Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna’s Final Shocking Fate, Explained

Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna's Final Shocking Fate, Explained

Key Takeaways

  • Sukuna ran the gauntlet against Jujutsu High without a proper chance to recover from his battle with Gojo.
  • Sukuna’s defeat at the hands of Yuji showed the latter’s talent and eventual offer for Sukuna to live on within him.
  • Sukuna’s ultimate fate remains uncertain, as he could choose to live on within Yuji or face death on his own terms.

As a veteran gamer of the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, I’ve seen it all – from the epic battles to the heart-wrenching moments that leave us questioning our faith in humanity (or rather, Curses). The latest chapter, with its dramatic showdown between Sukuna and Yuji, has left me utterly spellbound!

Since Chapter 223 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, the climactic battle against the malevolent entities of Sukuna and Kenjaku has been underway, lasting nearly 50 chapters. Over this period, Jujutsu High has been relentlessly engaged in their mission to vanquish Sukuna, who is known as the King of Curses. Throughout the series, Sukuna displayed an unprecedented level of sorcerer power, swiftly overcoming some of its strongest characters one after another. Only his initial adversary, Gojo, has managed to hold his own against him.

Although Sukuna had previously overpowered most characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, the battle against Gojo left him severely weakened. Consequently, his subsequent fights were less successful, culminating in his eventual defeat at Yuji’s hands. In this piece, we delve into how Sukuna reached such a state and explore potential ways he might have survived!

Sukuna Runs The Gauntlet

How did Sukuna get defeated?

Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna's Final Shocking Fate, Explained
Start of the BattleJujutsu Kaisen, Chapter 223, “Inhuman Makyo Shinjuku Showdown, Part 1”
End of the BattleJujutsu Kaisen, Chapter 268, “Settling Matters”

The fierce confrontation between Sukuna and Gojo was hinted at right from the start of the story as a collision between the most powerful sorcerer ever and the most powerful sorcerer in the current era. And indeed, their battle met all expectations, demonstrating clearly why they stand head and shoulders above everyone else. They both displayed extraordinary command over their Cursed Techniques and Jujutsu sorcery, setting themselves apart from others with unmatched skill.

Ultimately, Sukuna discovered the sole method to thwart Infinity – the manner in which he vanquished Gojo at the culmination of their prolonged, captivating battle. However, instead of basking in his triumph, he was promptly challenged by the students of Jujutsu High who swiftly joined the melee to annihilate the King of Curses. The relentless onslaught of the heroes, coupled with Sukuna’s failure to recuperate from his battle against Gojo, resulted in him being overpowered by Yuji near the end and ultimately disintegrating into nothingness, leaving Megumi behind.

I’m impressed you’d take this farce so far, Yuji Itadori. Don’t underestimate me… I’m… a Curse!

How Sukuna may have survived:

Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna's Final Shocking Fate, Explained

It was truly a breathtaking spectacle to behold when Sukuna met his match at the hands of Yuji, a moment long-awaited given his seemingly invincible status, a force nature itself seemed incapable of stopping – unless one possessed power on par with Gojo. Yet, the King of Curses misjudged Yuji’s capabilities, for he proved to be an exceptionally skilled sorcerer, having mastered numerous advanced techniques in an astonishingly short period.

To my surprise, even Sukuna didn’t fully grasp Yuji’s worth beyond a spoiled brat. Yet, it’s only Yuji who seems to share any sort of bond with Sukuna, stemming from their unique coexistence within his body and the rare family tie they’ve formed – our connection being the only remaining kin either of us has left. This bond is beautifully illustrated in Chapter 268 of the manga, where Yuji’s compassion truly shines through.

Sukuna… let’s try this one more time. Living not by cursing someone, but existing alongside them.

In simpler terms, Yuji takes on Sukuna’s cursed form as it dissolves, then invites Sukuna to reside within him permanently. However, this means that Sukuna would be confined within Yuji, unable to physically manifest outside his body and cause harm as he did during the Heian period.

It’s doubtful that Sukuna would take up Yuji’s offer to avoid death again, since Sukuna is a character who lives by his own desires above all else. His conversation with Kashimo showed this clearly when he said that living life according to one’s own measures and rules is the only way to live, and that he lives as he does because it’s what he truly wants.

If Sukuna were still inside Yuji, it would clash fundamentally with everything Yuji represents, as Sukuna would essentially be a captive who can’t live life as he wishes. There’s no sign that Sukuna fears death; instead, he’d prefer to choose his own exit rather than continue existing in confinement.

Furthermore, it remains possible that such an event took place. As he was fading away, he didn’t completely disappear; instead, the scene abruptly switched to a final shot of Yuji’s face right after offering Sukuna the chance to live on if he wished. Although this seems highly improbable, there lingers some uncertainty about Sukuna’s final outcome since he might have accepted Yuji’s offer. Apart from this scenario, there is no known method for Sukuna to stay alive. (64 words)

Jujutsu Kaisen can be streamed on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

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2024-09-23 20:33