League of Legends Reveals Update 14.15 Patch Notes

League of Legends Reveals Update 14.15 Patch Notes


  • League of Legends update 14.15 brings significant changes to melee assassins like Yasuo, Irelia, and Zed.
  • The patch features bug fixes, quality-of-life improvements, and adjustments to various champions and items.
  • There are updates to abilities like Akali’s Twilight Shroud and Perfect Execution, as well as changes to items like Abyssal Mask and Kraken Slayer.

Alright, let me break this down for you, folks! I’ve been playing League of Legends since the days of Singed and Katarina duos (yes, it was a thing back then). So, when Riot Games comes out with updates, I’m always eager to see what changes they bring.

The update 14.15 for League of Legends will be released on July 31st, bringing significant modifications to the game. Among these changes are updates to melee assassins such as Yasuo, Irelia, and Zed. Furthermore, it includes bug fixes, enhancements to user experience, and other adjustments, all aimed at improving the balance and overall gameplay of League of Legends.

Over the past decade, “League of Legends” has risen to become one of the most prominent competitive Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBAs). Featuring over 160 unique characters, the game provides a wide range that suits different skill sets. The game’s continuous updates ensure it remains engaging, such as the recent patch in June, which altered several champions like Aatrox, by decreasing his health regeneration growth while increasing his armor growth. Moreover, this update introduced the Hall of Legends event, running from June 12 to July 8, honoring top esports athletes, particularly focusing on renowned South Korean “League of Legends” player Faker.

Currently, the developers of League of Legends have unveiled the changes for update 14.15 in the form of patch notes. Here are some key alterations:

In this recent update for “League of Legends”, there are significant modifications to various items. For instance, the price of Abyssal Mask has gone up to 2500 gold (previously 2300), and it now boosts Unmake Magic Resist Shred from 20% to 30%. The Cosmic Drive item has also been enhanced, offering 350 health and an improved Spelldance Move Speed from levels 8-18. Other items like Kraken Slayer, Statikk Shiv, boots, and runes have undergone adjustments affecting their stats and costs. Furthermore, the patch includes a series of bug fixes and improvements to enhance the user experience within “League of Legends”, addressing problems with item performance and visual discrepancies.

It’s yet unclear how the player community will respond to these significant modifications in the game, but given League of Legends’ history of frequent updates, it’s likely that the game will carry on prospering, notwithstanding the ongoing debate about toxicity within its player base.

League of Legends Patch 14.15 Notes



W: Twilight Shroud

  • Cooldown reduced: 20 seconds flat ⇒ 20/19/18/17/16 seconds

R: Perfect Execution

  • Initial Damage reduced: 80/220/360 (+30% AP) (+50% Bonus AD) ⇒ 110/220/330 (+30% AP) (+50% Bonus AD)
  • Second Cast Minimum Damage increased: 60/130/200 (+30% AP) ⇒ 70/140/210 (+30% AP)
  • Second Cast Maximum Damage increased: 180/390/600 (+90% AP) ⇒ 210/420/630 (+90% AP)
  • Cooldown: 100/80/60 ⇒ 120/90/60

Aurelion Sol

Q: Breath of Light

  • Mana cost per second increased: 30/35/40/45/50 ⇒ 35/40/45/50/55

W: Astral Flight

  • Range reduced: 1500-1900 ⇒ 1500 flat

E: Singularity

  • Mana cost increased: 80 ⇒ 90


Passive: Spirit Abjuration

  • Movement speed reduced: 5% ⇒ 2%
  • Movement speed now scales with 1.5% per 100 AP

Q: Twofold Hex

  • Recast Cooldown: 0.5 seconds ⇒ 0.1 seconds
  • Q2 can no longer miss its original target

W: Across the Veil

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 ⇒ 22/21/20/19/18
  • Invisibility breaking on auto attacks will now happen on launch of auto attack instead of pre-attack

E: The Weirding

  • Dash Speed: 800 speed ⇒ 150+2x movespeed

R: Between Worlds

  • Base damage reduced: 250-500 ⇒ 200-450
  • AP ratio reduced: 65% ⇒ 60%


Base Stats

  • Base mana increased: 350 ⇒ 400
  • Mana growth reduced: 60 ⇒ 40

Q: Noxious Blast

  • Mana cost reduced: 50/60/70/80/90 ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70
  • AP ratio reduced: 75/110/145/180/215 (+90% AP) ⇒ 75/110/145/180/215 (+70% AP)

W: Miasma

  • Mana cost reduced: 70/80/90/100/110 ⇒ 70/75/80/85/90

E: Twin Fang

  • Mana Cost: 50/48/46/44/42 ⇒ 40
  • Poisoned Bonus Damage AP ratio reduced: 20/40/60/80/100 (+60% AP) ⇒ 20/40/60/80/100 (+55% AP)


Q: Mystic Shot

  • AD ratio reduced: 20/45/70/95/120 (+140% AD) (+15% AP) ⇒ 20/45/70/95/120 (+130% AD) (+15% AP)


Base Stats

  • Base health increased: 590 ⇒ 630
  • Base health regen reduced: 8.5 ⇒ 6


Passive: Sunlight

  • Damage decreased: 32-168 ⇒ 32-151

W: Eclipse

  • Damage decreased: 55/90/125/160/195 (+40% AP) ⇒ 55/85/115/145/175 (+40% AP)


E: Flame Breath

  • Base Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% Total AD) (+90% AP) ⇒ 85/125/165/205/245 (+50% Bonus AD) (+80% AP)
  • R-Empowered Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+75-135 based on level) (+ 70% Total AD) (+ 120% AP) ⇒ 85/125/165/205/245 (+ 75-135 based on level) (+ 100% Total AD) (+ 100% AP)
  • R-Empowered Damage-over-Time: 30-60 based on level (+ 5% Total AD) (+ 10% AP) ⇒ 30-60 based on level (+ 15% Bonus AD) (+ 10% AP)
  • Bugfix: Damage over time no longer states that it deals 12% more damage than it really does


Base Stats

  • Health growth increased: 105 ⇒ 110

Q: Shattered Earth/ Upheaval

  • Mana cost reduced: 50 ⇒ 45
  • The first attack after casting the spell should come out more quickly and smoothly without player intervention

E: Ixtal’s Impact

  • Backwards kidnap removed
  • Bug fix to stun more consistently


Base Stats

  • Base armor increased: 27 ⇒ 29

Q: Chain Lash

  • Cooldown reduced: 11/10/9/8/7 ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6
  • Explosion base damage and scaling reduced: 70/125/180/235/290 (+90% AP) ⇒ 60/115/170/225/280 (+80% AP)

W: Kingslayer

  • Heal adjusted: 20/40/60/80/100 (+35% AP) ⇒ 20/60/80/100 (+20% AP) ([NEW]+5% Bonus Health)
  • Damage: 65/100/135/170/205 (+80% AP) ⇒ 65/100/135/170/205 (+70% AP)

E: Abscond/ Abduct

  • AP ratio reduced: 100% ⇒ 80%


Q: Noxian Diplomacy

  • Short-range casts now dash to within 150 units of his target


Base Stats

  • Base AD increased: 57 ⇒ 59

Passive: Living Vengeance

  • Minion Kill Attack Speed: 10% ⇒ 10/15/20% (at level 1/7/13)
  • Champion Takedown: 40% Attack Speed and 15% Attack Speed as Attack Damage ⇒ 50% Attack Speed and 25% Attack Speed as Attack Damage and Ability Power
  • Champion takedown attack speed cap increased: 2.76 ⇒ 3.0

W: Blighted Quiver

  • On-hit damage decreased: 7/14/21/28/35 ⇒ 5/10/15/20/25


Base Stats

  • Armor: 30 ⇒ 32

E: Sweeping Blade

  • Base damage increased: 60-100 ⇒ 70-130
  • Bonus damage per stack increased: 15-25% (1-18) ⇒ 25% flat


Q: Mortal Steel

  • Base damage increased: 20/40/60/80/100 (+105% Total AD) ⇒ 20/45/70/95/120 (+105% Total AD)

R: Fate Sealed

  • Cooldown increased: 120/90/60 ⇒ 120/100/80


Q: Razor Shuriken

  • Damage adjusted: 80/115/150/185/220 (+110% Bonus AD) ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240 (+100% Bonus AD)

R: Death Mark

  • Cooldown increased: 120/100/80 ⇒ 120/110/100


Abyssal Mask

  • Total Price: 2300 ⇒ 2500
  • Unmake Magic Resist Shred: 20% ⇒ 30%
  • Unmake Aura Radius: 600 ⇒ 700

Cosmic Drive

  • Health: 250 ⇒ 350
  • Spelldance Move Speed: 25-60 (level 1-18) ⇒ 40-60 (level 8-18)

Hextech Rocketbelt

  • Health: 300 ⇒ 400


  • Stormraider Bonus MS: 25% for 2 seconds ⇒ 35% for 2 seconds
  • Squall Ranged Modifier: 75% ⇒ 90%

Void Staff

  • Ability Power: 90 ⇒ 95

Death’s Dance

  • Armor: 40 ⇒ 50

Kraken Slayer

  • Move Speed: 7% ⇒ 5%
  • Bring it Down: 140-310 ⇒ 80% effectiveness for ranged champions (112-248)

Statikk Shiv

  • Move Speed: 7% ⇒ 5%
  • Total Gold Cost: 2800 ⇒ 2900

Lord Dominik’s Regards

  • Armor Penetration: 40% ⇒ 35%

Mortal Reminder

  • Attack Damage: 40 ⇒ 35

Mercury’s Treads

  • Total Price: 1100 ⇒ 1200
  • Magic Resist: 25 ⇒ 20

Null Magic Mantle

  • Cost: 450 ⇒ 400
  • Magic Resist: 25 ⇒ 20
  • Resulting items have total price and final MR values unchanged

Plated Steelcaps

  • Total Price: 1000 ⇒ 1200
  • Basic attack damage reduction: 8% ⇒ 10%

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

  • Total Price: 900 ⇒ 1000
  • Summoner Haste: 12 ⇒ 10

Sorcerer’s Shoes

  • Magic Penetration: 18 ⇒ 15

Berserker’s Greaves

  • Attack Speed: 35% ⇒ 30%

Boots of Swiftness

  • Total Price: 900 ⇒ 1000

Wit’s End

  • Magic damage on-hit: 15-80 ⇒ 40-80


Dark Harvest

  • Cooldown: 40 ⇒ 35
  • On-takedown reset timer: 1.5s ⇒ 1s

Fleet Footwork

  • Heal: 8-110 (linear) (+10% Bonus AD) (+5% AP) ⇒ 5-120 (following stat progression multiplier) (+10% Bonus AD) (+5% AP)

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2024-07-31 10:24