more frequently in the shop. Buy a total of 50 Tarot Cards from the shop.

Zodiac Deck

The Zodiac Deck provides these initial items for your use: Tarot Trader, Cosmic Trader, and an Overflow of Stock.

The Shop is abundant with Tarot and Planet cards, offering a greater quantity of Tarot cards than usual. Additionally, having Tarot Tycoon unlocked means you’ve leapfrogged over the Tarot Merchant, moving one step closer to achieving it.

I trust this tutorial has expanded your understanding of Balatro’s Tarot Cards (though not exhaustively). It’s an extraordinary system that allows for deck customization, successful runs, and astonishing outcomes. If you have further queries about Tarot Cards or other aspects of Balatro gameplay, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section below.

If you found this Balatro guide helpful, I’ve got even more fascinating insights for you! Dive deeper into your understanding by learning the meaning of ‘-1 Ante -1 Hand each round’, strategies to conquer The Plant Boss Blind, the function of the Blank Voucher, and don’t forget to explore top-notch Balatro Seeds. Enjoy the learning journey!

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2025-03-07 14:33