Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Key Takeaways

  • Key takeaways:
  • Sukuna has incredible cursed techniques and cursed energy, making him one of the strongest characters in Jujutsu Kaisen.
  • Sukuna’s powers include the ability to dismantle inanimate objects, use lightning-based techniques, and counter cursed techniques with domain amplification.
  • Sukuna possesses the power to cut anyone and incinerate them, as well as heal himself and others using the reverse cursed technique. He can also summon Mahoraga and use the Malevolent Shrine technique, which allows him to decimate his enemies. Additionally, Sukuna can use the world-splitting slash, which targets the fabric of space and the entire world.

As a seasoned Jujutsu Sorcerer with years of combat experience under my belt, I must say that Sukuna is undoubtedly one of the most formidable entities in the Jujutsu world. His arsenal of techniques is nothing short of astounding, each more powerful than the last.

In the expansive world of Jujutsu Kaisen, one of the most formidable characters is none other than Sukuna, often referred to as The King of Curses. His strength might be matched only by Satoru Gojo, but his unique abilities set him apart. So far in the narrative, we’ve seen some truly remarkable powers hidden within his arsenal.

He possesses an incredible amount of expertise when it comes to cursed techniques as well as the utilization of cursed energy. While Sukuna has not shown his entire arsenal to the fans, there are quite a lot of incredible techniques that he has demonstrated already, and some of them are strong enough to kill anyone standing in his path.

18 Pseudo Piercing Blood (In Megumi’s Body)

Sukuna Can Mimic The Power Of Piercing Blood

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Sukuna also has an adaptation of the Piercing Blood ability. Unlike how Choso and Yuji use it, this version functions differently and doesn’t quite match the original Piercing Blood. Instead, it’s inspired by it in design.

Essentially, Sukuna employs the Ten Shadows Technique along with the strength of Max Elephant. Familiar to fans, Max Elephant possesses the ability to generate massive amounts of water. By focusing this power with Convergence, Sukuna then fires a swift water projectile at his adversaries. This technique equals the potency of real bleeding power and can inflict lethal harm, as demonstrated in his fight against Gojo.

17 Binding Vows

Sukuna Makes Use Of One Binding Vow After Another

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Sukuna is a very efficient user of Binding Vows. Given that he is the King of Curses and the strongest in history, it is no surprise to know that Sukuna can make use of many Binding Vows to give himself an advantage in battle. For instance, Sukuna made a Binding Vow with Yuji at the very beginning of the series.

During the Shinjuku Showdown storyline, Sukuna swore an oath binding his own powers. This empowered him to wield the World-Rupturing Destroyer with only one hand and fatally strike Gojo. His ability to use these skills strategically is remarkable.

16 Hollow Wicker Basket

Sukuna Can Use Various Anti Domain Techniques

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

In ancient times, a Hollow Wicker Basket was an unconventional skill. Since Sukuna hails from the Heian era, it’s not surprising that this technique is within his grasp. During his time within Yuta’s domain extension, he demonstrated a mastery of this method.

With a Wicker Basket devoid of substance, Sukuna skillfully dodged Yuta’s precision strike. This technique, known as an anti-domain ability, demonstrates Sukuna’s mastery and versatility, proving he can be effective even without his own domain at his disposal.

15 Dismantle

Sukuna Can Cut Inanimate Objects

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

In simpler terms, Sukuna’s go-to move is a swift, slice-based assault he can unleash on those around him. This potent ability allows him to divide any individual or object cleanly in two. It’s important to note that this deadly power distinguishes itself from Cleave, as Dismantle typically targets inanimate objects rather than living beings.

In any object near Sukuna, the ability called Dismantle can effectively disassemble it. This power makes Sukuna lethal not just for those with cursed energy, but also for ordinary objects, as they are identified by Dismantle as inanimate within his proximity. This is a remarkable power that has even posed difficulties to Gojo.

14 Cursed Tool Kamutoke

Sukuna Can Use Lightning

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

In the manga, Sukuna has two enchanted weapons, one of which has already been displayed in action. During his reincarnation battle with Kashimo, Sukuna was able to utilize his cursed weapon, Kamutoke. This artifact is extremely hazardous, and while its exact rank remains uncertain, it’s expected to be classified as a Special Grade Cursed Tool, or perhaps even higher.

This cursed tool allows Sukuna to attack with lightning-based techniques. Thankfully for Kashimo, he was resistant to those attacks given that his cursed technique itself was based on lightning. However, in combat against anyone else, Kamutoke can do great damage.

13 Incredible Amounts Of Cursed Energy

Sukuna Can Keep Fighting For Long

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Among Sukuna’s remarkable abilities is an immense reservoir of cursed power. This energy surpasses any amount seen in ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’ thus far, even exceeding the cursed power of Satoru. To put it simply, Sukuna’s cursed energy levels are significantly greater than what has been observed so far.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that Sukuna’s command over this accursed energy is exceptionally vast. In fact, Yuta, who already has a colossal amount of cursed energy, publicly acknowledged that Sukuna possesses at least twice, if not more, the amount of cursed energy he does. Moreover, it seems that Sukuna’s control over this energy is also significantly superior.

12 Domain Amplification

Sukuna Can Counter Cursed Techniques

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Boosting one’s dominion is a remarkable skill that proves incredibly beneficial when confronting hexed abilities and Domain Extensions in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen. It comes as no shock that Sukuna possesses this ability and wields it effectively.

During his battle against Satoru Gojo, viewers witnessed him employing Domain Amplification as a means to combat Satoru’s Limitless ability. This technique allowed him to interact with Satoru and inflict severe injuries on him. Given that Sukuna is the King of Curses, it’s highly probable that he is one of the top-tier users of Domain Amplification within the entire series.

11 Cleave

Sukuna Can Cut Anyone

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Cleave likely makes use of Sukuna’s Innate technique, which is unknown at the moment, and sees him slice about his targets effortlessly. Even strong Special Grade curse users cannot escape the ferocity of this technique and fans have already seen what it can do to the targets.

Sukuna excels in dissecting his targets using unseen cuts, and this skill elevates even further, reducing the bodies of his adversaries into pieces.

10 Fire Arrow

Sukuna Can Incinerate Anyone

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Sukuna possesses potent fire-manipulation skills, like the Fire Arrow. Jogo, a prodigious wielder of pyrokinesis curse methods, observed that Sukuna’s Fire Arrow carries an added level of risk.

Sukuna possesses the skill to mold and shoot flaming arrows from afar. These flames are extraordinarily hot, so intense that not even top-tier curses can withstand their fury.

9 Unlimited Incantations

Sukuna Can Launch Maximum Output Attacks

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

One notable skill that Sukuna has is the knack for reciting spells during combat, but this unique power can only be utilized when he assumes his true form. For any sorcerer, the use of incantations plays a crucial role as it amplifies their cursed techniques to their full potential and enables lethal strikes.

Due to Sukuna’s unique physical traits – four arms and two mouths – he’s able to carry on fighting while constantly reciting incantations without interruption, which sets him apart from others. This characteristic makes him one of the most formidable practitioners of Jujutsu magic.

8 Reverse Cursed Technique

Sukuna Can Heal

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

The “Reverse Cursed Technique” harnesses positive energy for healing within the realm of Jujutsu Kaisen. Notably skilled in this technique, Sukuna demonstrated it by reviving Yuji’s lifeless body following their Binding Ritual encounter.

Apart from his ability to self-heal and recover from injuries, Sukuna has also mastered the art of replenishing his depleted cursed energy, a skill that Satoru demonstrated earlier. Remarkably, Sukuna’s proficiency in the Reverse Cursed Technique continues to improve with time.

7 Healing Others With RCT

Sukuna Can Heal Others

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Among a small number of sorcerers, Sukuna stands out as one who excels in the use of Reverse Cursed Techniques, and does so exceptionally well. Unlike most other sorcerers who apply this technique on themselves, Sukuna is able to utilize it upon others as well.

Fans witnessed him employ this ability during the Shibuya storyline, specifically when he utilized it to rescue Megumi following their battle against Mahoraga. Moreover, Sukuna was able to figure out how to restore his depleted cursed energy by studying Gojo’s repeated use of that skill.

6 Healing Soul Damage

Sukuna Can Heal Damage To His Soul

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

In the realm of JJK, mending spiritual wounds proves exceptionally challenging for most characters, including proficient sorcerers, who often find it unattainable. However, Sukuna stands out as an exceptional case, capable of healing from such injuries. This unique ability is attributed to his capacity to visualize the border of his soul, a trait stemming from the fact that within his body, two souls coexist at present – those belonging to Megumi and himself.

As a fervent fan, I’ve noticed something fascinating about Sukuna. He possesses the ability to perceive the contours of his own soul, and astonishingly, he can even mend damage inflicted upon it. Characters like Maki and Yuji, as well as numerous others, have struck him with formidable attacks. Yet, time and again, Sukuna has miraculously recovered from situations that seemed to be his last breath. This resilience is truly worthy of admiration.

5 Black Flash

Sukuna Can Amplify The Power Of His Blows

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

In the anime “Jujutsu Kaisen,” Black Flash is an exceptional ability that fans have witnessed over time. Unlike other powers, it’s not something sorcerers can summon whenever they want. Only those who can utilize it enter a special state, enhancing their abilities significantly. Basically, Black Flash is a situation where cursed energy is employed within a millionth of a second after an attack, and when this happens, space distorts, and the force of the impact is amplified by a factor of 2.5.

This makes black flash one of the most incredibly dangerous powers in JJK. In the Shinjuku Showdown arc, Sukuna unleashed the power of black flash on the sorcerers, starting with Maki. He also hit black flashes against other individuals, such as Larue, and of course, later down the line, another one against Maki, as well as Choso. Sukuna certainly does possess powerful black flashes, however, they are far from his strongest ability.

4 Mahoraga

Sukuna Can Summon Mahoraga

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

In the body he occupies, Megumi’s possessor, Sukuna, summons the Divine General Mahoraga. This formidable entity, recognized as the mightiest of the 10 Shadows Technique, is notorious for its uncontrollable nature and has proven to be too powerful for anyone in history to fully command.

Although Sukuna has faced Mahoraga personally before, he can now utilize it in battle. In his confrontation against Satoru Gojo, Sukuna employed Mahoraga when hit by Unlimited Void and effectively thwarted Gojo’s Domain Expansion.

3 Reincarnation

Sukuna Can Reincarnate Once

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Reincarnation is a power that Sukuna can only use once. This ability was used by him after his fight against Gojo concluded. At this point, Sukuna would have died had he not reincarnated while fighting against Kashimo. Kashimo was causing all sorts of trouble for Sukuna, who, at this point, was in the body of Megumi.

Realizing that I needed more, I ultimately unleashed my ace in the hole – reincarnation. This miraculous act not only replenished my depleted cursed energy but also amplified my Reverse Cursed Technique’s power, effectively mending every injury and erasing any fatigue. In essence, it restored me to my peak form, nullifying all the harm I had suffered.

2 Malevolent Shrine

Sukuna Can Use Domain Expansion

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Malevolent Shrine is Sukuna’s strongest technique and also has Domain Expansion. This technique sees him land surefire hits on his enemies, with powerful techniques such as Dismantle and Cleave. Malevolent Shrine sees him use these techniques repeatedly until the target is utterly decimated and that, in itself, is a very overpowered ability.

There’s a common belief that the sanctum of Sukuna, the Malevolent, matches the sophistication of Satoru Gojo’s Unlimited Void. Yet, Satoru himself feels that his inherent capability surpasses that of Sukuna.

1 World-Splitting Dismantle

Sukuna Can Cut The World

Jujutsu Kaisen: Strongest Powers Of Sukuna

Currently, Sukuna’s most potent skill is the World-Rupturing Slash, which he utilized to overcome Gojo. This formidable power strikes not just physical matter but also the very fabric of space, potentially affecting the entire world.

As a gamer, I’ve come across many strategies that can be applied in various game worlds, but none quite compare to this one. It’s versatile and deadly because it can potentially hit any element within the game, making it a formidable threat.

Thus far, this particular method has been employed on two occasions. Firstly, it resulted in Gojo’s demise when both collided, but intriguingly, Kashimo managed to avoid it later, which is rather unexpected given that Gojo possessed Six Eyes. However, this technique appears to be incredibly potent and may well be the most powerful one within Sukuna’s collection.

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2024-08-31 16:36