Once you finish the initial two chapters in “Infinity Nikki“, you will gain freedom to roam through the expansive “Breezy Meadow” region, one of the biggest areas within the game. This area is brimming with content for Nikki to discover, and it hosts more Whimstars than any other location in “Infinity Nikki”. In this guide, we’ll help you find all 88 Whimstars scattered across the “Breezy Meadow” region of “Infinity Nikki”.
All Breezy Meadow Whimstars Part 1 – Infinity Nikki
Northern Breezy Meadow (1-20):
# | Whimstar Location | Description |
1 | SW of Florawish Lane Warp Spire | Just over the border from Florawish, you’ll find a Whimstar to the southwest, on a rock between the two paths clearly visible on the map. This is Collection type Whimstar. |
2 | The Leisurely Anglers Florawish Branch | Use Momo’s View from the Warp Spire at the Leisurely Anglers building, and you’ll see a Whimstar very close by. This is a Cloud Ride Whimstar. |
3 | West of Leisurely Anglers | From the roof of the Leisurely Anglers building, you can look west and see the pink box-shaped entrance to a Curio Domain Whimstar. In the Curio Domain, move the box to the gap in the path to allow the ball to reach the goal. |
4 | NE of Cicia Art Academy | In a field NE of the art academy, you’ll find a Whimflutter floating near the Grasspoms and Florapoms. You must have the Bug-Catching Outfit. |
5 | South of Whimstar 4 | Directly south of the previous Whimstar, you’ll find a chest just south of the path leading to Cicia Art Academy. Look for a small alcove near a rock wall, then open the chest and defeat the Esselings to collect the Whimstar. |
6 | Cicia Art Academy Roof | On the roof of Cicia Art Academy, you’ll see a Whimink. Use the Animal Grooming Outfit. |
7 | Field Base Cavern | Head NW of the Cicia Art Academy and you’ll find Field Base Cavern. Once inside, you’ll find the Whimstar behind a rock wall. You’ll need to go to the top of the cavern and push a large boulder down the path to break the rock wall. |
8 | Hoop Hooper | SE of the Cicia Art Academy, you’ll find the flag marker for the Hoop Hooper game. Just east of that, at the bottom of the hill, you’ll find a Curio Domain entrance. In the Curio Domain, you’ll need to remember the order of green and red steps to reach the Whimstar. Bottom row is Green-Redx2-Green-Redx2-Green. Middle row is Green-Red-Green-Red-Green-Red-Green. Top row is the same as the bottom. |
9 | South of Lesirely Anglers | Head south along the beach from Leisurely Anglers and you’ll find a Curio Domain entrance. Inside the domain, set the ball rolling, then make your way to the center platform, lowering it with Nikki’s weight. This will cause the ball to be shot into the goal. |
10 | Swan Gazebo | Head south from Whimstar 9 and you’ll find Swan Gazebo along the coast. Interact with the orb and then investigate the star-shaped ornament hanging in the gazebo. |
11 | East of Bug Catcher’s Cabin | Head east from the Bug Catcher’s Cabin, and you’ll find a breakable box just before the small pond. Break the box and the Whimstar will start floating around the pond. |
12 | Bug Catcher’s Cabin Windmill | At the top of the Bug Catcher’s Cabin you’ll see a windmill tower. Use the small ledge on the side of the windmill blades to reach the top of the tower. There, you’ll find a Whimstar bug. |
13 | West of Bug Catcher’s Cabin | West of the Bug Catcher’s Cabin and Kikball: Pit-a-Pat, you’ll find a Whimink you can use the Animal Grooming Outfit on to collect the Whimstar. |
14 | NW of Whimstar 13 | Just NW of the previous Whimstar, you’ll find another sitting on a rock. This is a mini-star collection, type Whimstar. |
15 | Breezy Meadow Bird | Northwest of the Meadow Activity Support Center you’ll find a Whimstar at the top of a tree. There will be a large bird flying over. If you head into the hills north of the tree, you’ll find the bird’s nest. If you approach the nest, the bird will show up and you can use the Grooming Outfit. After, the bird will let Nikki ride on its back to get the Whimstar. |
16 | Support Center Rock Push | Directly west of the Meadow Activity Support Center, you’ll find a Whimstar in a small cave. Follow the path leading from the entrance up to the large boulders. Push the boulder down the path to break the rock wall and get the Whimstar. |
17 | SW of Support Center | Head southwest of the Meadow Activity Support Center, and you’ll find a Whimstar bug floating near a cliff just below the small path leading west from the building. |
18 | Meadow Activity Support Center | Just east of the Support Center Warp Spire, you’ll find a Time Trial Whimstar. Follow the stars back up to the roof, then use the balloon to jump over to the final stars. |
19 | SE Curio Domain | Head to the southeast corner of the upper Breezy Meadow region to find a Curio Domain entrance. In the domain, move the box from the upper platform to the lower one. Release the ball, then stand on the lower platform with the box. As soon as the ball lands on the lower platform, jump off. |
20 | SE Island | Head to the island just east of Whimstar 19. At the northern tip of the island, you’ll see a Whimstar fish in the water. Use the Fishing Outfit to collect Whimstar 20. |
All Breezy Meadow Whimstars Part 2 – Infinity Nikki
Central & Southwest Breezy Meadow (21-50):
# | Whimstar Location | Description |
21 | Breezy Meadow Bridge | SE of the Meadow Activity Support Center, you’ll find a large bridge that crosses the river into the lower Breezy Meadow region. There is a Time Trail Whimstar on top of the southernmost arch. |
22 | SE of Stoneville Entrance | If you head southeast from the Stoneville Entrance warp spire, you’ll see two square gray shapes on the map. There is a Cloud Ride Whimstar just before these shapes, at the base of a rock cliff. |
23 | SW Bird Ride | Directly east of the Stoneville Entrance, you’ll find a Whimstar at the top of a tree. Head to a bird’s nest and wait for the large bird to arrive. Use the Animal Grooming outfit on the bird, then ride it to the Whimstar. |
24 | East of Whimstar 23 | From Whimstar 23, you’ll see the box-shaped entrance to the Curio Domain for Whimstar 24. In the domain, you need to jump on each box in one go, without touching the ground, or any box more than once. |
25 | SW of Breezy Bridge | SW of the bridge where you found Whimstar 21, you’ll find a Whimstar in the floor of a small ruin. Use the ground stomp to break the white wood platform. |
26 | South of Breezy Bridge | Head south from the bridge where you find Whimstar 21 and look at the western side of the path. You find another entrance to a Curio Domain. In this domain, place two boxes on the blue platform and one box on the yellow platform, then release the ball. |
27 | Fishing Spot East of Breezy Bridge | Head east along the river bank from the same bridge, and you’ll find a Whimstar fish in the river. |
28 | Eastern Inlet Star Shape | Heading east to the inlet that leads to the bay, you’ll find a Whimstar orb. The Star-Shaped object you need to find is on the side of the northernmost boat. |
29 | Meadow Wharf Time Trial | Head to the docks at the Meadow Wharf along the eastern coast of Breezy Meadow. |
30 | SW of Meadow Wharf | SW of Meadow Wharf you’ll find a Curio Domain entrance. Inside, use the two platforms to alter the section of the guiding path so that it launches the ball into the goal area. Use the left platform to angle the guiding section to catch the ball, then use the right platform to launch it at the correct moment. |
31 | NW of Relic Hill | Head to the large round ruins NW of Relic Hill and look for the Curio Domain entrance on the path leading out of the ruins. |
32 | Cloud East of Whimstar 31 | Immediately east of the entrance to Whimstar 31’s Curio Domain, you’ll see Whimstar 32. It is a Cloud Ride Time Trial Whimstar. |
33 | Hillside Cave | Head into Hillside Cave and use Momo’s View to find the Whimstar at the top of several rocks. |
34 | Shimmer Pond FIshing | Head to Shimmer Pond northeast or Relic Hill to find a Whimstar fish. |
35 | Bug SW of Shimmer Pond | Head southwest of Shimmer Pond, and you’ll find a floating bug Whimstar at the top of a ruined pillar. Use the launching system to reach the top. |
36 | South of Relic Hill | South of Relic Hill, you’ll find a large set of ruins with a chest guarded by a large number of esselings. The Whimstar is in a box at the top of a pillar. You’ll need to chase the star around and catch it. |
37 | Western Ruins Curio Domain | Look for the small circular ruins south of the Hillside Cave. Just south of the ruins you’ll find a Curio Domain entrance. In the domain, use the switching platforms to head to the solid platform on the right, then use the lever. Now make your way to the Whimstar. |
38 | East of Whimstar 35 | Across the small river from Whimstar 35, you’ll find a Cloud Ride Time Trial Whimstar. |
39 | SE of Shimmer Pond | Southeast of Shimmer Pond, you’ll find a Curio Domain. Inside, there are two separate ball releases. Use the right trigger to drop the first ball and weigh down the platform. Before the first ball falls off the platform, trigger the second ball. It will be shot into the goal. |
40 | Riverside Box | Continue heading southeast from Shimmer Pond and Whimstar 39, and you’ll find a Whimstar trapped in a box along the river. |
41 | Far West Pond Fishing | Head to the island in the lake on the far western side of Breezy Meadow. |
42 | South of the Lake | You find a Whimink at the base of the rock cliffs on the southern side of the lake in the far southwestern corner of Breezy Meadow. |
43 | Wisher Camp 1 | There are a series of camp structures on the south side of the western lake. This Whimstar is found in a guarded chest that sits east of the previous Whimstar location (42). |
44 | Wisher Camp 2 | Found in a box just west of the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp warp spire. |
45 | Wisher Camp 3 | Just east of the Wisher Camp warp spire you’ll find another guarded Whimstar chest. |
46 | East of Wisher Camp | From the Wisher Camp warp spire, you can look east and see the Curio Domain entrance. In the domain, you can push the box off the first area, then push all three boxes onto the second platform to lower it. Push the switch to remove the slopes, then push the boxes off the platform so it brings you back up to the Whimstar. |
47 | Campsite Cavern | . Head north of the WIsher Camp warp spire and continue along the upper edge of the cliff. You eventually see a hole in the ground that leads to the hidden Campsite Cavern. Jump into the cave to find a guarded chest containing a Whimstar. |
48 | Top of the Tower 1 | Just west of the cave entrance you’ll find a Whimstar at the top of a camp tower. Use the box off to the side to reach the top. |
49 | Gate Long Cloud Ride | You’ll find the Whimstar cloud on the dock that sits just to the left of the rope bridge that connects the upper and lower Abandoned Fanatic Wishing Camp. |
50 | Cliff Top Rock’n Roll | East of the dock where you found the previous Whimstar, you’ll find another star stuck in a hole covered with rocks. Use the large leaf to jump to the top of the nearby cliff, where you’ll find a rock you can roll over the edge to destroy the rocks, allowing you to get the Whimstar. |
All Breezy Meadow Whimstars Part 3 – Infinity Nikki
Southern Breezy Meadow and the Queen’s Palace Ruins (51-88):

# | Whimstar Location | Description |
51 | Top of the Tower 2 | Head east from the previous Whimstar, and you’ll find this star on top of a camp lookout tower. Use the box in the center of the camp to reach the first tower, then jump to the second tower. |
52 | Floating Bug Tower Top | Head north across the river from the previous Whimstar and you’ll encounter Whimstar 52 as a bug floating above the top of another camp tower. |
53 | Wisher Camp Outpost | East of the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp warp spire, you’ll encounter another spire called the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Directly east of the spire you’ll find a Time Trial Whimstar. The stars end near a tower, which has a large leaf to bounce Nikki up to the top. |
54 | Trampoline Chase | Follow the path northeast from the Wishing Camp Outpost spire, and you’ll encounter a Whimstar box that Nikki can smash. This will start a Whimstar chase with several trampolines. |
55 | Riverside Bird Flight | Continuing northeast from Whimstar 54, you’ll encounter a Whimstar floating high above the trees. You’ll need to head north to the edge of the river to locate a bird’s nest. Wait for the bird to land, then use the Animal Grooming outfit. You can then fly on the bird’s back to the Whimstar. |
56 | Star-Shaped Logs | Continuing along the path to the northeast, you’ll come to a blue quest marker near a cottage. Just outside the cottage, you’ll find one of the Whimstar orbs that looks like a ball of yarn. The Star-Shaped Object you are looking for is found in the pile of logs. The end of one of the logs has several splits in the shape of a star. |
57 | Sinking Platform Curio Domain | From the cottage where you find Whimstar 56, head just across the road to the south, and you’ll find a Curio Domain entrance. In the domain, you’ll need to jump diagonally to one of the far platforms first, not the one in the middle. This will allow you to collect all the fragments without sinking. |
58 | Bullquet Habitat Curio Domain | Head south from the Bullquet Habitat and you’ll find a Curio Domain entrance. Inside, you’ll need to watch the moving platforms and start the timer when they are in just the right spot. It can be very hard to time if you don’t wait for the right moment. |
59 | South of Lakeside Hill Lane | Head south from the Lakeside Hill Lane warp spire, and you’ll find a Time Trial Whimstar at the base of the rocky cliffs. |
60 | Big Leaf Floating Bug | Head northeast from the Lakeside Hill Lane warp spire, and you’ll find a floating bug at the top of a small hill. Use the large leaf to bounce high enough to catch the Whimstar bug with the Bug Catching outfit. |
61 | Riverside Time Trial | North of Lakeside Hill Lane, you’ll see a bridge crossing a river that separates the regions of Breezy Meadow. Look at the riverbank on the southeastern side of the bridge, and you’ll spot a Time Trial Whimstar. |
62 | Small Island Fishing | Head northeast from the bridge where you found Whimstar 61, and you’ll find a Whimstar fish off the coast of the tiny island in the river inlet. |
63 | Water Lily Chase | Southeast of Whimstar 62, you’ll spot a Whimstar box on the beach. Destroy the box and chase the star out onto the large water lily pads. |
64 | Above the Ruins | Near the tip of land northeast of the castle, southwest of Whimstar 63, you’ll spot a Whimstar floating above a small group of ruins. Use the pillars to reach the trampoline, which will get you to Whimstar. |
65 | Coastline Curio Domain | Head east from Whimstar 64 and you’ll find a Curio Domain entrance just before the coast. Inside, push the box onto the second platform, then have Nikki stand on the first platform as the ball is dropped. Once it is shot onto the second path, move Nikki to the second platform, so the ball can be shot into the goal. |
66 | Queen’s Palace Ruins Time Trials | Directly north of the Queen’s Palace Ruins warp spire, you’ll find a Time Trial Whimstar. |
67 | Palace Outskirts Bird Flight | Southwest of the Queen’s Palace Ruins warp spire, on the outskirts of the brown area that makes up the palace ‘grounds,’ you’ll find a Whimstar floating above the trees. Head northeast from the Whimstar location, towards the Lakeside Hill Lane warp spire. You’ll find a Bird’s Nest after crossing the main path on the map. Use Animal Grooming, then ride the bird to the Whimstar. |
68 | Palace Grounds Guarded Chest | On the northern side of the palace grounds, you’ll see a circular object on the map. Head northwest from the circle to find a chest filled with esselings. Defeat the enemies to collect the Whimstar. |
69 | Forest Cavern | West of the Palace, you’ll find the Forest Cavern near the Queen’s Palace Ruins West Forest warp spire. Inside, you’ll need to pass through the main chamber where you find Sprouting Melody. |
70 | West Ruins Bike Jump | East of the West Ruins warp spire, you’ll find a Whimstar floating off the edge of a large cliff. There is a speed panel just before the cliff, signaling that you’ll need to use a Whimcycle to make the jump. |
71 | Palace Road Time Trial | As you head south along the road next to the Palace, you’ll find a Time Trial Whimstar, just south of the Whimcycling: Race icon. |
72 | Ruin Circle Bug | Just southeast of Whimstar 71, you’ll find Whimstar 72 in the form of a floating bug. It is located floating around the top of a circle of ruined pillars. |
73 | Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost | At the southernmost point in Breezy Meadow, you’ll find this Whimstar up in the cliffs above the Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost warp spire. |
74 | Palace Grounds Bird Flight | In the area behind the Palace, you’ll find a Whimstar floating above a tree. If you wait for a moment, you can follow the bird back to it’s nest, then ride it to the Whimstar. |
75 | Southern Tower | There is a Whimstar in the small square tower in the southern section of the palace. |
76 | High Tower Balcony | As you make your way up to the top of the High Tower, you’ll notice the Whimstar in a seemingly inaccessible area. You need to jump down from the top and float down to the Whimstar on the balcony. |
77 | High Tower Curio Domain | From the High Tower warp spire, use Momo’s View and you can look down and see a Curio Domain box far below. Go to the very top of the tower, then jump out the broken window in the corner. Look below, and you’ll see the box on a balcony below. |
78 | Front Yard Time Trial | From the Front Yard warp spire, you can use Momo’s View and see a Whimstar in the middle section on the way up to the High Tower. The quickest way to reach it is to warp to the High Tower, jump out the smaller broken window, and float down to the star. |
79 | NW Palace Guard House | In the northwest section of the palace grounds you’ll find an old run-down structure. There is a Whimstar on the second level. |
80 | NW Palace Ground Smash | While standing on the roof of the guard tower after collecting Whimstar 79, use Momo’s View and look straight down. You’ll see a Whimstar far below at ground level. It is actually beneath a white wood panel, allowing you to jump from the tower and do a ground pound all the way down to the Whimstar. |
81 | Palace Rock & Roll | On the western side of the palace, you’ll find a Whimstar behind a rock wall. Follow the path from the rock wall to the boulder at the edge of the palace grounds. Roll the boulder down the hill to smash the rock wall and grab the Whimstar. |
82 | Palace Grounds Star Chase | You’ll see a small circular gazebo on the map near the northeastern edge of the palace grounds. Just before that, you’ll see a Whimstar box that leads to a chase along the wall. |
83 | Palace Beach Curio Domain | From the gazebo on the northeastern edge of the palace grounds, jump down to the beach. There, you’ll find the Curio Domain entrance. Inside the domain, you simply need to touch each box once to unlock the Whimstar. See the video for the exact route. |
84 | Eastern Point Whimink | Head to the end of the pointed edge of land on the eastern side of the palace grounds. There, you’ll find a Whimink needing grooming. |
85 | NE Palace Cave | On the outside edge of the northeastern corner of the palace, you’ll find a small cave in the palace wall itself. There, you’ll find a Whimstar. |
86 | Aromalily Pad Fishing | From the center of the eastern edge of the palace, head east to the water line. There, you’ll find several Aromalily pads and a Whimstar fish. |
87 | SE Palace Time Trials | Head to the valley below the southeastern corner of the palace to find a Time Trial Whimstar. Be careful, as there are essenlings along the path of this trial. |
88 | Lakeside Cliff Cavern | Head to the absolute southeastern corner of Breezy Meadow, where the lake meets the land, and you’ll find a cave at the water line. Head all the way to the end of the cave to find the Whimstar. |
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2025-01-22 14:25