How to Use the Thermometer in Phasmophobia

How to Use the Thermometer in Phasmophobia

As a seasoned Phasmophobia survivor with countless nights spent in haunted locales, I can confidently say that the thermometer is one of the most vital tools in our arsenal. It’s not just about figuring out which ghost we’re dealing with; it’s also about staying alive!

In the game named Phasmophobia, accumulating sufficient evidence is crucial to identify which spirit you’re confronting, and determining freezing temperatures is one of the more challenging aspects due to its elusiveness. Fortunately, a thermometer can be utilized to discern temperatures, and it also assists in locating the ghost’s room.

Three levels of thermometers are available, similar to other equipment. Each level offers increasing accuracy and speed in measuring room temperature. Interestingly, the first-tier thermometer was once considered the top choice, but this changed drastically following the introduction of the Eventide Update in the game.

How To Read The Thermometer

How to Use the Thermometer in Phasmophobia

In the game Phasmophobia, the type of thermometer you use may affect how you interpret cold temperatures. However, keep in mind that not every ghost will provide freezing temperatures as evidence; not all spirits possess this trait.

If the spirit is quite active, capturing an exact reading might prove challenging. Thus, locating the spirit’s room would be advantageous, allowing for a brief pause in the van before proceeding. This approach ensures that the spirit won’t trail closely behind you, giving it time to cool down the room sufficiently for an accurate reading.

Tier 1

How to Use the Thermometer in Phasmophobia

As a dedicated Phasmophobia player, I can’t help but feel the Tier 1 thermometer is my finicky companion. Unlike the other tiers, it seems to fluctuate wildly, making it rather untrustworthy. To extract its full potential, I must diligently search for the ghost’s room and park it there for some time. The readings update at a snail’s pace, so patience is key with this one. You’ll know the temperatures have plummeted when the red bar drops beneath the 0-degree Celsius line.

The unique advantage of the Tier 1 thermometer lies in its non-electronic nature, making it immune to attracting ghosts during their hunts. Furthermore, it passively reads temperatures without requiring any button clicks; simply place it in a ghost-infested room and wait for it to automatically update the reading.

Tier 2

How to Use the Thermometer in Phasmophobia

The Tier 2 thermometer becomes operable at Level 36, offering faster readings compared to Tier 1 without compromising too much on reliability. To activate it, press the ‘USE’ button and hold onto it for continuous temperature readings along with live updates. The temperature reading will refresh every 2.5 seconds, which is somewhat slow, but you’ll receive a more accurate temperature reading in less time than if using Tier 1.

To verify if temperatures are indeed freezing, you should aim for anything dropping below 0 degrees Celsius. Going under 1 degree might suggest that the temperature is freezing as strong evidence, but it’s safer to double-check with additional readings. If it does show freezing, it will eventually drop below 0 degrees. You can switch your readings to Fahrenheit in the settings if you prefer.

Tier 3

How to Use the Thermometer in Phasmophobia

Unlike the Tier 2 thermometer, the Tier 3 model offers the most precise temperature readings and is the fastest, updating every 1.5 seconds. This makes it an ideal tool for real-time temperature monitoring within the game. You can acquire it at Level 64.

Similar to Tier 2, by pressing and holding the ‘USE’ button, you’ll receive real-time updates. To validate the data, look for temperatures that drop below zero degrees Celsius. It’s important to note that taking your readings in the ‘ghost room’ will yield the best results.

How To Find The Ghost Room Using A Thermometer

How to Use the Thermometer in Phasmophobia

As a gamer, if you’re on the hunt for the ghost room, I’d strongly recommend having a Tier 2 or 3 thermometer. While it’s possible to use a Tier 1 thermometer, you’ll likely find your progress frustratingly slow due to its infrequent and unpredictable updates.

First off, after getting your gear ready, don’t forget to check if the circuit breaker is turned on. If it’s off, you might have a hard time locating the ghost room as the entire building will feel chilly. Turning on the breaker will energize the heating system, making it simpler for you to spot the ghost room more accurately. On the Amateur setting, the breaker should be active by default, but on tougher settings, you’ll need to search for and flip the breaker yourself.

After the specified requirement is fulfilled, go ahead and get your thermometer ready to measure temperatures in every room within the structure. Identify the possible ghost location by noticing a noticeably colder temperature compared to any other room. It doesn’t necessarily have to be extremely cold; for example, if one room registers 10 degrees Celsius while the rest of the building is at 20 degrees, it could very well be where the ghost resides. Additionally, keep an eye out for rooms that seem to have visible breath, as this phenomenon typically occurs only in the ghost’s presence or close proximity.

Breath doesn’t appear consistently, but you can spot it easily because it will appear on your screen and look like a small cloud of smoke. Just remember that breath alone isn’t good enough to identify the ghost room, because it can appear wherever a room is colder, and ghosts tend to roam in Phasmophobia.

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2024-09-19 17:03