Its Like a Dollhouse on Your Screen – My Little Life Dev On Core Design

Its Like a Dollhouse on Your Screen - My Little Life Dev On Core Design

As a gamer and someone who’s always on the lookout for new and interesting experiences, I find Andrea’s upcoming game, My Little Life, truly intriguing. Her unique perspective, shaped by her own personal experiences, adds depth to the game’s design and sets it apart from other life sims or idle games in the market.

In simpler terms, “My Little Life” is a low-key simulation game that runs discreetly at the foot of your computer screen. Contrary to how it might initially seem, this game encourages engagement rather than causing distraction. Once you’ve constructed a dwelling for your in-game character, they will attend to their essential requirements such as food and embark on various work-from-home careers. You can also engage them in socializing and even communicate with other characters. This appears to be an ideal pastime for those seeking a laid-back gaming experience where they have the freedom to drop by and check up on their small persona whenever they please. Additionally, “My Little Life” offers multiple viewing options, including a see-through background, allowing you to observe its progress without interruption.

In a recent interview with Game Rant, Stevis Andrea from 9FingerGames discussed the thought process behind creating “My Little Life.” He explained that the game is intended to reside at the bottom of the screen, giving it a “dollhouse-like” feel. Additionally, Andrea shared insights about the various display choices in the game. (The conversation has been condensed and clarified for a better reading experience.)

My Little Life’s Game Inspirations And Initial Concept

A: What inspired the creation of My Little Life, given that it sets itself apart from your previous projects?

Andrea: The inspiration for my project originally came from Rusty’s Retirement. I’ve been friends with its developer for quite some time, and before the game was even announced, it greatly influenced me. So, my initial plan was to create something reminiscent of Rusty’s Retirement, but with distinct differences.

Its Like a Dollhouse on Your Screen - My Little Life Dev On Core Design

The concept of a constant on-screen presence initially intrigued me greatly. It didn’t make a difference then what type of character this was or what they were doing, or even if they were human or not. The genesis of the idea came from that Discord conversation. Later on, it developed into something resembling “The Sims,” but in its infancy, it was simply an idea born from that online chat.

Instead of “Why it’s different from Heretic’s Fork and Zapling Bygone—I just play a lot of various games, so it’s natural for me to create diverse types of games as well,” you could also say:

A: In a recent post on X or Twitter, I compared my life to a modern-day version of a Tamagotchi. To elaborate, a Tamagotchi is a virtual pet that requires care and attention to thrive. Similarly, my life feels like a constantly evolving digital pet that needs nurturing in various aspects such as work, relationships, health, and personal growth. The parallels lie in the fact that just like a Tamagotchi, neglecting any of these areas can lead to negative consequences, while investing time and effort into them results in positive outcomes. This analogy helps me understand and prioritize the different aspects of my life more effectively.

Andrea: Yes, I prefer that more accurate portrayal over a life simulation game. Initially, I envisioned having a living entity on the screen constantly, similar to a Tamagotchi. I’m captivated by how Tamagotchis create an emotional bond between the player and the virtual pet. The goal was to create something that felt alive, with its own unique existence. I haven’t come across any other game that has achieved this connection as effectively as Tamagotchis have.

My Little Life As A Game That Sits At The Bottom Of Players’ Screens

A: What made a difference for me in having the game positioned at the bottom instead of the conventional layout?

I, as a gamer and a part of the games industry, have noticed a significant shift in work dynamics due to the pandemic. Nearly everyone is working from home, including myself. The office jobs have transitioned into virtual spaces, filling our days with even more screen time. It’s almost surreal how much screen real estate we now have at our disposal – the resolution of our monitors seems larger than ever before.

When I work from home and use my computer, the constant distraction of mobile apps like TikTok and games in my pocket are more disruptive than having “My Little Life” or “Rusty’s Retirement” running on my screen. The reason being, these apps don’t demand my immediate attention like they do with notifications or alerts that can be quite intrusive. Instead, they allow me to engage at my own pace, which unfortunately, can sometimes lead to longer periods of distraction.

There’s nothing disruptive about it. It’s designed to add a light-hearted element, like a coworker looking out the window during a thoughtful moment at work. I intend for you to enjoy the character’s antics while your mind is otherwise occupied.

Its Like a Dollhouse on Your Screen - My Little Life Dev On Core Design

In my perspective as an avid gamer, this feature isn’t just a trick or a mere add-on. Instead, it’s deeply rooted in the game’s design, allowing me to explore various aspects without feeling pressured to engage constantly. The game offers countless possibilities, from taking diverse character paths and making customizations, to discovering new areas and interactions. However, unlike some games where neglecting certain elements can lead to negative consequences, this one provides a more relaxed experience, enabling players to enjoy the game at their own pace.

Based on my personal experience as a long-time gamer and designer, I believe that certain game elements work best when placed at strategic locations on the screen. For instance, a tranquil and unassuming mini-game or feature can be effectively situated at the bottom of the screen in full-screen games.

My Little Life’s Main Character And Activities

A: The character in the game usually spends their time independently, taking care of their own activities. Thus, there’s no necessity for frequent checks on their part.

As a gamer: I see what you mean, Andrea. It’s important for a game to strike the right balance between player choice and predetermined paths. Giving too much detail can make the experience feel more like a chore than an adventure. For instance, if I’m playing as a painter in a game, I want to feel like my decisions matter. Instead of just following a set path, I should be able to choose when and what to paint, earning money and improving skills along the way. It’s all about immersing myself in the game world and feeling like I’m making an impact.

If the player constructs walls or expands their home, the character will respond by building the specified items. This could be placing walls according to the player’s actions or fetching and delivering new purchases like a bedside cabinet. The primary roles of the character are reacting to the player’s actions and ensuring their needs are met.

Currently, I’m developing an idea for a project. This concept isn’t finalized and put into action just yet. I’m considering it as an additional feature, number three or four. My plan is to assign specific hours in a day to represent career commitments. This modification allows the character to engage in various leisure activities such as hosting parties, socializing, or simply enjoying life outside of work. Instead of being solely focused on work and eating, the character will have the freedom to experience a more human-like existence.

How Time Works In My Little Life

Q: How does time work in the game? Can you fast-forward time or does it just play out itself?

Andrea: In this game, I don’t have to rush things along since all my chosen careers allow me to work from home. Characters like painters or streamers can just do their jobs on their computers, keeping them present on the screen. This makes it easier for me to manage their needs as I switch between them.

Having good quality food and a comfortable bathtub allows people to spend less time attending to their basic needs and more time focusing on their careers. This advantage holds especially true when they do not have to leave home, which in turn means they don’t have to rush time.

A: Do you mean to ask how large a portion of a person’s life you typically encounter, or if it tends to be more compacted like the stages from birth to death?

Andrea: You’re absolutely right in identifying death as a concern. I prefer not setting a strict timeline for the characters to avoid placing limitations on their experiences and interactions with the game. The idea is to let players engage at their own pace without feeling pressured to complete every life goal before aging or ultimately passing away. Essentially, time stands still, allowing the characters to endure indefinitely [laughs].

Its Like a Dollhouse on Your Screen - My Little Life Dev On Core Design

Careers And Home Building In My Little Life

A: I’d be happy to discuss the various professional paths that athletes can consider, along with the consequences of making distinct choices.

I: As a gamer, I discover an array of work-from-home careers in my virtual world. From painting digital masterpieces to streaming games and even participating in esports tournaments, I add any career that can be imagined from the comfort of home into my game. The more time I invest in honing my skills for a particular career and the better my character’s statistics become, the more opportunities they have for promotions. With each promotion comes the acquisition of additional currency to spend on upgrading items or decorating my virtual house. Eventually, when I reach the pinnacle of my chosen career, I unlock exclusive rewards as a testament to my dedication and expertise.

As an assistant, I’d be happy to help answer your question about the various characters players can interact with in the game! In my experience playing, I’ve come across not just the main character and their companions, but also delivery people. However, there are other intriguing figures that populate the game world as well. For instance, I’ve had encounters with merchants, townspeople, and even formidable enemies. Each character adds depth to the game’s rich narrative, making every interaction an engaging experience for me.

Andrea: In the current setup, you begin with a leading character. By arranging certain objects correctly, you can bring new characters into the fold. These newly acquired characters come with identical systems and functions as the initial character. Their professions, requirements, abilities—they are all the same.

Each character can have designated areas for themselves, serving as individual living spaces if desired. Characters may reside together in a shared area, yet they tend to utilize objects more frequently and spend more time within their own space than the others.

In simpler terms, the other characters share similarities with the primary character, but they aren’t playable. You’ll encounter various non-playable characters like the mailman and neighbors, and there will be engaging interactions between them and the main characters.

A: Sure thing! I’d be happy to provide some additional information regarding the creation of homes for your character(s). It is possible to construct multiple residences within your story.

Andrea: Absolutely, the play area is quite extensive, allowing you to scroll left and right at your leisure. If desired, you can even establish distinct living spaces. From a structural standpoint, consider the foundational layer as the base wall. Following this, you may add wallpaper, posters, furniture, and props. This sequence represents our primary building framework. In simpler terms, feel free to arrange furniture, posters, mirrors, and other decorative items on your walls for customization.

In this game, your primary engagement is constructing the setting, and based on what you create and the character’s interactions with it, they acquire new abilities and advance in their careers.

How Rusty’s Retirement Inspired My Little Life And Display Screen Options

A: One of the games that influenced My Little Life for me is Rusty’s Retirement. what elements from it sparked my inspiration? Any distinct mechanics, designs, or aspects that stood out?

Andrea: The game is significantly changed from what we’re used to. The fundamental nature of the game sets it apart. The only resemblance lies in the philosophy displayed at the bottom of your screen. This may seem insignificant, but it holds great importance as it signifies that the game isn’t meant for direct engagement. It follows a similar approach with Rusty’s Retirement, where the primary focus is on observation rather than interaction.

As a gamer, I can tell you that I dedicate around ten percent of my gaming experience to actively building or progressing within a game. The remaining ninety percent, however, is spent observing and interacting with the game world in various ways. This core philosophy, inspired by “Rusty’s Retirement,” significantly influences every aspect of the game design. It truly permeates the entire experience.

Its Like a Dollhouse on Your Screen - My Little Life Dev On Core Design

Q: Could you talk about the different display screen options for the game?

Andrea: On the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, there exists a minimal variation. There are also medium and large versions; I believe the larger one on a 1080p display occupies approximately one-third of it. Personally, I favor the smaller versions as they cause less distraction for me. However, you have the flexibility to switch between them whenever you desire. Additionally, there’s an option called “square mode” or “camera mode,” which transforms it into a square icon residing in a corner of your screen and tracking the character you’re focusing on.

Based on my experience as a software developer and user interface designer, I understand the excitement of working on a new mode for a system, particularly a vertical one. It’s like embarking on a new adventure, full of challenges and possibilities. I can empathize with the developer’s caution, as making such a significant change requires careful planning and testing to ensure compatibility with all existing systems.

My Little Life As A Relaxing Simulation Game And Future Plans

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that some games offer an unique experience where you can juggle multiple tasks at once while still maintaining a sense of calm and relaxation. It’s almost like having the best of both worlds – the thrill of multitasking and the soothing effects of unwinding. However, I understand that not everyone finds multitasking to be relaxing; it can be quite stressful for some. So, while these two ideas may coexist, it ultimately depends on an individual’s personal preference and comfort level with handling multiple tasks at once.

Andrea: In my previous responses, I alluded to the fact that this game doesn’t demand engagement. The character won’t perish if neglected, allowing for a soothing experience. You can take your time and strive for perfection, or simply enjoy the process without any pressure. At the end of the day, you could start the game, build an idyllic home within an hour, then leave it running indefinitely if that’s your preference. The game offers a tranquil experience tailored to your needs, whether you desire relaxation or intensity.

A: It’s impressive, and games do consume quite a bit of time. Did you consider this aspect while developing the game, providing players with a shorter alternative for those who prefer it?

Andrea: Yes, I agree with your assessment, and that’s why I’ve opted for creating smaller games in the past with affordable price points. The reason being, much like my personal experience with not yet playing Elden Ring, or even its DLC, is due to the high entry barrier. When you open up the game and see all the tasks and objectives, it can be overwhelming. With a busy life, I simply don’t have the time to invest in such extensive games at the moment. [laughs]

The information might have influenced my decision subtly, but not decisively. I seldom engage in lengthy solo games these days due to this factor. It’s a common experience among gamers, especially those with growing responsibilities like families and careers.

A: In what way does My Little Life distinguish itself among current life simulation games or idle games, according to your perspective?

Andrea: The simplicity makes it calming and low-pressure. You aren’t required to delve deeply if you choose not to. Feel free to start it up, leave it running on your screen, and engage with it whenever you please, or not at all.

I’m utterly amazed by The Sims these days, as there are no bizarre microtransactions that I’ve noticed. Frankly, I believe there are around twenty expansion packs or so, which is quite astonishing. However, as you pointed out, it doesn’t significantly impact the experience. It’s not about embarking on a new epic journey; instead, it’s like having a miniature dollhouse right in front of me on my screen that I can engage with whenever I please. The laid-back and soothing atmosphere truly makes it unique.

Q: Is there anything else that you’d like to add today or tell our readers?

Andrea: On Steam, kindly create a wishlist entry for us. This is a significant step in supporting our project. If you’re interested, do consider joining our Discord server. Currently, we have around twenty playtesters and will be welcoming more soon. As the game progresses towards stability, we plan to introduce additional features, ensuring it reaches its full potential. I aspire to create a community-driven game because ultimately, you are the ones bringing this creation to life through your gameplay experiences.

As someone who has put countless hours into developing this game and seeing its potential grow, I can honestly say that your suggestions have been invaluable in shaping its direction. With a wealth of ideas swirling in my mind, I’ve been considering launching a Kickstarter campaign to bring even more content to life. I envision adding an abundance of new items, interactive features, and captivating artwork, all of which will enhance the overall gaming experience. While there are logistical challenges that come with such a venture, I believe that with dedication and hard work, we can make it a success. So, let’s explore this opportunity further, keeping in mind the passion and commitment we both share for our beloved game.


My Little Life is currently in development.

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2024-07-20 17:25