League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners

As a seasoned League of Legends player with over 500 games under my belt, I’ve had the pleasure of experimenting with various champions in the bot lane. And let me tell you, Draven is an absolute beast! I remember the first time I played him; it was a rollercoaster ride of adrenaline and excitement. The way he gains Adoration stacks just by taking down minions or towers – it’s such a satisfying feeling!

The community surrounding League of Legends has been debating for a long time about the influence and effectiveness of the bot lane, with some believing that this role lacks autonomy in its current form. Nevertheless, players have grown accustomed to a bot lane meta characterized by overpowering builds like the infamous lethality Caitlyn and dominating AP Kai’sa. As a result, the bot lane currently ranks among the most productive carry positions, outperforming even the mid-lane.

In the current meta of League of Legends Patch 13.21, Trinity Force is a top choice for building bot lane champions, pushing those who can use it to the forefront. Moreover, builds centered around Youmuu’s Ghostblade and lethality are proving to be effective as well. However, crit-building champions, while still viable, struggle to keep up with the dominance of Trinity Force. This article explores bot lane champions in League of Legends Patch 13.21.

10 Seraphine – The Starry-eyed Songstress

Pink-haired Popstar Based On A Real Person (Without Their Consent)

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners

  • Considered a “Low” difficulty champion
  • Her passive allows every third basic spell cast to activate twice and grants bonus range and magic damage on basic attacks after using spells near allies.

As a seasoned League of Legends player with countless hours spent mastering the art of bot lane strategies, I can confidently say that this burst AP mage is a hidden gem. With a relatively low skill ceiling, she provides an astonishing amount of value in the bot lane.

Seraphine faces challenges from well-liked and highly-regarded champions in the bot lane, such as Brand, Jhin, Kai’Sa, Nilah, and Ashe. Any champion boasting damage over time or a means to close gaps swiftly can more effectively chip away at Seraphine’s health before securing the kill.

9 Brand – The Burning Vengeance

Total Lane Bully And Consistent Damage Dealer

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “Medium” difficulty champion
  • Exploit his passive Blaze that deals damage over 4 seconds for up to 3 stacks. It also restores mana if Brand takes down a unit with Blaze afflicting them and detonates after 2 seconds at max stacks for an AoE explosion.

In simple terms, Brand contributes to a 53% victory rate in the bot lane with Liandry’s Torment and Blackfire Torch as initial purchases. He deviates from the typical support champion role, but this isn’t why players select him for bot lane. Instead, Brand can immobilize opponents using his E or W abilities, followed by his Q. His passive and burn damage from items counteract any healing efforts made by the enemy support.

Brand faces similar challenges as Seraphine when going up against champions who can quickly bridge gaps or deal significant damage from a distance. This includes champions such as Ashe, Kai’Sa, Xayah, and Aphelios, among others. To effectively counter enemy team compositions, it’s essential to maintain flexible build options and always keep a safe distance from potential threats when using Brand.

8 Kog’maw – The Mouth Of The Abyss

Terrific Back-line Damage Dealer

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “Medium” difficulty champion
  • His passive has become less useful over the years, but his kit is so strong that it’s just a cherry on top.

In older times, a reliable and victorious approach was focusing on shielding Kog’maw, the champion inflicting immense damage. However, this tactic isn’t effective in solo queue matches. Despite having a 53% victory rate, Kog’maw is worth considering due to his potential growth in late game performance as an AP character. Nonetheless, building him with Attack Damage (AD) is suggested for optimizing bot lane advantages.

As a gamer, I find myself relying heavily on Kog’maw’s extended range to take down my enemies from a safe distance. Landing those crucial skill shots is key to my success with him. However, I need to be wary of champions like Ezreal and Zeri who can match my long-range capabilities, not to mention the threat posed by nukers such as Jinx, Xayah, and even Ziggs. While he may disguise himself as a support champion, Ziggs’ ability to deal significant damage from afar is just as dangerous as any other long-range champion in bot lane.

7 Nilah – The Joy Unbound

Snowball Like Crazy And Maximize Aid From Supports

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “High” difficulty champion
  • Her passive nets her bonus experience from minion last hits and the ability to share shields and healing from allies

As a gamer, I’ve found that playing Nilah in League of Legends offers a unique experience that goes beyond her technical classification as a Fighter/Assassin. While bot lane might seem like an easy target for opponents, with Nilah on my team, things can quickly turn around. The key factor behind our ability to snowball lies in Nilah’s passive skill, Jubilant Veil. This nifty mechanic grants me some of the shielding and healing effects that my allies receive, giving us an edge in both offense and defense. It’s a game-changer that adds depth and excitement to my gaming experience with Nilah.

Instead of “pairing her with the tank support beast Taric is an exceptionally strong combination for Nilah,” you could say “having Taric as her support makes Nilah a powerful duo.”

6 Twitch – The Plague Rat

He’s Been Here The Whole Time

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “Medium” difficulty champion
  • Twitch’s passive infects a target and deals true damage every second

Twitch, the agile assassin from League of Legends, is making a comeback in the competitive scene. He now carries The Plague Rat’s Blade of the Ruined King as his initial purchase, followed by Runaan’s Hurricane. When activated with Twitch’s ultimate ability, “Spray and Pray,” these items cause significant damage to opponents during team fights. To achieve optimal results, players should use Twitch’s Q skill, “Ambush,” to sneak up on the enemy squad before unleashing a barrage of poisonous attacks.

As a huge fan of Twitch, I’d say that while he may not be the most versatile champion out there, he truly shines against immobile team compositions. With his W ability, Venom Cask, slowing down enemies, and his ultimate dealing massive damage, Twitch is an excellent choice for taking on teams with limited mobility. Be cautious when facing duelist AD carries like Kalista, Lucian, and Vayne, or long-range damage dealers such as Brand, Jinx, and Ziggs.

5 Jhin – The Virtuoso

Lethality Meets Raw Damage

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “Medium” difficulty champion
  • Jhin’s weapon Whisper fires a magically imbued fourth bullet to bonus execute damage and critical strikes, providing a move speed burst, as well.

Jhin is one of the best long-range AD carry champions in the game and is regularly picked by the best competitive players. While his early damage output isn’t as powerful as most bot laners, his late-game scaling makes him an unignorable threat on the Rift. Many players opt for a more generic build leveraging Infinity Edge, The Collector, and attack speed mixed with armor penetration. However, in a Lethality build, players can use the Youmuu’s Ghostblade active, Wraith Step, alongside his passive for insane movement speed in fights to easily kite opponents.

Many Jhin players choose to equip themselves with Youmuu’s Ghostblade for added mobility. In conjunction, they often select Boots of Swiftness for even greater agility. Moreover, The Collector is another common pick to enhance Jhin’s ability to dispatch enemies more efficiently with his fourth shot. Teamwork with your lane partner is crucial for Jhin to progress in the game effectively and deal with potential threats from champions like Sivir, Draven, Zeri, and Seraphine.

4 Jinx – The Loose Cannon

Not For Players Lacking Confidence

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “Medium” difficulty champion
  • Her passive greatly increases her attack and move speed after she gets a kill or assist on structures, champions, or epic jungle monsters.

Jinx, the unpredictable champion, continues to be a strong choice despite the adjustments made against her. Her remarkable scaling and noteworthy passive ability, “Get Excited,” make her an effective pick in team fights. Although she needs some initial assistance, Jinx is one of the go-to champions in the bot lane with critical damage as her specialty. Her primary build includes Kraken Slayer and Phantom Dancer, followed by Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Immortal Shieldbow, or Lord Dominik’s Regards.

Despite her unpredictable nature, The Loose Cannon has the potential to take control of the game with minimal assistance from her team. Her effectiveness is amplified when supported by champions like Nautilus, Braum, or Leona, who can provide crowd control and engage. In solo queue matches, players must exercise caution as Jinx, placing wards and avoiding isolation. Be wary of champions such as Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Kai’Sa, and Jhin, who can exploit Jinx’s vulnerability to close-range confrontations.

3 Ashe – The Frost Archer

Queen Of The Freljord…Kind Of

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “Medium” difficulty champion
  • Her passive Frost Shot slows targets and causes them to take more damage from Ashe

In Season 5, Ashe‘s kit underwent significant transformations, converting her from a weak archer into a formidable ice monarch. These adjustments have since established Ashe as a consistent pick across various game metas. Her passive now offers substantial benefits in both the laning phase and team fights, making her a common choice among competitive and high-ranked players.

She maintains control over the bot lane, firing a barrage of icy arrows due to her go-to setup consisting of Kraken’s Slayer followed by Phantom Dancer. However, Ashe faces an ongoing challenge with her limited mobility. Unlike other champions in this list, she doesn’t possess any built-in gap closers or movement speed boosts. Consequently, although players can use her passive and W ability, Volley, for kiting, they may encounter difficulties when dealing with a synchronized enemy team. Be cautious of opponents such as Smolder, Jhin, Draven, and Ezreal.

2 Draven – The Glorious Executioner

It’s The League Of Draven For A Reason

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “High” difficulty champion
  • Draven gains Adoration when he catches a Spinning Axe after taking down a monster, minion, or tower. He also gets bonus gold based on his Adoration stacks on champion takedowns.

Among the top-tier solo queue champions for AD carries in League of Legends, Draven holds the second position. Known for his exceptional damage output and tenacity in lane, Draven poses a greater threat than Jhin and can even gain an early advantage without the aid of a support. His preference lies in the solo lane experience, making him a formidable adversary when faced against a duo lane setup.

When going up against champions like Vayne or Twitch, Draven players will find themselves in need of their support’s assistance. A support with healing and shielding abilities such as Sona or Janna is ideal for maintaining Draven’s health. Alternatively, a damage-dealing support like Pyke can help secure early kills. Morgana’s crowd control capabilities are also advantageous for a Draven player. To begin building, prioritize Bloodthirster and Infinity Edge items.

1 Kai’Sa – Daughter Of The Void

Why Farm Minions When Players Can Farm Champs Instead?

League of Legends: The Best Bot Laners
  • Considered a “Medium” difficulty champion
  • Her passive stacks Plasma on enemies with basic attacks to deal more magic damage, which benefits from immobilizing effects from allies

As a huge fan of the enigmatic Void Orphan, or as some may know her, Kassadin’s daughter, I can’t help but be in awe of her formidable kit. Her abilities offer an intoxicating blend of power and versatility, complete with astounding range, attack speed enhancements, move speed buffs, and a colossal gap-closing ultimate, Killer Instinct.

Having played League of Legends for several years now, I can confidently say that Kai’Sa is not always threatened by the champions you might expect. While champions like Teemo or Ashe are often mentioned as her biggest counters, I’ve found myself in numerous games where Samira, Sivir, and Nilah gave me a run for my money.

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2024-07-24 18:55