Kingdom Hearts 4’s Quadratum Can’t Distract from KH’s Bread and Butter

Kingdom Hearts 4's Quadratum Can't Distract from KH's Bread and Butter


  • Kingdom Hearts 4 must maintain its Disney charm despite the introduction of a realistic environment in Quadratum.
  • The game should prioritize exploring beloved Disney worlds over focusing too much on the new hub world.
  • Quadratum may serve as a gateway rather than a primary combat location to preserve the core gameplay.

As a longtime fan who’s grown up with the magical world of Kingdom Hearts, I can’t help but feel a tad nostalgic about the upcoming fourth installment. With its blend of Final Fantasy and Disney magic, Kingdom Hearts has always been a unique gem in my gaming collection, and I eagerly anticipate the continuation of this enchanting journey.

The beloved series that Square Enix created by combining elements from Final Fantasy and Disney is preparing to release Kingdom Hearts 4, which will continue to offer action RPG gameplay with a unique blend of these styles. This new installment may delve into live-action intellectual properties more than ever before, using advanced graphics. However, amidst all the anticipation about how its real-world inspired hub world might affect original characters and Disney’s vast collection of properties, Kingdom Hearts 4 must remember to preserve the essence that made the franchise special in the first place – the harmonious blend of these two worlds.

In Quadratum, the innovative realistic setting introduces an exciting new angle for storytelling, yet it’s crucial that this change doesn’t overshadow the fundamental gameplay experience of traversing familiar Disney realms. Although Kingdom Hearts 4 signifies a move towards a more experimental phase, encompassing elements beyond just the traditional Disney film series, the charm and essence of these worlds have been central to the game since its inception.

Disney Worlds Have Always Been a Major Part of Kingdom Hearts’ Core Appeal

Even Hub Worlds Have Maintained Disney Theming

A character resembling many aspects from Final Fantasy series roaming through popular Disney settings such as Main Street, U.S.A., Cinderella’s Castle, or the Enchanted Tiki Room evokes the essence of Kingdom Hearts. This sensation is also noticeable in some of the initial hub worlds, where places like Traverse Town, Twilight Town, and Radiant Garden maintain a Disney-inspired cartoonish ambiance consistent with multiple Disney realms. Additionally, these locations house characters that wouldn’t have suited their original games otherwise.

The Presence of Quadratum Isn’t Likely to Change the Formula of KH4’s Levels

Although earlier hub worlds in the franchise resembled crossovers and provided a delightful charm, they primarily served as temporary stops during the journey or locations for main story events, disrupting the continuous experience of discovering fresh worlds. If theories about Sora’s ability to travel with Kingdom Hearts 3’s Power of Waking without the traditional Gummi Ship hold true, then Kingdom Hearts 4 might encourage players to spend more time exploring new realms rather than returning frequently to Quadratum.

Maintaining the Magic of Kingdom Hearts’ Disney Worlds in a New Generation

Integrating Quadratum and Tertiary Disney IPs Without Overshadowing Existing Charm

Although the Quadratum, the central hub world of Kingdom Hearts 4, was depicted under attack by the Heartless in the trailer, it remains uncertain if it will be a significant battlefield. Since it’s suggested that this hub focuses on life simulation aspects for Sora during his downtime, it seems likely that Disney worlds will still form the core gameplay. Moreover, there’s a good chance that Disney characters will appear in this hub as they have in previous ones. The Quadratum offers a platform for more live-action IP representation because animated characters might find it challenging to blend seamlessly into such an environment.

Incorporating a lifelike backdrop in Quadratum provides fresh avenues for narration, yet it’s essential that this change doesn’t overshadow the cherished Disney realms we know and love.

Quadratum Would Work Best if Limited as a Gateway

In the development of Kingdom Hearts 4, it could be advantageous to prioritize a Disney-centric approach, allowing Quadratum to play a secondary role. As Sora deepens relationships with an assortment of licensed characters, immersing ourselves in their environments becomes more crucial than the initial excitement of recognizing part of real-life Tokyo within Kingdom Hearts.

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2024-08-08 16:33