Last Of Us Fan Notices A Critical Error When It Comes To Spore Infestation And Gas Masks

Last Of Us Fan Notices A Critical Error When It Comes To Spore Infestation And Gas Masks


  • Uncovered cool easter eggs and hidden gems in The Last of Us franchise, surprising fans even after 11 years.
  • Reddit user raises a legit point on gas masks and ear protection in spore-infested areas in the game.
  • Ears are not believed to be a common route of COVID-19 infection, but should ear protection be included in The Last of Us lore?

As a long-time fan of The Last of Us franchise, I can’t help but be continually amazed by the intricacies and details hidden within this post-apocalyptic masterpiece. Despite having played all the games multiple times, new discoveries continue to surface, leaving me in awe of Naughty Dog’s creativity.

Despite the lengthy history of The Last of Us, one would assume that all its secrets have been discovered by now from Naughty Dog. However, this assumption proves to be incorrect. The game continues to astonish us with hidden gems and easter eggs eleven years after its release. References to Naughty Dog’s earlier works like Uncharted and Jak and Daxter add layers of surprise to an already intriguing title that seems to reveal new mysteries as time passes.

As we anxiously anticipate the second season of HBO’s “The Last of Us” due out next year, a gamer has brought up an intriguing topic from the game that has left fans puzzled. The subject revolves around spores and gas masks.

Spores And Gas Masks And Ears, Oh My

I’ve replayed The Last of Us series multiple times due to my deep affection for its post-apocalyptic world. Despite having played it numerous times, I continue to discover new things and enjoy fascinating discussions about it. It is common knowledge that the cordyceps fungus spreads in two ways: through contact with an infected person’s saliva or by inhaling spores found primarily in enclosed, dark areas such as underground spaces or decaying buildings.

When Joel, Ellie, and their team encounter dangerous spores, they quickly don gas masks to protect their mouths, noses, and eyes from infection. This Reddit user, PlumComprehensive859, has raised a question about why the masks only shield these areas but not the ears. It’s an intriguing topic for discussion, especially considering that developers Naughty Dog didn’t address this concern or provide an explanation as to why ear protection wasn’t necessary or implemented. However, it remains uncertain whether the virus can affect the ears at all.

As a curious gamer, I’ve been exploring the scientific world beyond my virtual games and stumbled upon some intriguing information about viruses like COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US share that our ears might not be a common entry point for this virus. Since the skin in our ear canals is similar to regular skin, it creates a barrier that makes it harder for the virus to penetrate, unlike our mouths, noses, or sinuses. However, nothing is impossible with a relentless organism like cordyceps. It’s known for its tenacity and ability to find ways to infect hosts, so who knows? But let’s focus on the facts we have now and keep exploring this fascinating world of science!

In the Reddit discussion, some users suggested that the characters should have worn CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) suits for maximum protection. However, it’s important to note that carrying large hazmat suits every time would not be practical or feasible for the characters. Moreover, Ellie’s small backpack only contains essentials like comics, so providing ear protection might have been a missed opportunity or not significant enough for Naughty Dog to include in the game. It’s possible that they assumed the audience was already aware of the disease’s spread and didn’t deem it necessary to mention ear protection in the medical areas of the game.

Last Of Us Fan Notices A Critical Error When It Comes To Spore Infestation And Gas Masks

Currently, it’s unclear if spores can actually enter a host’s ear or not. It’s an intriguing idea to ponder over, but in HBO’s The Last of Us, it appears that protective suits like Hazmat weren’t part of the creators’ vision for the narrative.

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2024-07-17 19:38