Hunter x Hunter 403: Halkenburgs Power In Action

Hunter x Hunter 403: Halkenburgs Power In Action

As a devoted admirer of Hunter x Hunter, I find myself utterly captivated by the latest developments in this thrilling saga. The intricate web of secrets and alliances that Melody, Kocho, and Kaiser are weaving to save Fugetsu is nothing short of masterful. Their cunning tactics to sow discord among the Kakin princes and gain access to their rooms is a testament to their resourcefulness and determination.

This article contains spoilers for the Hunter x Hunter manga.

Key Takeaways

  • Halkenburg uses his Nen ability Grimmel the Dissonance to take control of his assassin, Balsamilco.
  • Halkenburg’s true parentage is revealed: he is the son of the first Queen Unma, not the second Queen.
  • Kurapika plans to reveal the contents of Oito’s letter, which could impact the succession war’s unfolding events.

Week after week, Hunter X Hunter continues to adhere to its scheduled releases, showing no signs of letting up. The author, Togashi, consistently delivers chapters brimming with intriguing details, and this week’s Chapter 403 is no different.

This chapter delves into the demise of several Kakin princes, and their survival hinges on the choices they make as the Succession War unfolds. Notably, Halkenburg plays a significant role here, showcasing an exceptional Nen power.

Halkenburg Makes Use of His Nen Ability

  • The Boy Who Shoots the Arrow: Grimmel the Dissonance
  • The Ability Was Used on Balsamilco Might

In chapter 403 of “HxH,” we find ourselves delving into the storyline of Balsamilco Might, a trusted aide to Benjamin, who was previously revealed to be plotting against Halkenburg, as hinted in the last chapter through the use of TSK-17.

In the 403rd episode of “HxH,” he heads towards the Justice Department with the intention of carrying out his plan. His strategy was to get near Halkenburg during cross-examination so he could activate his Silent Killer against him. He wagered that without Halkenburg’s personal guards, Halkenburg would be unable to employ his Nen power. Unfortunately, this assumption led Balsamilco Might into a difficult predicament.

Upon entering, he immediately saw Vict, his long-lost bodyguard, being held by Benjamin. With a glance, Vict signaled to indicate Might’s precise location. This information was crucial for Halkenburg, who had just enlisted new followers from the crowd. Using his newly named Nen ability, The Boy who Shoots the Arrow: Grimmel the Dissonance, Halkenburg then fired a shot directly at Might.

In order to take a shot at an angle of 26 degrees, you’ll have to move about 60 centimeters (around 2 feet) closer. So, get ready and aim! – Grimmel the Dissonance! Fire!

So far, all the events took place prior to the occurrences detailed in HxH Chapter 402, where Fugetsu handed over the letter to Benjamin.

Power appears to be reaching out to Prince Benjamin and sharing the information that they have not been successful in eliminating Halkenburg yet. However, Benjamin harbors suspicions about Power, feeling uneasy about their actions. In fact, he warns them that if they don’t carry out the task of killing Halkenburg, he will impose Martial Law.

By the finale of HxH episode 403, readers’ suspicions about Prince Halkenburg, held by Benjamin towards his most reliable aide Might, are proven correct. It turns out that Halkenburg has, in fact, usurped Might’s body, while his original body lies in a state resembling a coma.

Poor decisions made by Benjamin and his followers might shortly lead to the demise of Prince Benjamin himself, or trigger the imposition of Martial Law, potentially resulting in the execution of the Kakin princes due to Benjamin’s misuse of power.

The Truth About Halkenburg’s Birth Is Finally Revealed

Halkenburg is the son of first Queen Unma

Hunter x Hunter 403: Halkenburgs Power In Action

Last week’s Chapter 402 of HxH ended with an intriguing revelation suggesting that Halkenburg might be concealing details about his origin, potentially hinting at him being Beyond Netero’s secret son among the princes. However, this theory wasn’t further explored in Chapter 402. In Chapter 403, it was disclosed that Halkenburg isn’t the offspring of Queen Duazai but rather of Queen Unma instead.

In episode 403 of HxH, Halkenburg was caught in a conversation with Unma, hinting that he acknowledges Unma as his true mother. This fact was also made clear to Benjamin through a letter handed to him by Fugetsu, who received it from her late sister. The letter disclosed that Halkenburg is actually Unma’s son, and that the first Queen Unma took drastic measures, including giving up her throne, to shield her youngest child from potential assassinations at the hands of his older siblings.

Benjamin appears unconvinced about the letter’s content, dismissing it as an internet myth, but it may still linger in his thoughts, given Unma’s apparent manipulation to favor her youngest child, Halkenburg, over her siblings. In this particular chapter, Kaiser encounters Worio, a supporter of Halkenburg, and discloses that Halkenburg is nearing the end of life.

Melody, Kocho, and Kaiser Plan To Save Fugetsu

The Assassination Plan Against Luzurus Will Unfold Soon

Hunter x Hunter 403: Halkenburgs Power In Action

In the recent chapter 402 of HxH, readers find Fugetsu and Kaiser passing letters that appear to be from Fugetsu’s late sister Kocho to other princes. However, these letters are a falsehood, serving as a ruse to expand Fugetsu’s ability reach into the princes’ chambers. Furthermore, this act aims to sow discord among the princes by circulating gossip and rumors.

Among all the Kakin princes, only three didn’t receive their letters. The 13th Prince, Maryam, was unable to get his due to his Nen beast transforming his room, rendering it inaccessible from outside. Similarly, 4th Prince Tserriednich opted not to keep his letter and asked for it to be discarded. The 9th prince, Halkenburg, also missed out on receiving his letter. This is because he’s currently undergoing medical treatment after transferring his consciousness into Might’s body, rendering him temporarily unavailable.

Beyond the three, I’ve now gained entry into the chambers of all these princes. Yet, I find myself in a precarious condition. Basho’s power keeps the spirits at bay, but it’s merely a short-term remedy. We urgently need to act. Tomorrow night, we plan to strike Luzurus in an assassination attempt.

Kurapika Plans A Huge Reveal

Kurapika wants to reveal the content of Oito’s Letter

Hunter x Hunter 403: Halkenburgs Power In Action

In summary, both Kurapika and Queen Oito have received letters from Melody’s group. Kurapika has a strategy for dealing with Oito’s letter, which he intends to keep private during the upcoming Nen workshop taking place tomorrow. If all goes well, Kurapika might receive contact from a high-ranking prince. Furthermore, this letter could potentially speed up the escalation of the ongoing conflict.

A potent ability called Nen shrouds the vessel, establishing an environment where fleeing becomes impossible, giving off an ominous aura that suggests only death is permissible. However, in my opinion, there’s reason to be optimistic rather than despairing! — Kurapika (paraphrased)

Prince Zhang Lei, notably Zhang Lei himself, had been eager to reach out to him. This was because of the enigma surrounding his Nen beast, a puzzle that had long intrigued him. He suspected that Kurapika might hold the key to solving the mystery behind those peculiar coins.

In the ongoing storyline of “Hunter x Hunter”, Kurapika proposes a strategy to end the Succession War with minimal bloodshed. Fans of the series may anticipate that one of the princes will survive and eventually claim the throne of Kakin.

Hunter x Hunter is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of Hunter x Hunter, Hunter x Hunter chapter 404, is set to be October 27, 2024.

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2024-10-22 02:34