Immortal Blaze Quest Guide – Wuthering Waves Changli Quest

Immortal Blaze Quest Guide - Wuthering Waves Changli Quest

As a seasoned explorer with years of adventure under my belt, I can’t help but be intrigued by this new quest, Immortal Blaze. The journey so far has been filled with unexpected twists and turns, and I’m eager to see where it leads next.

In the game “Wuthering Waves,” Changli stands out as an adaptable character, capable of performing effectively as both the primary Damage Per Second (DPS) and secondary DPS. Her appearance during the second stage of update 1.1’s release provides players with a valuable chance to obtain her, along with the accompanying questline named “Immortal Blaze.” This engaging storyline offers insights into Changli’s backstory and reveals more about her unique character traits.

As a devoted fan of Wuthering Waves, I can’t help but be drawn to the captivating companion quests, and Changli’s “Immortal Blaze” is no exception. This quest offers immersive cutscenes, an intriguing narrative that sets it apart from others, and a variety of challenging puzzles and enigmas that deepen my engagement with the game.

How To Unlock Immortal Blaze Quest?

Immortal Blaze Quest Guide - Wuthering Waves Changli Quest

Starting July 22, 2024, the new quest, Thaw of Eons: Act 7 Chapter 1, will become accessible in the main story for every player. Once you’ve completed this chapter, travel to Hongzhen and look for the starting point. A cutscene will greet you there, introducing Changli, who requests a meeting at a specific location.

Find a Place Next to a Ring and Hanging Eaves

After chatting with the NPCs around, pay special attention to the Suspicious Spectator and Xinyi. To move forward in this mission, players must travel to a certain spot. Look for a location marked by an area sign, where you’ll find a spot next to a ring and covered eaves. Finding this place might prove tricky for some players without any hints.

Players should go north of the map’s marker and ascend the nearby building with a mountain backdrop for the correct destination. The structure offers several Grapple points, allowing players to expedite their climb. Upon reaching the top, they will encounter a glowing marker and a cutscene, revealing an ancient ring-shaped structure in the camera’s view. Following this event, a new marker near the Pavilion will emerge, requiring players to adjust their game clock between 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM for a rendezvous with Changli.

Immortal Blaze Quest Walkthrough

Immortal Blaze Quest Guide - Wuthering Waves Changli Quest

Following your conversation with Changli, your next task involves accompanying her and engaging with different NPCs on Mt. Firmament. This part of the quest is relatively simple to complete. The entire experience lasts approximately 2 hours, assuming you don’t rush through any dialogues.

  1. After visiting some locations, players will need to enter a Cave in Loong’s Ridge, where they will need to defeat some enemies, and rescue an explorer in the area.
  2. After a dialogue, they will need to head back to Hongzhen and ask various NPC about the explorer, until they meet a young woman (Fuling) and will have another long dialougue between her and explorer (Wuli).
  3. After the continuation of dialogue with Fuling, players will need to report to Xinyi about their findings.
  4. Following this dialogue, players will need to head back to the cave near Tianqu Tree, where they first met Wuli.
  5. This time players will spend longer time in the area while investigating various objects and moving forward, they will eventually come across a broken Weiqi Board.
  6. By using the Chronosorter nearby and moving the marker all the way to the left side, players will be able to fix the Weiqi board, and will notice various mirage NPC’s appear. As players are interacting with these mirages, they will be eventually interrupted by Fractsidus enemies, and will need to defeat them. In this battle, players will be able to use a trial version of Changli. Upon defeating them, players will go through another cutscene and move them inside the Sonoro Sphere portal.

During the adventure, players will spend a significant time within the Sonoro Sphere, working on different puzzles. Inside the Sonoro Sphere, they’ll encounter a young girl. After conversing with her, they’ll progress jointly.

Solve the Puzzle With The Little Girl / Find a Way to Get Inside Together

To progress through this puzzle, players must press specific pressure plates. In this particular instance, the player should stand on the left pressure plate while the little girl stands on the right one. Once both have activated their respective plates, the door will open and allow the players to advance. They’ll then come across more adversaries that they need to vanquish. Following this encounter, they must utilize the nearby flaming flower with their levitation ability to torch obstructing branches and continue forward. Players will face another enemy set before reaching the subsequent area. Along the way, they can collect an ample amount of supply boxes as they explore various items.

In the following portion of this segment, players must figure out how to enter the next area with the young girl once more using the identical pressure plate setup. To advance, interact with the girl and request that she step onto the mechanism. Subsequently, the door will unlock, and players should move the Chronosorter to the right limit to maintain it open. Following this action, the girl will naturally enter the area along with the player.

Some players have mentioned an issue: the little girl fails to accompany them after using the Chronosorter. To address this, try restarting the game. Once you’re back, interact with the girl once more and attempt the Chronosorter process again.

After overcoming the Tacet Discord foe that lies within, gamers will then face the challenge of figuring out the intricacies of the light-based puzzle in the adjoining chamber.

Connect the Light Beams Inside The Mechanism 1 & 2 Walkthrough

To connect the starting and ending points, players must first examine the inner workings. Then, they should adjust the components and use the prismatic lenses to redirect light between these points.

  1. Rotate the first prism twice.
  2. Skip the second prism as its already reflecting the correct way.
  3. Rotate the third prism once.
  4. Rotate the fourth prism three times. Doing so will complete the puzzle.

After completing that step, players can advance and explore the illusory scene, gaining Changli’s perspective. Players must progress as Changli, overcoming the TD obstacle, and employing the flaming flower once more to remove the barricade. Following some conversation, players will then manipulate the light beams inside the apparatus on this side. Although more intricate than the previous part, it remains a manageable challenge for players. They will need to utilize the Levitator to position the light prisms correctly, guiding the beam before rotating them.

  1. Activate the start point, and rotate the first prism once.
  2. Pick up the nearby prism, and put it on where the light is currently reflecting. After that rotate it twice.
  3. Rotate the next prism three times.
  4. Get the other prism, and place it to where this light should be reflecting, right on the corner by some stone rubble. Players will not need to rotate this prism.
  5. Following the light, rotate the fourth prism once.
  6. Rotate the next prism once.
  7. Rotate the one following three times.
  8. Rotate the next one once.
  9. Rotate the last one three times to connect to the end. This will prompt another long cutscene.

After overcoming the current challenge, I advance once more, picking up the supply box en route, and proceed through the door. However, to exit the Chrono Sphere, players must first vanquish the formidable Chrono Shadow, which boasts an impressive two HP bars. Once conquered, a captivating cutscene unfolds, followed by departure from the domain, allowing for intriguing dialogue with Fuling, Wuli, and Xinyi.

Rest for a While (Two Days)

After advancing the game clock by two or more days, players should next visit Hongzhen and converse with Xinyi for information on Changli’s whereabouts. Subsequently, they will rendezvous near the Tianqu Tree as arranged to encounter Changli, engage in a conversation, and witness the quest’s concluding cutscene.

Once you finish the “Immortal Blaze” world quest in Lores Beyond the Ranges, which was previously absent from Mt. Firmament’s exploration checklist, it will automatically appear for you to complete.

Immortal Blaze Quest Rewards

Immortal Blaze Quest Guide - Wuthering Waves Changli Quest

In this mission, players can amass a grand sum of Union Experience points (2000), Asterite (140 units), plus extra resources like Shell Credits, Advanced Resonance Potions, and Advanced Energy Cores. An added reward is the acquisition of the Deserted Trail Trophy upon quest completion, which brings an additional 10 Asterites.

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2024-07-23 15:17