League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

As a seasoned League of Legends player with countless hours spent mastering champions and perfecting strategies on Summoner’s Rift, I was initially skeptical about the Swarm mode. The randomness of the matches and the lack of a clear build path seemed like a recipe for frustration. But as I delved deeper into this unique game mode, I began to appreciate its depth and the opportunities it offers.

After a six-year hiatus, Riot has introduced a new type of PvE (Player vs Environment) event for “League of Legends” named “Swarm“. This mode offers a unique gameplay experience that significantly deviates from the traditional MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) style and sets it apart from previous PvE events created by Riot.

In the spirit of games such as “Vampire Survivors” and “League of Legends” Swarm mode, participants are transported to fresh battlefields where they encounter escalating groups of adversaries. To progress, players must be vigilant and aware of their surroundings, maneuvering to dodge enemy attacks and projectiles. For beginners new to this genre, the PvE experience may appear complex at first, but here are some suggestions to make the journey more enjoyable:

10 Play With Friends

Better With Company

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

The Swarm game can be played and enjoyed by yourself or with company. Nonetheless, playing with friends adds an extra layer of enjoyment. Additionally, there are advantages that make the gameplay smoother when playing with others.

In each session, there are more characters present, making it easier to defeat enemies. Players also have the freedom to experiment with various champion combinations during their journey. Matches take longer due to the ability to revive fallen allies, a feature not available in solo matches. Lastly, experience and gold are distributed among players, resulting in quicker character development.

9 Be Patient

The Mode Has A Learning Curve

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

As a gamer who’s used to dominating in Summoner’s Rift, I can tell you that diving into Swarm Mode for the first time could be quite an adjustment. Unlike regular League of Legends matches, this mode features a gameplay style that’s more akin to Bullet Hell games. Trust me, it takes some getting used to! So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or out of your element, just remember to stay patient and keep trying. With time and practice, you’ll start to master the unique challenges Swarm Mode presents.

In this game style, players are expected to experience defeats initially in each level in order to amass resources like gold. These resources can then be used to acquire lasting enhancements to character attributes. Furthermore, with each attempt, players gain valuable insights into enemy behaviors and devise more effective tactics for progression.

8 Use Abilities Without Fear

They Work Differently Than In Summoner’s Rift

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

In a typical League of Legends game, players often conserve some of their abilities for important moments during team fights. But in Swarm mode, things are different. Here, champions can only use their E and R abilities, which are unlocked at levels 3 and 6 accordingly.

It’s best to make use of these skills, specifically the E one, in most situations, especially when facing adversaries. For example, Jinx’s power significantly influences the gameboard, enabling her to create distance more effectively. In contrast, Briar possesses valuable abilities as well, but they demand more player proficiency.

7 Avoid Chokepoints

Such Areas Limit Escape Routes

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

In the team battle experience of “League of Legends” called “Swarm,” successfully navigating character movements is essential for prolonged existence. Thus, it’s important for players to recognize possible bottlenecks or narrow passages that could trap them against adversaries.

During the late stages of each map, champions in these areas face a significant risk of being overrun by large enemy hordes. Consequently, it’s crucial for champions to remain in open spaces, enabling them to strategically plan an escape route when needed.

6 Don’t Be Afraid To Take Damage

Sometimes It’s Necessary To Reposition

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

In Swarm mode of League of Legends, the objective is for you and your team to survive for fifteen minutes while summoning the stage bosses. To accomplish this goal, you must steer clear of enemy players and their projectiles. However, keep in mind that monsters will eventually make their way towards the champions as well.

During specific instances, particularly when large groups congregate at a particular spot on the map, entering the thick of it and accepting some harm to secure a better location is a valuable tactic. Collaborating with companions, making sacrifices to resuscitate an teammate, are effective strategies as well.

5 Explore The Map

It’s Possible To Find Useful Resources For Swarm

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

In the beginning of each battle in League of Legends’ Swarm mode, there’s a sense of tranquility with minimal enemies appearing, allowing players ample room to scour the map. This period provides an opportunity to discover valuable items hidden in loot boxes, which can include healing or gold boosts.

Additionally, you can discover other essential items during the game, with some marked on the mini-map and others hidden. Upgrade cards that grant free items without advancing champion levels and Miss Fortune’s Spires for attribute enhancements are vital to your progression.

4 Check Equipment Synergy

And Combine Them With Attributes

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

During Swarm matches in League of Legends, there are various methods to construct a character’s development. The ideal approach isn’t set in stone, given the haphazard nature of the choices and the unpredictability that sometimes the desired advantage may elude the gamer.

Based on my years of experience as a dedicated gamer, I strongly believe that paying close attention to the synergies between equipment and attributes is a game-changer in enhancing performance in each match. This is something I’ve discovered through countless hours of gameplay and experimentation.

3 Invest Points In Ability Haste

Important Attribute For Various Skills

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

In “League of Legends” Swarm mode, players can gain various passive skills over the course of the game, including enhanced armor, additional Health Points, or larger ability scope. Among these, Ability Haste is particularly beneficial.

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent in various battle arenas, I can’t stress enough the importance of the “Attack Speed” attribute. Swiftly taking down enemies and having abilities at the ready as soon as possible is a game-changer when it comes to clearing hordes. So, whenever this attribute makes an appearance in the shop and there’s nothing more enticing, like a Master Weapon form, I strongly suggest making that purchase. Furthermore, investing in “Attack Speed” upgrades permanently is also essential for optimizing your gaming experience and enhancing your overall strategy. Trust me, from my extensive gaming background, this small investment will pay off in the long run.

2 Spend Gold Earned In Swarm Matches

Vital for Long-Term Survival In League of Legends

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

Finishing certain tasks or gathering gold coins on the map during a match in League of Legends will reward players with additional gold. This gold isn’t intended for use in Swarm matches but instead is saved for post-match usage. Players can then utilize these credits to acquire permanent upgrades, transforming League of Legends into a roguelike experience.

Based on my extensive experience as a seasoned League of Legends player, I firmly believe that there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to prioritizing permanent attributes for champions. Each player has their unique playstyle and preferred approach to the game, making it crucial to experiment with various combinations.

1 Try A Bit Of Everything

Find What Best Fits Each Play Style

League Of Legends: Beginners Tips For Swarm Game Mode

In “League of Legends” Swarm mode, you’ll choose among nine champions to control, plus a variety of items at your disposal. At first, only some options will be accessible, but as you progress through the stages or accomplish missions and defeat bosses, more choices will become available. My suggestion is to try out different ones and discover their advantages.

Through testing different champions and items, players can determine which ones align best with their preferred gameplay approach while also gaining a deeper comprehension of each champion’s unique mechanics. Occasionally, experimenting may even lead to discovering unexpected enjoyment from playing a champion that was previously overlooked, such as Yasuo, in the Summoner’s Rift map of League of Legends.

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2024-07-20 07:34