As a longtime fan of the Monogatari series, I can’t help but feel a profound sense of empathy for our protagonist, Araragi Koyomi. This young man, who has always been a beacon of hope and resilience, now finds himself in a predicament that seems almost impossible to escape from.
Kizumonogatari serves as a prelude to the intricate tapestry of tales collectively known as the Monogatari series. This prelude primarily revolves around Koyomi Araragi, the central character in this expansive narrative, and his fortuitous meetings with characters who later become pivotal figures in the main storyline. Among these are Tsubasa Hanekawa, a wise class representative; Meme Oshino, a specialist in apparitions; and Shinobu, who is known as Kiss-Shot at that time, a vampire who plays an essential role.
The key query that the series Kizumonogatari addresses is the transformation of a typical high school student like Araragi into a vampire. However, the intricate process by which he transforms into an eternal bloodthirsty creature is more complex than it appears at first glance, necessitating an entire trilogy to fully explain this tale. Despite this extensive exploration, some viewers may still have queries about the conclusion of this story. Here, we will examine the ending of the Kizumonogatari Trilogy in detail.
A Fateful Meeting
To fully understand the conclusion, it’s crucial to first comprehend the origins. The series of extraordinary, interwoven supernatural occurrences in the Monogatari saga are set in motion by a chance encounter between an ordinary high school student, Koyomi Araragi, and the queen of vampires, Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade.
You’re a Vampire Now
Name | Koyomi Araragi |
First Appearance | Bakemonogatari: Episode 1 |
One chilly night, I’m wandering through an eerily deserted train station when I chance upon a stunning woman with long, golden tresses, resplendent in a dark crimson gown, bleeding profusely. Upon further inspection, this woman appears to be limbless and in desperate need of aid. It turns out she’s none other than the legendary 500-year-old vampire, Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade.
In the midst of a chilling, unimaginable scenario unfolding before me and an astonishing truth about her true nature being revealed, I found myself stepping up to assist this captivating vampire. Little did I know, that very decision would forever change the course of my life. You see, I’d unwittingly transformed into a vampire too.
Help Me Regain My Strength
Name | Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade (Shinobu Oshino) |
First Appearance | Bakemonogatari: Episode 8 |
Although being a vampire offers exciting abilities like extraordinary strength, swiftness, and rapid healing, there are also drawbacks associated with this lifestyle. For instance, exposure to sunlight for even brief moments can result in being set ablaze.
It’s obvious that, as a vampire unwillingly, Araragi requests Kiss-Shot to reverse his condition back to human form. The vampire monarch consents, but first requires Araragi’s aid in recovering her limbs, which will restore her full power. This necessitates a battle against four strong vampire slayers.
A Broken Promise
Name | Tsubasa Hanekawa |
First Appearance | Bakemonogatari: Episode 1 |
Though Araragi appears extremely potent now, as a freshly turned vampire, his battle expertise is virtually non-existent. His likelihood of defeating the vampire hunters is minimal. However, against all expectations, Araragi successfully retrieves all four of Kiss-Shot’s limbs. Yet, when the vampire queen reclaims her strength, she decides not to transform Araragi back into a human again.
The Threat of the Vampire Queen
In my gaming world, it’s not just about breaking a promise to the one who rescued me that feels terrible. It turns out Kiss-Shot’s hidden vampire self is emerging, and I can’t help but feel uneasy about it. Without Araragi knowing, Kiss-Shot ruthlessly devoured one of the vampire hunters, leaving behind nothing but a puddle of blood on the cold, hard floor.
Without her knowledge, Araragi is observing the grisly spectacle with a profound feeling of dread within him. It’s at this point he comprehends that the vampire queen poses a genuine danger to mankind. Should she remain unchecked, she could exterminate the entire Japanese population in just a few days, simultaneously creating an army of superpowered servants, including Araragi himself. The necessity to halt Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade becomes apparent.
I Have to Stop Her
Araragi doesn’t have any debts towards Kiss-Shot. On the contrary, it could be argued that he has reasons to be upset with her. Nevertheless, since he not only rescued Kiss-Shot from the verge of death but also aided her in recovering her full power, he feels a duty to make an effort to restrain the queen of vampires.
No ordinary human can stand a chance against a full-powered Kiss-Shot. But Araragi is not a normal human. Not anymore. Although he only becomes a vampire for a few days, his strength is the real deal.
Additionally, his extraordinary ability to regenerate quickly gives him the power to produce a new limb or an entire body within mere seconds. As a result, he can continuously approach Kiss-Shot, looking for the ideal moment to deliver a fatal blow. It’s likely that in this pursuit, he will be destroyed numerous times. However, given the terror he has unleashed upon the world, this is the least he can do to attempt to make amends.
A Lose-Lose Situation
Name | Meme Oshino |
First Appearance | Bakemonogatari: Episode 1 |
In the fierce battle between Araragi and Kiss-Shot, he endures countless wounds. Remarkably, his rapid healing abilities ensure he survives each injury. What’s more, he even defeats the vampire queen. However, right as he was about to deal a potentially lethal blow, Hanekawa dashes towards them with some unexpected information.
A Devastating Dilemma
It seems that Araragi didn’t actually defeat Kiss-Shot; instead, she had no intention of winning from the start. In fact, she was planning to die at Araragi’s hands throughout their battle. The reasoning behind this is quite clear.
To regain his humanity, Araragi can only do so if the vampire who turned him has perished. As such, as long as Kiss-Shot survives, Araragi will remain a vampire indefinitely.
Despite knowing her rationale, Araragi remains unwilling to take her life. Yet, his longing for humanity persists. Consequently, he finds himself in a heart-wrenching predicament, torn between his emotions and reason, unable to find a resolution that satisfies both sides.
Misery Loves Company
In annoyance, he cried out for Oshino, seeking his help to find a solution for Araragi and Kiss-Shot’s peculiar dilemma. True to form, Oshino Meme presented a resolution to their unusual predicament. However, it was not one that would please them both. Instead, this situation seemed destined to be detrimental to the vampire queen and her new minion.
To weaken Kiss-Shot without causing her death, Oshino instructs Araragi to drink Kiss-Shot’s blood until she transforms into a child with minimal power. By doing this, Araragi avoids having to kill her. However, this action also means that Araragi can no longer return to being a normal human and instead becomes an even more powerful vampire himself. In essence, both of them find themselves in a miserable state.
There’s actually a means for everyone to feel unsatisfied. It could be a strategy for spreading the discontent among several individuals. None of their desires would be completely met, but if you’re willing to accept that, let me share the method with you.
— Meme Oshino, Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu
In Oshino’s plan, Araragi might find it severe, but it’s the sole method to stop Kiss-Shot from endangering innocent lives without sacrificing her own. It’s a tough compromise that leaves no party satisfied, yet it appears to be the most effective solution for their extraordinary predicament. From then on, their relationship changes, with Araragi assuming the dominant role and maintaining it throughout the series.
Kizumonogatari is available to stream on Prime Video.
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2024-09-09 22:05