Jujutsu Kaisen: Panda’s Cursed Corpse Cores, Explained

Jujutsu Kaisen: Panda's Cursed Corpse Cores, Explained


  • Panda from Jujutsu Kaisen is a sentient cursed corpse with three unique cores, each with distinct powers and abilities.
  • Destroying all three cores is the only way to defeat Panda, as he can recover fallen siblings until then.
  • Panda’s cores include the powerful Gorilla core, the balanced Panda core, and the mysterious Triceratops core.

As a die-hard fan of Jujutsu Kaisen, I can’t help but be absolutely fascinated by the enigmatic character of Panda, Masamichi Yaga’s magnum opus. Panda isn’t just any ordinary cursed corpse; he’s a sentient being with not one, but three distinct cores – each with its unique identity and abilities!

In the intriguing world of Jujutsu Kaisen, where both sorcerers and malevolent spirits inhabit the storyline, there exists an unusual character who defies easy categorization. This character is none other than Panda, a remarkable creation of Masamichi Yaga. Panda is the result of Masamichi’s innovative cursed technique, which enables him to infuse cursed energy into dolls, thereby bringing them to life as sentient beings. However, unlike typical sorcerers or spirits, Panda is a cursed corpse – a unique blend of cursed energy and a deceased body.

Panda isn’t your typical undead being, for he carries within himself the essence of three distinct cursed cores. Each core brings its own consciousness, making Panda a home to two extraordinary beings that he refers to as his ‘siblings.’ With each core comes unique powers and abilities, as well as defining personality traits that shape their combat styles.

What Are Cursed Corpse Cores?

The Secret To Panda’s Strength

Jujutsu Kaisen: Panda's Cursed Corpse Cores, Explained

A cursed spirit can inhabit an object, transforming it into a cursed corpse and giving it the ability to materialize. However, since naturally occurring cursed spirits are hostile towards humans and sorcerers, these cursed corpses would be harmful rather than useful. Yet, some skilled sorcerers can artificially curse an inanimate doll by using cursed corpse cores as a means to initiate this process.

As a gamer, I’d describe it like this: These cores are the beating hearts of cursed corpses, holding the tainted energy that flows throughout their being. If I were to destroy one of these cores, the cursed corpse would cease to exist, taking with it their consciousness and essence. Typically, a single core is all a cursed corpse can contain, but there’s an exceptional specimen that bucked this trend by absorbing three distinct cores into its body.

Panda’s Three Cores

A panda’s extraordinary strength and unusual energy make it distinctive among its cursed peers. But the panda’s most formidable power comes from its three distinct cores. Each core represents a separate identity, so three distinct personalities inhabit the panda’s body. Not only does each core have a unique personality, but it also brings its own special abilities to the table.

As a gamer, I can describe it this way: Inside me, there are three distinct components, acting like interchangeable cores in a game. By selecting which one to prioritize as my main component, I undergo a transformation of my form.

As a gamer, I can tell you that Panda’s survival depends on the integrity of his three cores. If any two cores remain intact, Panda will persist and even try to revive his damaged siblings. However, if all three cores get destroyed, only then will Panda cease to exist. Even in the unfortunate event of my own core being obliterated, I’ll still be able to retain my form and cognitive abilities, but without the support of my other two siblings, our collective existence will come to an end.

Gorilla Core

Jujutsu Kaisen: Panda's Cursed Corpse Cores, Explained

The Gorilla core is Panda’s sibling, renowned for his extraordinary power. Although Panda possesses remarkable strength of his own, the Gorilla mode amplifies this ability significantly. When Panda transforms into Gorilla Mode, his body becomes exceptionally robust and resilient. In this condition, Panda acquires a unique skill called Unstoppable Drumming Beat.

My older brother, Gorilla Core, is focused on power for short, decisive battles.

With its descriptive name, Unblockable Drumming Beat converts Panda’s assaults into unstoppable punches. Each attack ripples through the enemy, stripping away all protective barriers and defenses. In conjunction with Gorilla Mode’s immense power, this attack style will likely end many of Panda’s battles. Yet, activating Gorilla Mode comes at a cost: an alarming depletion of cursed energy, rendering it infeasible for extended use by Panda.

Panda Core

Jujutsu Kaisen: Panda's Cursed Corpse Cores, Explained

I’ve had the privilege of observing and studying the enigmatic Panda clan, and let me tell you, they are quite a fascinating bunch. Among them, there is one individual who stands out, and that’s none other than Panda himself. But what I’ve learned is that beneath his commanding presence lies a complex core, shared with his two siblings.

As a huge fan of Panda, I’d put it this way: Being endowed with a balanced core myself, Panda naturally stores cursed energy in its authentic form. Furthermore, in a pinch, Panda is able to misdirect opponents by simulating the accumulation of cursed energy within his body as a bluff. While not an inherent ability of Panda’s core, this cunning ploy can be employed when all else fails.

Triceratops Core

Jujutsu Kaisen: Panda's Cursed Corpse Cores, Explained

The Triceratops sister of Panda, described as timid and modest in anime, remains a mystery with her abilities yet to be fully shown. However, manga versions of Jujutsu Kaisen provide a sneak peek into this power. In this form, Panda transforms into a bipedal Triceratops, taking on a more graceful and slender female figure.

Although the full capabilities of Triceratops’ powerful core were never clearly explained, fans are left in the dark about its abilities. Based on Panda’s description of his sister as shy and lethal when confronted, it seems that this core shares Gorilla core’s emphasis on strength.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-07-20 19:33