Interview: Eugenio Vitale Talks Gaming Career, Future With Knights Peak

Interview: Eugenio Vitale Talks Gaming Career, Future With Knights Peak

As I delve into the captivating journey of Stephan Vitale, a veritable titan in the gaming industry, I can’t help but be awestruck by his relentless dedication and unwavering passion for his craft. From his humble beginnings in the dot-com era to leading major titles like Shenmue, Saints Row, and Dead Island, it’s evident that this man lives, breathes, and dreams video games.

Known for being the quintessential Russian apocalypse tale, Metro: Exodus shares an interesting connection with other games that boast dedicated fan bases. The common denominator is that the same individual serves as director for these titles, namely Shenmue III, Scars Above, and Dead Island 2.

As a gaming enthusiast, I recently had the privilege of chatting with Eugenio Vitale, the man behind some of the most exhilarating gaming experiences I’ve ever encountered. Now serving as Vice-President of Publishing at Knights Peak, Eugenio took me on a journey through his impressive career trajectory – from adrenaline-fueled motocross titles in the ’90s to modern sensations like the iconic Saints’ Row series. Here are some highlights from our conversation, which has been condensed for clarity and conciseness.

The Storied History of Eugenio Vitale

Q: How did you get your start in the gaming industry?

As a devoted gaming enthusiast, I can trace my passion for video game development back to my childhood days. Much like tales passed around, I embarked on my coding journey at the tender age of 9, armed with nothing but a Commodore 64 computer. Since then, programming and computers became my heart’s delight. It was an era devoid of the internet, forcing us to unravel the mysteries independently or through collaborative efforts with friends, brothers, or even strangers.

Looking back at the turn of the millennium, I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey by launching my first venture – a company offering internet access and business-level security configurations, a novelty in Italy during those days when the World Wide Web was still largely uncharted territory. The profits from this endeavor served as the foundation for my next ambitious project – establishing my own video game development studio. Admittedly, it may have sounded like an outlandish notion at the time, but to me, it represented a logical progression of my passion and vision.

I journeyed across Italy seeking individuals who, fueled by enthusiasm, were simultaneously attempting to develop games from their personal spaces. At that time, Windows 95 had not been unveiled yet, and creating video games involved a great deal of low-level programming to manage peripherals and construct your own engine on MS-DOS. As a result, Dawn Interactive was established.

Initially, we were three individuals involved, with the first two serving as part-time programmers who coded during the night hours for extra income. The responsibilities fell on me, encompassing game development, overseeing the company, arranging office furniture, and even installing ceiling lights after dark. Long nights were spent constructing and setting up PCs and servers so my team members would find them prepared each morning.

Initially, our team expanded to six members, and approximately 2.5 years later, we launched our debut game. At the outset, I significantly underestimated the work involved in marketing the game. However, it proved to be a significant success, selling half a million copies globally. Following this achievement, our studio flourished, creating a line of Motocross games that were distributed and co-distributed in numerous regions by esteemed partners such as GT Interactive, Infogrames, Midas Interactive, and others.

A: Given that you’ve previously developed some Motocross video games, could you share how those past projects influence your current work?

Vitale: Those years were incredibly beneficial, molding me in ways I never expected. During the early days of the industry, we had to wear multiple hats – designer, artist, programmer, studio manager. I learned to handle the complexities of collaborating with IP holders such as FIM, manufacturers, and motocross champions, while also delving into the intricacies of distribution and publishing agreements.

During that period, the bonds I formed continue to be a vital part of my current network. Rejections from publishers back then molded me into a resilient individual, emphasizing the necessity of sticking to one’s vision and going it alone. The dot-com era, with its surge of venture capital, offered invaluable lessons about the rhythm of the industry.

In the process, I mastered the skill of managing projects and overseeing their delivery. Launching a business in my youth was no walk in the park; though I had a definite goal in mind, I must acknowledge that my leadership abilities needed refinement at first. My early team members were instrumental in my development and growth. I will always be thankful for their guidance and patience.

As a gamer, these gaming adventures consistently shape my perspective on game creators and the hurdles they encounter while breathing life into their masterpieces. It’s an odyssey marked by victories and hardships, and I feel privileged to have accompanied them on this journey.

Have you had the opportunity to contribute to well-known games such as Shenmue, Saints Row, and Dead Island? Among these projects, which one fills you with the greatest sense of accomplishment?

Vitale: Among all games, Dead Island 2 is particularly dear to me, representing a genuine expression of passion. Witnessing its success and recognizing the tireless effort and commitment of the entire team behind it, has been an overwhelming source of pride and happiness for me.

On a deeply personal note, dedicating myself to Dead Island 2 required substantial commitments. I found myself spending more than a year abroad in the UK, away from my beloved wife and our children who were based in Germany. My son was merely two years old, while my daughter was four at that time. It was undeniably tough.

Q: What are some of your fondest memories in the industry so far?

Absolutely, it’s all about the people. The joy on players’ faces as they immerse themselves in our games, or the collective pride we feel when a team tackles challenges and solves problems just before launch. Long nights filled with passion and camaraderie. This industry is teeming with incredibly committed and skilled individuals, and being part of this community is truly remarkable.

Q: Do you have any game concepts or franchises you’ve always wanted to work on but haven’t yet?

Vitale: My passion lies in action-adventure games that tell captivating stories, like those made by Naughty Dog. I’m particularly impressed by their ability to weave together gripping tales, well-developed characters, and engaging gameplay. One day, it would be a dream come true for me to contribute to such a creative process.

Climbing Up Knights Peak

What led you to be part of Knights Peak, and what initially attracted you to the concept behind this brand?

In March 2023, I had the privilege to join MY.GAMES, who were aiming to broaden their business and enter the premium market. They gave me an exceptional chance to lead this expansion project by establishing a publishing label from the ground up – an opportunity not presented often! The idea of being in charge of building a new label sparked my interest right away, and I quickly decided to accept the offer.

At Knights Peak, we aim to convey our steadfast devotion and unyielding support for developers and third-party publishers through our actions. We are setting aside specific resources and creating an environment tailored for their works to thrive and reach their full potential.

Q: How would you characterize Knights Peak as a label? What are its priorities and values?

Vitale: The core of Knights Peak is built on a strong foundation of partnership. We value establishing direct connections with both developers and players, regarding them as equals. We acknowledge the hard work developers put in and hold their creative ideas in high regard, never wavering from our respect for their vision.

At our core, we value adaptability. We welcome the opportunity to work together using various methods – from publishing solely, co-publishing, or even sharing responsibilities globally or regionally. Whether it’s digital platforms, traditional print, or a mix of both, we aim to provide the right level of exposure to our collaborators and their valuable works.

Q: Can you discuss your role with the games currently in Knights Peak’s catalog?

Vitale: I’ve been fortunate enough to oversee our publishing contracts, build the Knights Peak publishing team, establish our strategy, and manage our operations. It’s been a stroke of good fortune for me to work alongside incredibly seasoned professionals who are helping us transform into the publisher we aim to be. Our collection at present consists of five games: Starship Troopers: Extermination, Nikoderiko, Mandragora, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, and Blast Brigade. More titles are on the horizon.

Q: What drew Knights Peak to each of the games in its current catalog?

Vitale: Our games are designed to embody three essential aspects: uniqueness, relatability, and excellence. Each game aims to introduce something fresh within its category, balancing innovation with a sense of familiarity. We also encourage developers to feel proud of their creations, while ensuring players have exciting, enjoyable experiences.

What’s Coming Up for Knights Peak

Could there be a possible reunification or collaboration between Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Owlcat Games, now that they both share ownership under Knights Peaks? Might fans see these two entities coming together again in the future?

Vitale: Owlcat Studios consistently impresses us with their exceptional talent. We stay in regular contact, and although they are engrossed in their own ventures right now, we’re always eager to find the ideal moment to team up. I have a feeling they would be open to such collaboration too, so here’s hoping for a harmonious partnership down the line!

A: Could you tell me what Knights Peak has planned for the short term and potentially throughout the following year?

Vitale shared that Gamescom is an important upcoming event for us, and we’re putting lots of effort into ensuring its success. Furthermore, we’re actively looking to broaden our collection of games over the next few years. Exciting times are on the horizon!

As a dedicated fan, here’s a date you shouldn’t miss out if you’re eager to learn more about Knights Peak’s upcoming games: [Insert Date] – mark your calendars, fellow enthusiasts! Let’s stay tuned together for exciting updates!

Vitale: Our team is bursting with anticipation as we prepare for the arrival of players at our booth during Gamescom! This event promises a fantastic chance to interact with our audience and reveal the incredible adventures we’ve been working on.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Vitale: I’d like to offer a sincere thank you to the developers who have placed their trust in us. We’re eagerly looking forward to the moment when we can share more of our joint efforts with everyone. Keep an eye out – the most exciting parts are still ahead!


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2024-08-02 14:54