League of Legends Has More Changes Planned for Skarner

League of Legends Has More Changes Planned for Skarner


  • Riot Games’ Phreak confirms that more changes are coming for League of Legends champion Skarner following his rework earlier this year.
  • Phreak revealed that the team feels the Skarner rework has “failed” in several aspects, testing major changes including removing his “backward charge” and taking the Slow off his W.
  • Skarner’s rework has seen the Champion rise significantly in popularity in League of Legends’ professional scene, but Skarner continues to struggle in casual play.

As a long-time League of Legends gamer, I’ve seen my fair share of champion reworks that didn’t quite hit the mark. And unfortunately, it seems that Skarner is the latest addition to this list. I was excited when Riot announced Skarner’s rework earlier this year, as his previous iterations left much to be desired. But, even though Skarner has become a popular pick in professional play, he continues to struggle in casual games.

In the world of League of Legends, it’s clear that Skarner isn’t set for a rest as confirmed by Riot developer and well-known figure Phreak. Changes are on the horizon for this notoriously tricky champion to fine-tune his gameplay. Over the years, Skarner has been a challenge for developers at Riot Games due to his complex nature. The MOBA champion from Riot has undergone several reworks, resulting in significant alterations to his gameplay that have had mixed results. Unfortunately, the latest rework hasn’t met the expectations set by Riot Games.

For several years, Skarner, known as the “Primordial Sovereign” in League of Legends, has underperformed. To revitalize him, Riot Games implemented significant changes to both his visuals and gameplay this year. The enhancements included the capability for Skarner’s ultimate to subdue multiple enemies and a distinctive charge on his E skill that enables him to bypass terrain. Nevertheless, according to Phreak’s latest announcement, it seems that Riot remains unsatisfied with the champion’s performance.

Based on Dexerto’s report, Phreak shared during a recent preview that Riot Games intends to make more adjustments to Skarner following his underwhelming rework in Patch 14.14. According to Phreak, Riot seems disappointed with the outcome of Skarner’s overhaul and is actively working on modifying his new abilities. Some potential changes for Skarner mentioned by Phreak include eliminating his backward charging capability with E and removing the slow effect from W, among others. Skarner’s major revamp initially went live with the introduction of Patch 14.7 in early April.

More Changes are Coming for Skarner, According to Riot Games’ Phreak

Phreak pointed out the significant difference in how Skarner is played between ranked matches and casual games among pros, despite Skarner’s popularity in the professional League of Legends scene following his relaunch this year. In the broader context of League of Legends, Skarner has a relatively low win rate of 47% for both top lane and jungle roles. Phreak clarified that the upcoming Skarner changes would not be part of Patch 14.14.

The further changes to Skarner come as League of Legends has given players and fans plenty of reason to talk throughout the year. Riot Games made waves earlier this year when the developer announced it was releasing a $500 League of Legends skin for Ahri, based on renowned pro player Faker. League of Legends also introduced its first new PvE mode since 2018 with “Swarm | Operation Anima Squad” taking inspiration from “bullet hell” games like Vampire Survivors. Skarner fans should keep an eye on upcoming patches as Riot Games continues to tinker with the Champion.

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2024-07-13 23:34