Kingdom Come Deliverance II is bigger, better, and more involved | Hands-on preview

Kingdom Come Deliverance II is bigger, better, and more involved | Hands-on preview

As a seasoned gamer with a penchant for immersive, historically-rich experiences, I must say that the tantalizing glimpse into Kingdom Come Deliverance II has left me utterly captivated. The intricacies of the game’s world, from its meticulously crafted characters to its vibrant open environment, promise an adventure that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

In 2018, Kingdom Come Deliverance became highly popular due to its emphasis on authentic history, intricate Bohemian environment, and exhilarating medieval RPG action. The game captivated players with its immersive gameplay, stunning open world, and abundance of intriguing activities. Given the success of the initial release, developer Warhorse Studios has significantly grown to create a sequel, promising an even larger and improved experience overall. Remarkably, we were given the opportunity to visit the enchanting town of Kuttenberg – a UNESCO heritage site known for its precious metal mining in the past – to get a sneak peek at Kingdom Come Deliverance II, which is expected to launch in early 2025.

In the backdrop, Kingdom Come Deliverance II is once more established in 15th Century Bohemia, presently recognized as the Czech Republic. The city of Kuttenberg dominates the 25km expansive game map, while other areas mirror a “Bohemian Paradise,” showcasing intricate sandstone architecture and the towering Trosky Castle. As before, you assume the character of Henry from Skalitz, a blacksmith immersed in an enthralling saga of classic RPG experiences. There are no dragons, elves, or magical potions here; however, there is some alchemy and crafting of period-appropriate concoctions. The game commences with an intense castle siege where adversaries assault the walls, and a menacing trebuchet wreaks havoc. This opening act offers a taste of what’s to come – it’s brutal, violent, and filled with initial combat tutorials using swords and crossbows. After this high-octane introduction, the story unfolds gradually as you join an expedition party led by Hans Capon in a breathtaking countryside landscape, preparing to set up camp for the night.

In this part of the game, you’ll find yourself immersed in an engaging setup, doubling as a learning phase where you’ll learn various gameplay aspects such as sword fighting, managing your dog (now included by default, previously DLC), consuming food, and observing how your dialogue choices can influence not just the storyline but also NPC behavior towards you. The combat is thrilling and improved from the first game, introducing fistfights and giving you the option to disarm swordsmen during battles. The fighting feels realistic thanks to expert motion capture, making it incredibly satisfying. As for weapons, Kingdom Come Deliverance II offers a variety of new ways to dispatch enemies. Crossbows are now included along with rudimentary 16th-century firearms that can not only penetrate armor but also unsettle horses and opponents in combat.

This prologue segment introduces the rich vein of humour that runs through Kingdom Come Deliverance II, and I believe that the opening gambit dialogue-wise is actually a sexual swear word. For a game developed out in Czechia, there is a stunning amount of genuinely hilarious swearing in the game, including one exchange where a villager calls the protagonist a “prick” that had me guffawing like a miscreant schoolchild. But as I mentioned the dialogue branches are complex and affect the entire game. You don’t just choose how Henry develops via his skills and buffs, but by how he interacts with the other characters.

Kingdom Come Deliverance II is bigger, better, and more involved | Hands-on preview

In Bohemian Kicks, you’ve got numerous character playstyles to discover and customize Henry according to your preference over the approximately 80-100 hours of gameplay. Soldiers are proficient in weaponry and combats, with robust armor, but may be quick-tempered. If diplomacy is your forte, opt for the Adviser role, where you can use your charm and words to navigate tricky situations. The Scout offers a stealth approach, allowing for quiet movements, remaining unnoticed, and excelling in covert theft and deceit.

Characteristics encompass: Persuasive abilities, which allow speech to smooth over conflicts and encourage others to comply with your demands, such as when one finds oneself in a tricky situation and tries to talk their way out of severe public reprimand. Power signifies being a revered, chivalrous knight who can punish transgressors. Dominance refers to projecting an impressive, wealthy image that intimidates others, making them hesitant to approach you. Fear is about projecting oneself in such a way that others are genuinely afraid of you.

The concept of in-game charisma relies on your reputation, both in terms of character and physical appearance. Successful persuasion involves considering who you’re speaking to, what you look like, and your standing. For instance, confronting a group of thugs alone is futile, as is pretending to be a nobleman while dressed like a vagabond.

After the initial exciting scene unfolds, featuring Capon and Henry stealthily moving through marshy lands to secretly observe women washing, only for things to take a turn for the worse in no time, there follows an engaging sequence where you, hiding with a friendly yet enigmatic old woman, learn various skills such as looting items, disposing of a body discreetly, brewing a healing concoction by collecting necessary ingredients first and then playing a mini-game, and eventually attempting to negotiate your way out of capture by some unsavory characters.

Kingdom Come Deliverance II is bigger, better, and more involved | Hands-on preview

In the game Kingdom Come Deliverance II, there are numerous items that can serve as weapons, one example being when a spade used for digging a grave was found to be effective in causing harm. The idea of time is also integrated – by advancing the in-game clock, you can trigger sleep and the day-night cycle. Additionally, sustaining your energy requires consuming food, and prayer is an option. Despite its complexity, it’s incredibly immersive and engaging, offering a rich open world teeming with potential. It should be noted that there are explicit language and intense violence present in the game.

In the heart of KCDII, around the halfway point, you’re set free with all systems active and find yourself immersed in the lively town of Kuttenberg. Here, you discover the game’s crime-and-punishment system, where your actions shape your character’s standing in the world. You could opt to play as a cunning thief, specializing in looting, sneaking, pickpocketing, breaking and entering, and general mischief. The NPCs in this game are remarkably detailed, with tavern patrons more likely to be robbed if they’ve had too much to drink. Interestingly, other characters can also steal from you, so be careful not to lose valuable items. However, a life of crime isn’t without its risks – heavy fines, public humiliation in the stocks, or even damage to your overall reputation could await.

In this expansive town, there’s an abundance of areas to discover, each with unique events unfolding at various times throughout the day and night. There’s not much guidance, so you’re largely on your own, relying on your judgment, actions, and adventurous spirit. The game offers numerous choices and decisions that significantly shape its narrative. In essence, you craft your own tale, and your actions can alter the fate of Kingdom Come, with characters potentially meeting their end due to your in-game choices.

There is of course a core story running through the whole affair with returning faces (Big Bad Istvan Toth is present and correct!) and themes, and yes, some sections are linear, but on the whole what you can expect with this stunning sequel is a completely different experience every time. It is bigger, better, and more involved; it looks absolutely gorgeous – real historians put work into the development, and having driven through miles of beautiful Czech countryside on the way to the event, I can attest to how well they have interpreted it in the game. It is the closest you can possibly get to being a character in 1500s Bohemian lore, and I cannot wait to get stuck into the full game when it drops in February 2025.

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2024-08-21 10:16