JRPGs With Sad Endings, Ranked

JRPGs With Sad Endings, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • JRPGs have tragic stories with sad endings like in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 & Shadow Hearts, leaving players emotionally invested.
  • Characters in games like Persona 2: Eternal Punishment & Mother 3 face devastating choices and embrace tragic fates.
  • Endings in Fire Emblem Three Houses, Tales of Xillia 2, and Final Fantasy 15 are bittersweet, reflecting the weight of sacrifice.

As a long-time fan of Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs), I can attest to the emotional rollercoaster they often take us on, and these four games certainly deliver on that front. Having experienced many heart-wrenching moments while playing through various JRPGs, I must admit that the endings of these games have left a lasting impact on me.

In many role-playing games (JRPGs), the narratives are frequently captivating, crafted by skilled writers who keep players engaged throughout the characters’ adventures from start to finish. Many of these stories culminate in satisfying conclusions, where after overcoming numerous obstacles, the heroes accomplish their objectives, vanquish the antagonists, and triumph.

While numerous JRPGs conclude with melancholic endings, where the main characters face heartbreaking fates even after defeating their adversaries, or sometimes fail to prevent the villains’ triumph. Remarkably, these bittersweet conclusions create a deep impression on players, underscoring the emotional complexity of the storyline and serving as reminders that not every tale concludes in victory, yet they remain indelible in our memories.

10 Xenoblade Chronicles 2

The Inevitable Fate Of Torna

Regardless of its extraordinary narrative, the tale of Lora and Jin in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is tinged with sorrow at every turn. They strive tirelessly to alter the destiny of their realm, yet the impending doom of Torna remains unavoidable. The narrative, derived from the expansion game Torna – The Golden Country, portrays a recurring pattern of sacrifices where temporary victories are common, but the final outcome is always defeat.

This heartrending tale illustrates that, despite valiant struggles, destiny can be mercilessly unyielding for numerous protagonists. The collapse of Torna and the subsequent erasure of its brave defenders etch a profound emotional scar, transforming this Role-Playing Game into an indelible narrative with an ending both tragic and sublime.

9 Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

The Burden Of Tatsuya Suou

The burden of choices can lead to devastating consequences, a reality that Tatsuya Suou experiences profoundly. Faced with the necessity to save the world, he is compelled to give up his personal memories and cut ties with those dear to him. This painful choice lies at the core of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, and the sad ending underscores the theme that eternal punishment often comes with the loss of one’s own identity.

As a devoted fan, I must say that the ending, where Tatsuya discards everything familiar and dear to him, holds an overwhelming emotional impact. For those who journeyed with him through the Persona duology, this conclusion resonates deeply. It underscores the bittersweet truth that not every battle concludes in triumph, and sometimes, salvation exacts a heavy toll – even one’s own joy. This grim reality immerses players in Tatsuya’s tragic destiny.

8 Mother 3

An Inevitably Tragic Journey

Right from the start, Mother 3 presents a tale brimming with heartaches and personal misfortunes. The main character, Lucas, grapples with the sorrow of his mother’s demise and the mysterious vanishing of his brother, all while watching the world crumble around him. Consequently, a large portion of the story becomes a poignant mirror of the characters’ suffering.

In the end, Lucas triumphs, yet the wounds from his past defeats remain unfaded; in fact, the conclusion suggests that all the hero’s labors culminate in utter devastation. The role-playing game, “Mother 3,” employs straightforwardness to express a poignant theme about life’s fragility and the enduring nature of sorrow, creating an emotionally deep journey for gamers.

7 Shadow Hearts

A Hero Consumed By Tragedy

The final chapter of Shadow Hearts paints a bleak picture, as protagonist Yuri Hyuga finds himself bereft of his cherished Alice and confronting his destiny all by himself. This tragic turn sets the stage for the sequel’s storyline. Consequently, the tale of these two characters is steeped in melancholy throughout, offering few prospects for joyful conclusions.

This conclusion mirrors the game’s somber motifs, where the battle for existence and optimism don’t always lead to a positive outcome. The game, Shadow Hearts, is uniquely poignant among JRPGs, as its bleak ending instills a feeling of sorrow and melancholy that lingers even after the closing credits. For those captivated by the story of the first game, the sequel, Covenant, becomes an almost inevitable choice.

6 Final Fantasy Tactics

Ramza Beoulve’s Story Forgotten

Remarkably impactful for numerous gamers, Final Fantasy Tactics stands out in the series with a richer storyline than most, offering players a deeply emotional JRPG that concludes tragically. Throughout Ramza Beoulve’s journey, there are recurring instances of sacrifice and deceit, and despite his triumphs, he is often overlooked and eventually forgotten.

The melancholy finale of Ramza Beoulve’s journey echoes the grim reality of the war-ravaged world within Final Fantasy Tactics. Despite his valiant efforts for justice and crucial contributions to the resolution of the War of the Lions, the church ultimately chooses to expunge him from history, underscoring that bravery does not always lead to recognition or reward in its aftermath.

5 Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Many Endings In This Tactical JRPG Are Dark And Sad

In the storyline of Fire Emblem Three Houses, you’ll initially spend the first portion at an Officers Academy alongside various characters. However, as the game progresses, you find yourself observing these characters engaged in a war. Given that wars often don’t end on a positive note, a joyful conclusion may not be likely in this tale.

Regardless of the path a player takes or which nobles they align with throughout this JRPG, the outcomes are not joyful, but rather, they’re at most, tinged with a sense of sadness. While some characters experience bittersweet endings, tragedy often befalls many characters known to the protagonist, resulting in their untimely deaths on the battlefield.

4 Persona 3 Reload

A JRPG With A Sad Ending About Death

Starting with Makoto Yuki’s adventure in Persona 3 Reload, players encounter death’s unavoidable presence throughout the narrative. As the tale unfolds and the apocalypse seems imminent, the main character ultimately chooses self-sacrifice to lock away the darkness, accepting his fate quietly for the sake of the world.

In contrast to the melancholic atmosphere at the end, Makoto Yuki’s final moments carry a profound, poetic tranquility as he completes his mission, finding solace and acceptance in those last moments. The song “Memories of You” underscores the emotional resonance of the finale, emphasizing the significance of human bonds and concluding the game with a poignant and impactful touch.

3 Tales Of Xillia 2

Impossible Choices And Somber Endings

In the game Tales of Xillia 2, Ludger Kresnik finds himself in situations where he must make heart-wrenching decisions, each one resulting in significant loss. The game presents various conclusions, all of which are deeply emotional, ranging from Ludger’s self-sacrifice to the grief of losing loved ones. None of these endings can be considered truly joyful; at best, they offer a tinge of bittersweetness.

Experiencing such grim resolutions in the game leaves players feeling that not all tales, even in fantasy realms, can have a joyful ending. Consequently, Tales of Xillia 2 stands out as a JRPG with one of the bleakest and most melancholic conclusions within its franchise; however, it effectively concludes the game’s narrative.

2 Nier: Automata

The Weight Of Sacrifice And Inescapable Repetition

In the games NieR and its successor NieR: Automata, players navigate through cycles of hardship and selflessness. Based on the decisions they make, the storyline may conclude in various ways, but each ending is laden with profound emotional impact. Be it characters giving up their lives or existing in a barren environment, these games consistently offer endings that stir feelings of sorrow and introspection.

Each conclusion appears to imply that while sacrifices, however essential, might not lead to the anticipated joy, the emotional resonance and profound philosophical underpinnings exploring human nature, devastation, and renewal make these games profoundly impactful, despite their potential pain.

1 Final Fantasy 15

Noctis Has One Of The Saddest Endings In JRPGs

“Final Fantasy 15” is a Japanese Role-Playing Game that concludes tragically as Noctis lays down his life to save the world. The campfire scene before the ultimate battle, filled with raw emotion, stands out as especially poignant. Here, Noctis exchanges a silent farewell with his companions, contemplating the immense sacrifice he is moments away from making.

In this poignant instance, we’re reminded of the profound bonds forged during our adventure, particularly among the quartet of friends. This emotional bonding is the core theme of this role-playing game’s storyline. Consequently, Noctis’s heartfelt goodbye before his impending tragic destiny adds an intense emotional weight to the ending of this JRPG, making it one of the most tear-jerking scenes in the series.

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2024-10-08 15:34