John Wick’s Best Quotes

John Wick's Best Quotes

As a die-hard fan of action movies, I can’t help but admire the powerful and poignant quotes from John Wick. His words reflect not only his character but also his unique blend of ruthless determination and deep philosophical thought.

The character John Wick stands out due to his thrilling action scenes and Keanu Reeves’ exceptional portrayal. This iconic persona also leaves us with unforgettable quotes, even though the Baba Yaga doesn’t talk much throughout all the John Wick movies. Nevertheless, the few lines he utters are just as impactful as his most impressive kills in the series.

As a devoted admirer, I can’t help but extol the greatness that is John Wick. With the air surrounding his future shrouded in mystery for ardent enthusiasts like myself, it seems only fitting to revisit and rejoice in the indelible impact of this legendary figure, the iconic and lethal John Wick. Let’s dive back into his world by highlighting some of his most memorable lines – be they chillingly cool, beautifully poetic, or undeniably awesome.

10 “Yeah…”

Always a Man of Focus, and Few Words

John Wick's Best Quotes

  • Featured in: John Wick (2014), John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017), John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (2019), John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)

John Wick may be a man of few words, but he’s also a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will. With such, John Wick proves that few words are just as powerful when it comes from a man who can kill 2 people with a pencil. A simple word of acknowledgment, so few and yet so effective to convey exactly how John Wick feels.

In any situation, whether it’s in response to a murder he’s preparing to carry out or in agreement with a playful friend, hearing John Wick say “Yeah” is beneficial only if you are on his side. This seemingly innocuous word can translate into a bullet to the head for anyone who has provoked the fury of the Baba Yaga.

9 “People Keep Asking If I’m Back And I Haven’t Really Had An Answer. But Now, Yeah, I’m Thinkin’ I’m Back.”

In the Face of Defeat, an Enraged John Wick Relishes Out of Retirement

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick (2014)

John Wick managed an apparently unachievable feat to step away from his life and reunite with his cherished spouse, Helen. However, following her demise, she provided John a new lease on life by enabling him to mourn without solitude, thanks to her final gift: a puppy. Regrettably, the puppy was slain by the son of an old business associate, sparking in John Wick a fury unparalleled, which simmered with malice and compelled him back into the sphere he had desired to depart from.

Despite being bound and facing imminent asphyxiation, John Wick doesn’t beat around the bush when speaking to Vigo; instead, he delivers a chilling warning as his final act. John Wick isn’t only seeking vengeance – he’s back for good, re-entering this world with the single objective of eliminating Vigo’s son, regardless of the repercussions that may ensue.

8 “You Don’t Want Me Owing You.”

It’s a Dangerous Game to Hold John Wick to a Favor

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)

In a brief exchange with the Bowery King, John Wick discovers information that both enlightens and worries him. He confides in the man that it would be best for everyone, particularly the Bowery King himself, not to feel indebted to him following his assistance. This sentiment seems to dog John Wick, echoing in every footstep and each bullet he fires.

As a gamer, let me tell you, John isn’t just being a smart aleck; he’s speaking the truth. You see, those who owe something to John Wick usually end up in a world of trouble, so it’s wise to keep clear of the Baba Yaga. Cross him at your own risk, because if you do, you’ll surely feel his retribution.

7 “Tell Them… Tell Them All… Whoever Comes, Whoever It Is… I’ll Kill Them. I’ll Kill Them All.”

An Army of the Best Assassins in the World Won’t Stop John Wick

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)

Following John Wick’s decision to take Santino D’Antonio’s life within the Continental, an old friend and manager of the establishment, who is under the High Table’s authority, informs him of a bounty placed on his head. The Baba Yaga’s safety cannot be guaranteed. With unwavering determination in his tone rather than fear, John vows to eliminate whoever dares approach him.

This isn’t just a threat, it’s a confident promise and one that Winston heeds. John Wick knows the crimes he has committed against the High Table, but it’s not going to stop him, and no matter how many men and women come after him: he’ll kill them all.

6 “Do You Want a War? Or Do You Wanna Just Give Me a Gun?”

It’s Better to Give John a Gun to Kill, Than to Try and Kill Him

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)

As John Wick, I find myself pursued relentlessly by Santino D’Antonio, with a whopping $7,000,000 bounty on my head. With no other options left, I seek aid from the enigmatic Bowery King. He informs me of the price tag on my head and the potential wealth it could bring him. But instead of accepting his help, I gaze around the room filled with his men and calmly ask the Bowery King if he’d rather arm me or risk igniting a battle that he won’t survive.

In this setting, John’s self-assurance is more than impressive; it’s downright intimidating, and in this very space, he seems to believe that he alone can wage war against the entire system and come out victorious. This conflict could easily be averted if only he were armed and allowed to pursue his vengeful course. The Bowery King consents to this arrangement for good reason.

5 “Consider This a Professional Courtesy.”

A Snarky Remark About Not Killing Your Enemy

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)

Cassian was a dedicated assassin working for Gianna D’Antonio, yet he let her down when John Wick succeeded in killing her at the behest of Gianna’s brother. Enraged by this betrayal, Cassian pursues John Wick relentlessly, vowing not to rest until one of them is no more. However, it’s Cassian who becomes a living ghost, as John Wick impales him with his sword but spares his life, granting him a fleeting existence.

I’m subtly underscoring my professionalism and our mutual comprehension in this situation, given that there’s an individual determined to take my life. This could also be seen as a playful jab at our earlier conversation where Cassian hinted at a swift end for me.

4 “It Wasn’t Just a Puppy.”

John Constantly Reinforces That This Whole Carnage Was Because of More Than a Puppy

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (2019)

Any individual who interacts with John Wick often makes a sarcastic remark, implying that all this violence and wreckage is merely over a dog or puppy. However, John Wick understands clearly that it’s not solely about the pet, but rather what the pet symbolizes – the life he yearned for, the sorrow he endured, which was left to decay, causing a once-honorable man to garner contempt across a world he once called home.

John’s return wasn’t solely about a dog; it was never that simple. Those who eventually discover why John Wick returned to the fray will do so either out of genuine understanding or because they’ve waited too long. The fact that John has killed countless individuals over “just” a dog illustrates his unwavering determination.

3 “Guns. Lots of Guns.”

A Callback to The Matrix, Done With Triumph

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (2019)

The Elite Council is seeking out the Continental and its elusive resident, John Wick. In response, John specifies that he requires just a few essential items to safeguard the Continental today and establish a standoff that guarantees their triumph: an abundance of firearms.

Beyond simply being very stylish, it’s also a clever reference to Keanu Reeves’ memorable portrayal of Neo in the 1999 film “The Matrix,” where he utters the same phrase. The line suits Reeves perfectly, and it underscores just how lethal John Wick is, as he can take on trained assassins with minimal ammunition and a firearm.

2 “Those Who Cling to Death; Live.”

A Proverb That Brilliantly Shows John’s Line Between Life and Death

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)

One of the more philosophical sayings attributed to John Wick comes from the Japanese feudal lord, Uesugi Kenshin. John expresses this idea by saying “Those who grasp death; truly live.” This statement can be understood in various ways, but it’s often seen as suggesting that death is an ever-present aspect of their lives, whether it’s the loss of loved ones or those they encounter during warfare. Through these experiences, it is they who truly live.

As a gamer, I’d rephrase it like this: Each day, I find myself yearning for the end, trapped under the High Table’s rule. It wasn’t until I finally managed to break free and embraced life, cherishing every moment with Helen and dreaming of sharing more in another world, that I was granted my departure.

1 “Maybe I’m Wrong.”

Optimism Holds Strong For John Wick as He Speaks to His Dead Wife

John Wick's Best Quotes
  • Featured in: John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)

Just before the longest night of John’s life commences – a night where he must confront Caine and The Marquis de Gramont in a duel to defend his right to live before sunrise – John seeks solace in a church, paying tribute to his late wife, Helen. Alone in his grief, John remains seated within the church until an old acquaintance and new adversary, Caine, interrupts him.

Caine queries, “Don’t you think your wife might be listening?” To which John responds, “No.” Then, with a heart heavy with grief and despair, Caine wonders aloud, “Then why try at all?” John, who still holds on to the slimmest glimmer of hope, expresses his hope that maybe Helen can hear him, suggesting that even in the smallest chance, it’s not wrong to hold on to life.

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2024-10-27 15:34