Items You Shouldn’t Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

Items You Shouldn't Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die


  • Traders in 7 Days to Die provide missions, rewards, and essential items like ammo and magazines.
  • Keep valuable resources like brass and lead for crafting ammo to increase chances of survival.
  • Hang onto level 6 items, repair kits, and various types of ammo for different situations in the game.

As a seasoned survivor of the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is 7 Days to Die, I can’t stress enough the importance of stocking up on certain items. From Legendary Parts that are as elusive as Bigfoot himself, to Level 6 Items that are the cream of the crafting crop, these precious resources have saved my hide more times than I care to remember.

In the game “7 Days To Die”, traders serve an indispensable function. They not only act as a marketplace for players to purchase new goods and offload unwanted items, but they also provide missions that the player can accomplish. These tasks aid the player in their leveling up, discovering more of the map, and acquiring numerous attractive rewards.

The majority of players frequently drop by the traders almost every day. They exchange unwanted items, such as surplus medication, improved gear, or sometimes magazines, in return. Although players can sell many items to traders for a financial gain, some items are more valuable when held onto for future needs.

7 Brass And Lead

Craft Some Ammo

Items You Shouldn't Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

Surviving in the unforgiving environment of 7 Days To Die relies heavily on having an abundance of ammunition. Brass and lead are vital resources needed for creating most types of ammo within the game. Once players acquire the skill to set up a forge or two, they should focus on melting down as much brass and lead as they can to make bullet casings and shells.

Unlike lead, which can be extracted, brass cannot be mined. Consequently, when comparing these two resources, brass could be considered more scarce or valuable. Yet, it’s crucial to note that both resources are essential for creating a wide variety of ammunition within the game.

6 Unknown Magazines

Always Be A Keen Reader

Items You Shouldn't Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

In the game “7 Days To Die,” magazines serve as crucial items. They empower the player to create various objects, enhance weapon damage, and boost mining efficiency using tools. As time progresses, players collect magazine sets. Once a set is complete, a small open book icon will appear next to the magazine, signifying this achievement.

If a player selects a magazine marked with a symbol representing an unopened book, it signifies that they have not yet read that specific book or haven’t completed the required reading for that title. It is advisable to collect and read any books bearing this closed icon as they are essential for creating various in-game items. Moreover, some of these books will grant a set reward once the player has finished reading all the books within that particular collection.

After finishing a complete book collection, it’s advisable to sell any extra magazines you have on hand. Although players earn some experience points (XP) by reading familiar magazines, they can acquire both XP and Dukes if they choose to trade these excess magazines with merchants instead.

5 Legendary Parts

Very Rare Items

Items You Shouldn't Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

To make any item at level 6, you’ll need Rare Artifacts, which can be quite elusive. Players might receive some as a high-value mission reward or find them as loot. The most reliable source for these artifacts is the shops in the Savage Lands, known for their abundance of clothing. This is because Legendary Parts are more likely to appear within piles of clothes.

Players cannot create legendary items themselves; instead, these items are exceptionally scarce. Even selling them to vendors will only fetch a fraction of the expected Duke’s currency.

4 Food

Stay Well-Fed

Items You Shouldn't Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

At the beginning of the game, food may appear scarce. However, as the game progresses, this becomes less of a problem. Still, it’s effortless to exhaust your food supply if you’re not cautious. If a player has established a farm, selling food to traders can provide additional Dukes. But for those who don’t have their own farm, it’s crucial to conserve every food item they have.

Additionally, certain foods such as Old Sham Sandwiches might surprise you with their versatility in creating antibiotics. Therefore, even if a player doesn’t plan on consuming a specific type of food, it could still be beneficial to examine it, since it may be required for crafting more valuable items.

3 Repair Kits

A Useful Item To Have

Items You Shouldn't Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

In the game 7 Days To Die, while Repair Kits aren’t excessively expensive to create, they aren’t free either. As you progress through the game, you’ll notice that you’ll use an abundant amount of these Repair Kits. Whether it’s for mending tools, patching up armor components, or maintaining vehicles, these Repair Kits don’t last a long time.

Under a Blood Moon, the survivor must utilize several Repair Tools to endure the chilling night. Frequently, weapons succumb to damage and it’s essential for players to mend them promptly to fend off hordes of the undead before they overwhelm them.

2 Ammo

All Ammo Has Its Use

Items You Shouldn't Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

While the player will have a favorite type of firearm, it’s worth keeping all types of ammo. Ammo isn’t cheap to make or purchase. Even if it’s not an ammo type that the player uses, should the player run out of bullets for their favorite weapons, having other ammo lying around can be a real lifesaver.

On horde nights, especially during a Blood Moon event, players can expect to engage in numerous rounds. In the game 7 Days To Die, ammunition is never enough, making it wise to accumulate all types of ammo for those unexpected situations.

1 Level 6 Items

High Tier Items Always Come In Handy

Items You Shouldn't Sell To Traders in 7 Days To Die

Level 6 items, such as weapons, tools, or protective gear, are costly to produce and can be challenging to obtain. These high-grade items are treasured by many players because they might prove useful later on in their gaming journey.

Items such as premium armor sets and powerful weapons can be incredibly beneficial for a player. They might bring a significant profit when sold to a trader, but their real value lies in aiding the player to collect more resources or defeat enemies faster. Consequently, it’s generally wise to keep all level 6 items unless they are duplicates, as they can prove useful in gameplay.

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2024-08-13 05:33