Hunt: Showdown Best Builds

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds

Key Takeaways

  • Hunt: Showdown offers diverse loadouts for different playstyles, from long-range to close-quarters combat.
  • Traits like Quartermaster can help optimize loadouts by allowing players to equip multiple weapons effectively.
  • Consumables like explosives and health shots are crucial in complementing loadouts and playstyles in the game.

As a seasoned veteran of Hunt: Showdown, I’ve seen my fair share of close-quarters battles that would make even the bravest of hunters quiver in their boots. The first build I’d like to highlight is centered around the Bomb Lance and Spitfire. This combo is perfect for those tight indoor fights where every corner could mean life or death. With the Bomb Lance’s explosive power taking out multiple enemies at once, and the Spitfire covering its long reload animation, you’ll be a force to be reckoned with.

In Hunt: Showdown, there’s an extensive collection of weapons, unique ammunition, tools, and character traits, which can make it challenging to put together an efficient loadout due to its vastness. However, this diversity is beneficial as it enables players to select a loadout that aligns with their playstyles and personal preferences. For instance, there are loadouts designed for long-range combat or close encounters, while others blend both strategies effectively.

In simpler terms, having traits like Quartermaster allows you to arm your ship with both medium-sized and large-sized weapons simultaneously. Other traits can enhance the power of these weapons, such as the Fanning supercharge pistols being particularly lethal in close quarters. Careful consideration is necessary when selecting consumables to match your preferred playstyle and loadout. This guide will offer choices for both budget-conscious players and those who prefer expensive loadouts.

10 Springfield & Scottfield

Weapon Prices: 146

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros: Budget
  • Cons: Weak against a full trio

In simpler terms, the Springfield is a cost-effective weapon suitable for newcomers in the early stages of gameplay. It delivers significant impact with 132 damage to the chest and performs well at mid to long ranges. On its own, the Springfield isn’t particularly remarkable, but using DumDum ammo transforms it. This special ammunition inflicts bleeding on wounded opponents, causing them to waste time trying to stop their injuries. If enemies don’t stop bleeding, they have roughly 6 seconds until death due to blood loss. Any version of the Springfield will suffice as long as players equip DumDum ammo.

Regarding the secondary weapon, the Scottfield Model 3 Spitfire is a fantastic choice. Its high damage and rapid fire rate make it ideal for swiftly defeating enemy players. Given that DumDum ammo eliminates bullet penetration, equipping Full Metal Jacket bullets in the Scottfield becomes crucial.

A suitable combination for this setup is explosives. Using dynamite against bleeding enemies from DumDum ammo will make them retreat, potentially leading to their death by bleeding. Guessing the location of bleeding enemies with Scottfield’s penetrative power could lead to several successful takedowns.

9 Caldwell Rival & Caldwell Conversion Uppercut

Weapon Prices: 564

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • Powerful shotgun
    • Great range coverage
  • Cons:
    • Costly

This equipment setup is ideal for single players as it encourages aggressive gameplay. The Romero 77 boasts the highest range and damage among all shotguns, but the Caldwell Rival comes in a close second and offers an additional ammo slot. What’s more, this combo with the Caldwell Conversion Uppercut doesn’t demand special ammunition. This weapon setup enables players to breach buildings with a one-hit kill, offering a range comparable to that of the Romero, but not too far.

In open spaces or away from corners, the Uppercut move will be particularly impressive. The Uppercut is pricey yet delivers a strong blow. The Conversion Uppercut excels at long-range and boasts impressive penetration power. For those looking to save on costs, consider the Caldwell Pax or Caldwell Conversion, both of which can use Full Metal Jacket bullets.

For this setup, Concertina Bombs serve as area blockers while regeneration shots ensure hunters remain at peak health. However, when confronting bosses, ammunition can be swiftly depleted. Despite this, numerous bosses have specific weaknesses that enable players to defeat them more efficiently. The spider boss, in particular, has two such vulnerabilities. With the use of Explosives and a Sledgehammer, the spider boss battle becomes significantly easier to manage.

8 Frontier 73C & Caldwell 92 New Army

Weapon Prices: 131

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • High ammo count
    • Budget
  • Cons:
    • Weak at long-range

As a gamer, I’ve got to say, the Frontier 73C is quite the steal! This compact ammo rifle packs a punch that outdoes its affordable price tag. It boasts an impressive ammo capacity and an outstanding range for damage. Handling this weapon is a breeze, making it easy to take down enemies from afar. The high rate of fire and damage make scoring kills with the Frontier 73C effortless. In PVP, all Frontier variants stand tall among the best weapons – they’re truly powerful when wielded skillfully.

As a seasoned gamer, I’d highly recommend the Caldwell New Army for my Frontier 73C. It’s a fantastic pick due to its compact ammo, offering players a plentiful supply of bullets. This high-rate-of-fire pistol is designed for up-close battles. In tight spots, you can quickly unload rounds at an enemy’s chest, and just two shots are usually enough to take down another hunter. However, its slow muzzle velocity means it’s not the best pick for mid-range skirmishes.

Using a big healing syringe in your equipment can reduce the need for frequent player healings. This setup benefits significantly from these syringes because they’re effective at mid-range combat, allowing players enough time to regenerate health before making their next attack.

7 Crossbow & Conversion Pistol

Weapon Prices: 105

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • Strong One Hit Kill Potential
    • Budget
  • Cons:
    • Poor long-range coverage

The Crossbow is a close-range nightmare for enemy teams and has long-range, one-hit kill potential, as long as players aim for the chest. The shot bolt is an improvement over the default bolt for PVP, giving better one-hit potential across longer ranges. The main downside of the shot bolt lies in its inability to be picked up after being fired.

In a skirmish that’s not too close or too far away, the Convertible Pistol proves to be quite effective when a crossbow isn’t up to the task. Affordable and with a plentiful supply of extra ammunition compared to most pistols, the Convertible Pistol serves as an excellent backup weapon for handling medium-range encounters. Meanwhile, the Crossbow excels in close-quarters combat situations. By employing the stealth capabilities of the Crossbow, enemies will be left puzzled and uncertain about who is attacking them.

6 Lemat Carbine & Katana

Weapon Prices: 249

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • PVE Coverage
    • Great medium & close range coverage
  • Cons:
    • Low shotgun shell count

As a gamer, I’ve come to appreciate the versatility of the Lemat Carbine. It serves dual purposes, functioning as a standard pistol while also housing a quick-fire, one-shot shotgun. The shotgun mode isn’t just a novelty; it can be a game-changer in tight spots like when I’m cornered near a doorway. If I time my shot right, it provides an effortless kill, making it an essential tool in my virtual arsenal.

For the Lemat Carbine, its standard pistol mode offers outstanding performance as a self-reliant weapon, boasting a decent ammo supply, manageable recoil, and high damage output. On the other hand, the Katana serves as an effective backup option in tight spaces, particularly excelling against bosses and any PVE scenario. Equipping yourself with a stamina shot and the martialist trait will enhance the Katana’s ability to swiftly cut down bosses, making it a viable choice even for solo players.

5 Romero Slugs & Vandal

Weapon Prices: 101

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • Excellent range within compounds
    • Budget
  • Cons:
    • Requires Quartermaster

Among all shotguns in the game, none matches the long-range capability of the Romero. It can even be enhanced using slug ammunition, making it an even more formidable weapon. The slugs significantly increase the Romero’s range, as it currently holds the longest one-shot kill distance among all shotguns. The Romero is effective both with and without the slugs. You can choose to sacrifice some of its capabilities for a higher ammo count and lower cost.

The Vandal weapon excels in situations where the Romero falls short, particularly at longer distances. With the Quartermaster trait equipped, this setup is ideal for any combat scenarios you might encounter. Boosting the Vandal’s bullet speed makes it simpler to hit targets from a distance because the faster bullets make aiming easier. If you decide to use custom ammo in its entirety, it’s advisable to grab an ammo box to prevent running out during crucial times.

4 Mosin Obrez & Officer Carbine

Weapon Prices: 473

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • Covers all ranges
    • Can handle teams
  • Cons:
    • Pricey

This equipment combination, featuring a two-position sniper rifle and a three-slot close combat weapon, is definitely worth testing out for fans of long-range shooting and aggressive play following successful takedowns. The Officer Carbine’s rapid firing rate and manageable recoil make it one of the standout weapons in the game, excelling particularly well in medium and close quarters engagements.

The Mosin Obrez works well as a two-slot sniper, managing long-range battles effectively. With a muzzle speed of 550 meters per second, it can deal damage to enemies from afar without needing significant bullet drop adjustments (since bullet drop was introduced in the game upgrade and migration to Hunt: Showdown 1896). For those seeking enhanced bullet penetration and faster muzzle velocity, using Spitzer Ammo for the Mosin Obrez is an excellent choice, as it has a speed of 820 meters per second.

3 Bomb Lance & Spitfire

Weapon Prices: 307

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • Excels at compound PVP
    • Great PE potential
  • Cons:
    • Weak at fights outside compounds

As a gamer, I find myself engaged in countless skirmishes within this game’s intricate complex, a maze of buildings and barriers that makes close-quarters combat a true testament to the build’s prowess. To maximize its potential in these tight spaces, I recommend equipping my Bomb Lance with a steel ball and standard ammo, transforming it into both a shotgun for close encounters and an explosive powerhouse at range. Inside these confined arenas, the Bomb Lance’s regular explosives can decimate multiple opponents, while they also prove effective against formidable bosses, tearing through their defenses with ease.

The Spitfire serves as a supportive armament, balancing out the extended reloading time of the Bomb Lance. Its fast firing speed and moderate bullet speed make it quite effective in both close and mid-distance battles.

2 Drilling & Suppressed Centennial

Weapon Prices: 647

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • Excellent at medium-range
    • Solid indoor potential
  • Cons:
    • Pricey
    • Quarter Master

As a gamer, I’ve found the Drilling to be quite the formidable weapon, despite its high cost and initial complexity. It may only have two rifle shots, but boy, does it pack a punch! Firing in quick succession, it takes down enemy hunters before they can even scramble for cover. If things get too cozy, the integrated shotgun on this bad boy steps up to the plate, handling close-quarters combat with ease, making me the undisputed ruler of any battlefield.

In the game Hunt: Showdown, concealed weapons provide a significant edge, making it difficult for opponents to pinpoint the gunman’s position. The Suppressed Centennial is ideal for sneak attacks and maintaining stealth. Both the Drilling and the Suppressed Centennial use the same medium ammo type, thereby increasing the overall ammunition supply for players. The ‘Iron Eye’ trait will improve your accuracy when taking follow-up shots with the Suppressed Centennial.

1 Nitro Express Rifle & Dolch 96

Weapon Prices:

Hunt: Showdown Best Builds
  • Pros:
    • High damage secondary
    • OHK primary potential
  • Cons:
    • Limited Ammo
    • Expensive

Deviating from budget-friendly ammo setups can be entertaining, albeit pricey. The two guns you’re looking at are costly and will set you back approximately 1765 Hunt Dollars each. As for the Nitro Express Rifle, it boasts a potent one-shot capability for upper body hits. At around 40 meters, a single chest shot with the Nitro Express can take down an enemy instantly, offering a significant advantage. Furthermore, this gun’s impressive bullet penetration is sure to catch enemy hunters off guard. In the Hunt community, players often joke about the Nitro Express’s extraordinary penetration power.

The Dolch weapon stands out as another expensive option that justifies its cost. No rival pistol can match the Dolch’s power, boasting high damage output, rapid fire rate, impressive muzzle velocity, and decent effective range for a handgun. However, it shares a common disadvantage with many other powerful weapons: a limited ammunition capacity. This means players must be strategic about their shots to avoid running out of bullets. To ensure continuous firing, using ammo boxes will become essential.

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2024-09-13 15:54